Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 990: Tianheng Entertainment collapses

  The speculation of online viewers is not groundless. Everyone thinks that this is just because the story is based on the Lu brothers and sisters.

  Qiao Nan wanted to tell himself that too, but I don’t know why. He always felt something was wrong. He seriously thought that he was Qiao Yue several times, and that feeling he had never felt in other cast roles before.

  Can't figure it out, is it a coincidence?

  Summer season, with the release of the movie, the topic is hot, the number of visitors to the "City of Despair" diamond ring on the top floor of Chuangshi Jewelry Mall has increased sharply, driving the business of Chuangshi Jewelry Mall, and many people are planning this diamond ring.

  No one noticed before, but after the movie was released, everyone noticed a problem.

  Jasper. There is only one diamond ring designed by Allenby, not a pair.

  When I discovered this problem, I also understood why it is a single one, and not like the "Eternal Heart" is obviously a pair.

   "Is the story of Cheng Yue and Su Lan true?"

  "Su Lan was wearing this ring when shooting a movie, and the viewfinder was also on this layer."

  The familiar furnishings and the brilliant light of the diamond ring are all so familiar. It seems that the story has really existed.

  However, no one present knew the answers to all these questions, and the “City of Despair” that appeared in the story remained silent in the showcase reflecting the dazzling brilliance.

The good results of The City of Despair completely slapped the film critics who once exported dirty, especially Liu Hua, the critic who took the lead in spraying the bad films supported by fans. The comment column is about to be excited by the audience. His saliva was submerged, and it was a long time since he hadn't seen his presence.

  During this period, the entertainment circle also has climax, and the headlines are constantly refreshed.

  First of all, Tianheng Entertainment encountered a financial crisis. Related departments received reports of tax evasion by Tianheng Entertainment. Many people were approached to the bureau to drink tea and chat.

  Just when everyone was still guessing whether it was Tianheng’s old adversary Shenghao Media secretly gave a kick, another shocking news broke out.

  Tianheng Entertainment’s deputy director Qi Ming, and Qiao Shiming’s veteran staff led a group of Tianheng talents to move to Yiteng Entertainment, and Tianheng Entertainment’s situation worsened.

  Qiao Shiming was so angry that he was admitted to the hospital. If there was a scene of Qiao Nan's support during the period, Tianheng Entertainment would not escape bankruptcy.

  Qiaonan’s excellent performance in the City of Despair won the support of a large number of fans and established his position in the show business circle. Therefore, when this happened, everyone suspected that Shenghao’s spearhead turned to Yiteng Entertainment.

  If it weren’t for Shenghao Media to invite Qiao Nan to participate in the "City of Despair" crew, I am afraid that the bad luck of Tianheng Entertainment will also be transmitted to Qiao Nan.

  Li Jia noticed the news when she was raising a baby at home. She didn't know how Tianheng Entertainment's past life ended. Yiteng Entertainment was established after her death. She didn't even know, but she knew at least one thing.

  Tang Mier is now signing with Yiteng Entertainment, and from time to time she has some scandals to brush her presence.

  The heroine of a popular youth idol drama is Tang Mi'er. Bo Xuanrui recently received an invitation to act as the actor in a TV series. It is said that the heroine is also Tang Mi'er.

  Li Jia stared at the entertainment section of the newspaper, and the most conspicuous section actually read, “Arrogant Mistress beats the original partner, Tang Mi'er angers Yu Qing to analyze the truth!”

Then, the following is a long talk: Exposing the history of Chuangshi Yute’s help to step on a few boats, Yu Wan, the niece of the president of Xinfeng Electronics Co., Ltd. under the small three-line Chuangshi, successfully squeezed away Yu Qingyuan’s girlfriend Tang Mier, arrogantly and maliciously wanted to destroy Tang Mi'er's face...

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