Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 953: He has a bright moonlight in his heart

  Li Jia covered his eyes, glanced at Su Lan, then leaned to his brother's ear, and whispered: "I will always love you."

  Lu Yichen touched Jiajia's hair, and said seriously: "My brother will always love Jiajia."

  Su Lan felt like she was hit by a knowing blow. "I want to break up with you, suddenly I really want to fall in love."

  Li Jia pointed to Bo Xuanrui. "It's him?"

  Su Lan:...

   "Am I that obvious?"

  Li Jia nodded honestly.

  Su Lan shook her head. "He has a bright moon in his heart."

   "Ming Moonlight is not you." Lu Yichen told the truth.

  Su Lan glanced at him, smiled and looked at Jiajia. "Jiajia, are you going to watch the video? The official event program of Shengshi Online Games came out today."

  Li Jia's eyes lit up. Before Lu Yichen could react, she jumped off his knees and quickly pulled Su Lan up. "Go and see the response."

   "No problem!" Su Lan and Li Jia left happily. After walking a few steps, they turned their heads and glanced at Lu Yichen sadly.

   makes you poisonous! Abduct your beloved wife!

  Bo Xuanrui opened the Shengshi official website and forum, and the top posts and website banners were all eye-catchingly hung with the edited video of the event. Clicking on the link to watch over, Qiao Nan was surprised. "It's only been two hours after it was put up, and the number of hits has been 200 million."

  According to this speed, it has caught up with the most popular film and television drama network hits.

   "Shenghao Media's official website should also have publicity, so that it can exceed 200 million clicks in a short period of time." Li Jia moved the mouse and clicked on the official website of Shenghao Media. As expected, the most eye-catching banner also had related links.

  Several people sat watching the video of the event. Lu Yichen stood unceremoniously between Li Jia and Qiao Nan to prevent the two from getting too close.

  Li Jia didn’t notice his small movements. After watching for a while, she sat in front of the computer beside her and re-entered a section of Shengshi Online Games.

  As a result, she couldn't get up!

   Li Jia did not believe in evil and tried several times. "Did the server crash?"

  She turned her head to ask her brother, Lu Yichen got too close, and when she turned her head, her lips touched his face.

  Lu Yichen looked nonchalant, and the shorter one got closer, resting on the desktop with one hand and moving the mouse with the other hand, opening the Shengshi official website.

  Li Jia is used to being circled by him and staring at the desktop. Sure enough, he saw that the official website and forums of Shengshi Online Games are prompting that the flow of people is too large, and the technicians are working overtime, and they will soon return to normal.

   "This is too exaggerated." Li Jia did not expect to cause "traffic congestion."

"In the three districts of the Prosperity, the highest peak hit hundreds of millions of people, but I have not experienced a district that has reached hundreds of millions of people. Ruan Qu also thought of this before and is strengthening the server, but it will take some time." Lu Yichen's face Leaning closer to Jiajia's cheek, Li Jia could feel the warm airflow when he spoke.

  “This will easily cause too many people in one district and insufficient popularity in the other two districts.”

   "It's okay. At level 80, the three districts will meet in the realm of the gods. The game will be updated in about two days. The official website has already announced."

  He, Jiajia, and Bo Xuanrui, the account level has reached 80, so that there is no overcrowding, and people who want to come to the second and third districts should not abandon their accounts and start again.

  His warm face rubbed Jiajia's face, and couldn't help but whispered: "Jiajia, shall we go home?"

  Lu Yichen just raised the matter, and the three people over there who were watching the video attentively turned their heads and stared at the couple here. The two of them looked at each other because they were unknown, so Li Jia was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

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