Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 465: Dad, my son is sharing your worries!

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After a short exchange.

The father and son reached an agreement.

Eunuch Haishou served as the guarding eunuch.

Hu Yuancheng continued to serve as director of the Royal Manufacturing Bureau.

The Royal Manufacturing Bureau moved and all moved to the new capital, Peiping.

To put it bluntly, Zhu Di was still not at ease with this traitor, so he arranged for a Haishou eunuch to monitor him secretly.

After all, the Royal Manufacturing Bureau now represents the highest level of firearms production in the Ming Dynasty. The various advanced firearms and artillery produced by the Bureau were witnessed by Zhu Di with his own eyes during the Battle of Lingbei.

The emperor of tomorrow would not be at ease if such advanced firearms with terrifying lethality were placed in the hands of anyone.

Even though this person is his favorite son, King Zhu Gaoxu of Han.

Zhu Gaoxu also understood this, so he didn't care too much.

Eunuch Haishou was nothing more than a dead eunuch who had been trained well by Hu Yuancheng.

So what if he was spying secretly?

After all, I don’t really want to rebel!

Dad, there's one more thing. The construction of your new capital in Peking started in the fourth year of Yongle reign, and it's been seven or eight years since then. The Peking Palace and city walls haven't been completed yet!

Now that the Beiping Imperial Palace and city walls have been repaired, you will have to build the Forbidden City in Beiping later. How long will it take to get there? What if you, the old man, take the first step...

Zhu Di: ???


Take the first step?

You bastard, can't you expect me to order something better?

Zhu Di was so angry at his words that his chest hurt, and he roared viciously: What on earth do you want to say, you traitor? If you fart, hurry up!

He really didn't dare to talk nonsense with this traitor. Zhu Di was afraid that he would be sent away by this traitor!

Zhu Gaoxu laughed twice when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: My son, I heard that things are not peaceful in Beiping these days, so I want to help you share your worries!

Huh? Zhu Di was a little surprised, You want to go to Peking?

My father is wise, powerful, and unparalleled in arrogance. He truly deserves to be the emperor of the ages. My son's admiration for you is like a torrent of rivers, endless...

Hearing the free flattery of his second son, Zhu Di became even more suspicious.

What on earth does this bastard want to do?

Why did he suddenly become so concerned about Peking affairs?

Although his intention to move the capital was known to both the government and the public, after all, the capital had not been moved yet. Yingtian was now the imperial capital.

If this rebellious son wanted to seize the throne, why would he go to Peking instead of staying in the imperial capital to plan?

Oh, you said you were indispensable in the New Deal. Why have you changed your mind now? Are you here to bully the emperor?

Zhu Di sneered and stared at Zhu Gaoxu sharply.

Zhu Gaoxu didn't panic at all, and calmly said what he had prepared.

First, although the war in the north is now settled, Lingbei has just been recovered. If the imperial court wants to completely control Lingbei, it will have to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, and Beiping will be the transfer station between Yingtian and Lingbei. Someone must Sit in charge and dispatch.”

My son thinks that his prestige is good. He can suppress those arrogant and powerful generals, and he can also suppress some restless gentry in the court!

This reason is barely acceptable.

Zhu Di nodded subconsciously and did not raise any objection.

It is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to dominate the world.

After the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, in order to supply the needs of the garrisoned troops, or due to military control, farming was carried out throughout Lingbei, and troops were constantly dispatched to work hard in Lingbei, focusing on the development of farming in Lingbei. This barely solved the problem of Lingbei. Food and salary for the Northern Garrison Army.

Of course, the income from farming is mainly for the garrison in Lingbei. In good harvest years, part of it can also be reserved to provide relief to the Mongolian herdsmen.

However, every time there was a famine and the income from farming was insufficient, the imperial court would reimburse grain and grass to be transported to Lingbei, and distribute agricultural tools, seeds, and cattle to the people of Lingbei to support themselves.

Measures taken by the Yuan Dynasty to develop and construct Lingbei are worthy of learning from the Ming Dynasty.

Otherwise, Lingbei will only become a drag and burden for the Ming Dynasty. Not only will it not bring any benefits to the court, but the court will also invest a huge amount of manpower and material resources in its control every year, and the gains outweigh the losses.

There is no doubt about the talent of Han King Zhu Gaoxu, which even Zhu Di is ashamed of.

Therefore, the reason why the second son requested to go to Peking to take charge of the construction of Lingbei is tenable.

Secondly, in order to enrich Beiping, the imperial court forcibly moved in refugees from all over the country, wealthy households from the south of the Yangtze River, businessmen from Shanxi, etc., resulting in a mixture of fish and dragons in Beiping. There were countless foxes and rats in the city. The entire Beiping was in a smoky atmosphere, and the people of Beiping were miserable.

Dad, you don't want the new capital to look like this when you move the capital there, right?

Hearing this, Zhu Di became even more puzzled.

This second-in-command wants to go to Peking. What exactly does he want to do?

Tell me what other reasons you have.

Third, and most importantly, the construction progress in Beiping is too slow. My son assures you that within three to five years, the new capital of Beiping will be completed, and this new capital of the Ming Dynasty will be the most prosperous in the world. A prosperous and dazzling capital city!”

Zhu Gaoxu spoke with a smile, his eyes twinkling.

Zhu Di felt his heart beat loudly when he heard this, but he still asked a stiff question.

How do you prove that the new capital of Beiping can be built in three to five years?

In fact, Zhu Di didn't really believe it from the bottom of his heart. After all, as the second son said just now, it took seven or eight years to repair the Peking Palace and the city walls and they still haven't been repaired!

After the palace and city walls have been repaired, the Forbidden City still needs to be built, which will take at least five or six years!

In order to build a new capital in this damn place, it will take at least fourteen or five years!

Moreover, the key point is that every year, the court has to invest a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources, just like throwing money into a bottomless pit!

If the time to build the new capital can be greatly shortened, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net then the money and food saved by the court can naturally be used to develop people's livelihood, and the people will not complain and be dissatisfied because of the heavy hard labor. It will undoubtedly be a multi-purpose achievement. Good thing!

Therefore, Zhu Di had to be moved and looked at his second son with burning eyes.

Could this rebellious son really bring him a surprise?

Zhu Gaoxu didn't waste any time. He took something out of his arms and handed it to Zhu Di mysteriously.

Zhu Di was a little confused when he saw this, and carefully opened the brocade handkerchief wrapped on it. His eyes instantly opened like glass, and his voice trembled: This... this is...

Zhu Gaoxu nodded, confirming Zhu Di's guess.

This is the core glass of the telescope. The production process has been maturely mastered by our Han Dynasty Palace. You can get as much as you want.

Dad, do you want to use this to build you a Forbidden City?

Zhu Di: !!!


Completely numb!

This rebellious son is really born to be rebellious!

But use this crystal clear glass to build a Forbidden City?

What a splendid and splendid Ming Dynasty capital that would be?

And the Japanese slaves will be sent to Peking immediately. My son is afraid that someone will interfere with it and affect your great achievements in civil and martial arts, so it is best for you to leave this project to your son.

Zhu Gaoxu noticed Zhu Di who was about to make a move, snatched the glass back, and said with a smile.

Zhu Di reluctantly took back his hand. After pondering for a moment, he still couldn't refuse this huge temptation.

That's all, you can go if you want to, but dad hopes you...

Before he finished speaking, Zhu Gaoxu snatched the holy gold medal from the royal table, turned around and ran away.

I took the sign away, you can just wait and see if you can move the capital!


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