Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 970: Lu Yichen's Perseverance

  To provide them with top-level venues is only a matter of Lu Shao's word, and no one else has such benefits.

  The crew continued to be busy filming, and the secret shooting incident was not beyond Li Jia’s expectation, and was hung up in just half an hour.

  "The crew of "City of Despair" is chaotic, and there are unspoken | rules. Except for the two movie kings, everyone else is unknown newcomers, who are in the high ranks by all means..." Li Jia took the phone and browsed the latest news. "The heroine Su Lan blatantly seduced Bo Xuanrui in the crew, hugged and shameless..."

  She pressed her temple. "Sure enough, it's for the entire crew."

   not only bombarded Sulan, but also listed all the inferiorities and chaos of "City of Despair", from the script's vulgar attacks to the actors' acting skills.

Fans of   Qiao Nan and Bo Xuanrui jumped out to curse, and the media began to say that this movie is entirely dependent on fans to support the scene, and there is no plot at all.

  "What's the matter with this critic named Liu Hua? Before the movie was released, he satirized "City of Despair" as a bad film supported by a stubborn fan and insulted the film industry... this fat old man! It is slanderous!"

  Li Jia pointed to a review by a critic and was so angry that she wanted to throw her phone away.

  Lu Yichen touched Jiajia's round belly, softly comforting. "Don't be angry, don't be angry, just use this to gain attention, don't get angry, it's hot, it hurts your body badly."

  Li Jia's eyebrows are vertical. "Drive the car faster! Go to Shenghao and solve this problem as soon as possible. In a short while, the "City of Despair" will be on the topic list!"

  This kind of topic is definitely not a propaganda person entering the theater!

  Lu Yichen held Jiajia's stomach, feeling the baby move, he raised his eyebrows and stroked Jiajia's abdomen, the little guy's slight movements made Lu Yichen smile. "Quickly persuade you mommy, this is going to heaven."

  Li Jia stared at him and touched his abdomen. She could feel every movement of the baby.

  She took a deep breath, calmed her anger, couldn't get angry, she couldn't control her mood after pregnancy, why did she become so nervous?

  Lu Yichen kissed her on the forehead, and told the driver not to drive too fast, and the priority was stability and safety.

   "In about a month, the movie will be finalized." Li Jia looked at Lu Yichen's straight face. He lowered his head against her abdomen and listened to the child's subtle voice. Li Jia's mood gradually calmed down. "We also have to start formal propaganda."

   "Don't worry." Lu Yichen's eyes are dull and unclear. He has a hunch that the box office effect will be very good.

  A few Xiaoxiao jumped in it, and it won’t last long.

   "In fact, there is no need to explain this matter. There are very simple and common ways to solve it." Lu Yichen suddenly said, he took Li Jia into his arms and whispered: "Su Lan can not seduce."

  Li Jia was startled. "You're thinking……"

   Thinking of a common hype, she immediately sat up straight and frowned. "This behavior is not good for both of them."

"Jiajia, Bo Xuanrui, and Su Lan are all Shenghao artists. Shenghao is responsible for packaging them and pushing them to a higher position. Their identities are destined to sometimes require some obligations. No one can be responsible for anything. Get everything for the price."

  Lu Yichen's voice is soft, his lips lightly caress Jiajia's side face, but the meaning of the sentence reveals not a trace of popularity.

   "What's more, I can see that Su Lan likes Bo Xuanrui, right?" His lips brushed Jiajia's earlobes, his breath was hot, and his wet tongue licked Jiajia's earballs. "Cheng Yue should also like Su Lan, isn't he like that in the play? Why is he not willing in reality?"

  His low enchanting voice is confusing, and his eyes flash with a dark light.

  Why can’t the count be counted?

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