Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 963: The kind of love that is depressed makes people feel unbearable

   "The baby looks like five or six months." Su Lan didn't bother with this question, and moved to Jiajia's side, reaching out to touch her round belly.

   "Pop!" Lu Yichen unceremoniously patted her salty pig hands away and guarded his wife. "More than four months."

  Su Lan stared, Lu Shao was indeed a wife-guarding mad demon. Netizens were right. She couldn't touch it.

   "The twins will look bigger." Bo Xuanrui smiled and approached. "Mrs. Lu Shao is pregnant with twins."

  Li Jia nodded, and Su Lan raised her eyebrows and said: "Bao Yingdi is quite clear."

Bo Xuanrui’s smile was faint and did not reach the bottom of his eyes. He had been a prospective father. Originally, he thought about marrying the baby’s mom before the child appeared, but... just like Sulan in the play, the baby and mommy Leaving him together.

  They even thought out the specific details of the wedding, but they had to stop.

Li Jia had learned about Bo Xuanrui’s situation in advance, and it was precisely because he had the same desperate mood as Cheng Yue in the play that he knew that he was the most competent role. Su Lan's unintentional words probably reminded him of unpleasantness. experience.

  Su Lan did not understand, but she keenly noticed the subtle changes in Bo Xuanrui's mood. She recalled what she had said, frowned, and said that he knew what was the special problem with twins?

   didn't wait for her to think about it, Borg had already greeted Bo Xuanrui to take a shot.

  According to the development in the play just now, Su Lan left a sentence to let him not forget to check out the baby diapers, and left the supermarket without even taking the shopping cart. The next is the scene between Xia Ruoxue and Cheng Yue.

"The next set of shots is a villa. In order to cooperate with the shooting, the crew specially rented a high-end villa as the Cheng family villa that often appears in the development of the main plot in the play." Su Lan watched Xia Ruoxue and Cheng Yue play against each other from a distance. A couple beside him explained.

  Li Jia's gaze swept through Su Lan's eyes, and she saw helplessness from the bottom of Su Lan's eyes. She liked Bo Xuanrui very much, but her performance was rather subtle.

  Li Jia was specially trained to look at people's micro-expressions when she was working in Ye Xiao. She could feel it. When Su Lan treated Bo Xuanrui, her body's subtle reactions were different from those of others.

   "Su Lan." Li Jiadao.

   "Huh?" Su Lan turned her head and looked at the stunning green-eyed girl next to her. If she hadn't been pregnant, she didn't really seem to be a mother.

  Su Lan sometimes feels that if Li Jia’s identity is too amazing, the mixed entertainment circle will definitely be popular, even if she is not an artist now, what is the difference between her popularity and a first-line movie star?

People treat the artist at a lower level, but they look at the Lu Shaofu in front of them, but they are different from the artist. She stands at too high a position, so high that she can't give birth to the psychology of comparison and hatred, and can only feel the salvation of the past life. The Milky Way.

  "Do you think Cheng Yue loves Sulan?" Li Jia asked Sulan suddenly.

Su Lan was startled and looked at Bo Xuanrui, who was playing with Xia Ruoxue. At this time, Bo Xuanrui was Cheng Yue. He went shopping with his girlfriend who had just confirmed the relationship, and would buy her anything she likes, even for her. Jewelry.

  Ke Sulan looked at him as an outsider, she could clearly feel that he was too gentleman, the gentleman was very fake, he didn't love Xia Ruoxue who was wronged in front of him, he loved his sister.

  The kind of depressiveness makes people feel unbearable. Every audience can see it, even his girlfriend can feel it, so he deliberately targeted his sister.

   "He loves Su Lan very much." Su Lan said absentmindedly.

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