Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 989: Jonan's shock

   Turned two pages casually, looking overjoyed, picking up the printed stack of paper, and not looking at Lu Shaoqing’s crossed face, just looking for a reason and ran away with joy.

  Lu Yichen saw this and opened his mouth to say something, Li Jia took his hand. "Shenghao Media is a member of Chuangshi. I also want to help you. I am waiting for you to raise it at home, and I feel like I'm useless."

  Lu Yichen stroked her pale face with his palm, bowed his head and kissed her on the corner of her lips. "Isn't it right and right for my brother to raise Jiajia?"

  Li Jia raised his eyebrows, smiled and swept away his handsome face. "Don't be pitiful."

When the two in her belly were born, she should almost go out and do something. She was doing errands in the night owl and had a nine-figure deposit in her bank card. She never worried about food and clothing, but she planned to use the money. To do charity and rebirth, she believes in the cycle of cause and effect.

  In the future, she may be able to do what she is good at again, otherwise, staying at home for a long time like this will easily be out of touch with the society, and will also weaken her physical fitness.

  Lu Yichen sighed slightly when she saw that she did not intend to change her mind. "Then come to the Creation Building, how about being my brother's long-term bodyguard? I will protect Jiajia."

  Li Jia glanced at him:...

  Don't even think about it!

  If she really dangles in front of him for a long time, she really wants to have a bun of a football team, she will definitely not do a career with such a high risk factor! Just give her a salary of 100 million a month and don't do it.

   "It can be considered, but there is a requirement." Li Jia smiled sinisterly.

"any request?"

  "If you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace." Li Jiadao. "Do you want to practice Sunflower Collection?"

  Lu Yichen:...

  Qiao Nan sits in the home theater specially prepared for him by Tianheng Entertainment, and replays "City of Despair" over and over again. The black pupils reflect the fading light and shadow.

  The words Jiaer had said when he invited him to participate in this film kept ringing in his ears.

  She said that he is the most suitable person.

  She said that he is Qiao Yue.

  He once thought that she was talking about his acting skills. However, when the script was restored step by step, he couldn't believe that the scenes were fictitious.

  Su Lan is a genius actor, he can feel that Bo Xuanrui sometimes even gives him an illusion that he is Lu Yichen.

  Su Lan was unable to act out the complex emotions of pregnancy at first, but when the shooting progressed to the later stage, she could gradually grasp the wonderful feeling.

  He can understand Su Lan’s feelings, because he also has the same situation, even stronger than Su Lan.

  Bo Xuanrui and Su Lan were involved in the scene of a car accident in a rainstorm. He was also watching the crew. The members of the crew were shocked when they saw Bo Xuanrui’s amazing performance at that moment.

  The kind of despair and sorrow that seems like a lover dying in front of him is unforgettable. At that moment, all the background is ignored, as if he can only be seen.

  At that moment, he was also shocked.

   is not like a story, like the life of a few people.

At the end of the filming, all his performances became real, Bo Xuanrui really became Cheng Yue, and he seemed to be possessed by Qiao Yue. He naturally knew how to do it, and he even felt that if the story develops , Really Jia'er died like that, he couldn't even think about what would happen to him... Will he become Qiao Yue?

  He didn’t dare to think more...

  Looking at the subtitles rolling at the end of the film, and under the author of the original script, the two names of Li Jia and Lu Yichen appearing in the adaptation of the script, Qiao Nan could not calm down.

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