Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 964: His love, desperate and crazy

  She had read the script and knew that the next episode took place in the Cheng’s villa. Cheng Yue secretly took all the half-strollers that Sulan had thrown in the supermarket and did not take away, and took them home and put them in his room.

  The director did not express this plot directly, but when Cheng Yue arranged the objects, he deliberately gave him a close-up of the objects he collected, echoing the close-up at the end of the previous shot, achieving the purpose of expressing the inner activities of the characters cryptically.

  What the director wants to express is Cheng Yue’s complicated inner activities.

   "As an actor, you already know their ending..." Li Jia looked at Lu Yichen. He was distracted and went to the counter with the bodyguard to check out. According to the current distance, she could not hear her speech. "Who do you think caused this ending?"

  Su Lan was startled. "...It's Cheng Yue."

  If it was before, she would definitely be categorical, but now when she said this, she was in a complicated mood and couldn't help but speak for Cheng Yue: "He really loves his sister, I can feel it."

  His love, desperate and crazy, trembling horror, and sympathetic, she can't describe her inner feelings in detail.

   "He is a hypocrite who dare not face the reality. He dare not say that he loves Sulan." Li Jia's words saw blood. "Su Lan, this is a movie, the plot is like this, and your performance is very lifelike, but in reality, you are not Su Lan, you are Cheng Yue."

  Like Cheng Yue, I dare not say it.

  Many people in the world are like this. Some are for the sake of face and some are unable to face negative public opinion because of their personality. In short, for various reasons, the person who might be the most suitable person passes you by.

  It’s just that Cheng Yue’s situation is more serious, leading to irreversible results.

  Su Lan in reality did not dare to speak out, and had the same problem as Cheng Yue.

  Su Lan did not expect that Li Jia would say this, she was stunned, and she opened her mouth to refute, but could not say it, her face flushed.

  Li Jia smiled and said: "You said, you like Sulan in the play the most, why do you like her?"

   "She..." Su Lan hesitated to say something. In the play, Su Lan has a clear love and hate, and never wronged herself. The only place where she failed miserably was her brother.

  "She dared to speak out, and dared to fight for it, but Cheng Yue didn't dare to speak out, nor did she dare to bear the consequences." Li Jia looked at Su Lan. "do you understand?"

  Su Lan looked at Li Jia suddenly... Suddenly she didn't know what to do.

  Li Jia smiled. "You are an actor, and you are still acting the person he loves most at the moment. It is very simple, let him feel that you are not talking to Cheng Yue, but to Bo Xuanrui."

  Su Lan's face flushed suddenly, and she blinked.

   "I think you didn't start shooting according to the progress of the plot, but arranged it by scene. At present, the filming of Su Lan's confession to Cheng Yue has not started yet." Li Jia laughed.

  Su Lan understood what Li Jia meant, and she couldn't help thinking of Su Lan and Cheng Yue in the plot.

  She loves Cheng Yue and ran to confess her love. The first time he confessed to someone, he blushed and his neck was thick, for fear that Cheng Yue would refuse, and even thought of countless reasons for his rejection.

  Probably, Su Lan at that time never thought that Cheng Yue would not accept or refuse.

  She said that she likes him.

  Cheng Yue smiled and told her that he loved her too. He told the truth, but added another sentence because she is his sister.

  The first Sulan didn't realize that the last sentence was the curse of her life. She was a little depressed, and because of his ambiguous confusion, she was confused. She should have been happy at the time.

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