Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 969: Unspoken rules

  She continued: "In the play, everyone knows that Cheng Yue took Su Lan to the jewelry store. Su Lan ordered this ring. I heard that the PhD supervisor has not yet filmed this plot?"

  Borg nodded with a smile. "I have read the script and went to the top floor of Chuangshi Jewelry Mall to visit this ring."

  Li Jia secretly said to the old fox. At this time, he was obviously trying to find her mouth, and wanted to borrow the authentic ring.

  Lu Yichen is also a human being and raises his eyebrows when he hears it. However, if Jiajia is unwilling, he will naturally not agree. The owner of this ring is Jiajia, and it is the only jewelry he gave to Jiajia.

  He also gave a lot of them before, but it is a pity that Jiajia hasn't worn it once, and buying it means not buying it.

   "Old Bo, you're very smart in abacus." Zuo Bin finished eating a piece of popsicle, and asked his agent to take another one for him. He tore open the bag and stared at Li Jia with a smile. "But I'm quite curious. I wonder if Madam Lu Shao is willing to cut her love?"

  Li Jia raised his eyebrows. "If I don't agree, it won't work?"

  This is tantamount to agreeing. The eyes of the people in the crew are bright, and immediately all the unfriendly eyes are staring at Su Lan.

  Good things are taken up by her.

It is said that this is a sky-high price ring that is almost equivalent to "Eternal Heart". It may not be worth that much, but it has too many stories. When this movie is released, it will be added to it. It is legendary, and the designer of this ring also has a poignant story.

  Many people believe that everything with a story has a certain spirituality.

   "Madam Young, did you agree? Then our crew will start filming the relevant plot of the "City of Despair" next week." Borg did not give Li Jia a chance to go back, and immediately finalized it.

  Li Jia wants to roll her eyes, is she the one who turned her back?

   "There is a plot that takes place in the jewelry mall, so I will shoot at the top floor of the Chuangshi Jewelry Mall. I will notify the person in charge of the mall in advance." Lu Yichen said lightly.

His words made many people amazed. Although the top floor of the Creation Jewelry Mall does not prohibit guests from going upstairs, in fact, they must show the yellow card of the mall to go up. This is a well-known unspoken|rule. It may be normal for the upper class, but for people of their class, the minimum consumption amount for a gold card is eight digits.

   Although it’s not impossible to go bankrupt to buy jewelry, but who can do it?

  The number of people who can really go to the top is very small, but Bo Xuanrui was able to go up because of Meng Yanting's mother and daughter.

For him, things like shopping with them for entertainment did not feel too low. Before he became the actor, he went northward with his girlfriend, from nothing to buying a house of more than 70 square meters in the capital, and then gradually. He has a small reputation, has come to a big hit today, has seen countless social darkness, and he has not been allowed to accompany guests.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Lu Yichen again. To someone like Lu Shao who stands at the top of the pyramid, a casual sentence is something that others may not reach for a lifetime of struggle.

   can be shot on the top floor of Chuangshi Jewelry Mall. When it is released in the future, this layer will no longer be mysterious, and it will also give the audience the most intuitive impact. The effect is immeasurable.

  Advertising is well-received, and it really requires hard power.

  This is so decided.

  The internal division and dissatisfaction caused by the secret shooting of Yuji was turned over in this way. Although many people still have opinions on Su Lan, the pride of being an artist of Shenghao Media spontaneously arises.

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