And Qiao Yue, Su Lan’s best friend of the opposite **** when his face was at its lowest, Qiao Nan took a deep breath when thinking about this.

  He suspects that Su Lan is the prototype of Jiaer. The time of the movie is limited. The life description of Qiao Yue and Su Lan in middle school is not detailed, but he doesn't know why, he always feels familiar with each other.

  Especially, when Su Lan and Qiao Yue agreed that they were going to be admitted to the police academy in the future, his heart trembled, and it seemed that distant memories were awakened in an instant.

When he saw the script describing Su Lan standing at the place they agreed to wait for him, he couldn’t believe that Su Lan was deceived into the dark alley by Qiao Yue’s mother in his name, but he wondered how to destroy Su Lan and let him When she stopped pestering Qiao Yue, he was shocked.

  Some things he knew later, some things he never knew...

  However, the story of the City of Despair is completely different. It is completely different from Jia'er. Cheng Yue is not Lu Yichen. They clearly come together, just like now...

  "Brother, do you want to apply for a Weibo account?" Li Jia fiddled with his mobile phone and bit his ear with Lu Yichen.

  She held her mobile phone with her face next to her brother, and showed a big smirk toward the screen. Lu Yichen didn't cooperate with looking at the camera, and Li Jia took a picture of him. "Look at the camera!"

  Lu Yichen smiled slightly and suddenly kissed her on the face.

  "Click." Li Jia quickly looked at the phone, but unfortunately the camera was crooked. She whispered and fiddled with the phone. Lu Yichen put her arms around her waist, resting her chin on her shoulders, and looked at her amusedly.

  The two people abused the dog like no one, Su Lan curled her lips and pulled up the moldy Bo Xuanrui sitting aside to play the game. "Don't be stinky, come over and take me through the dungeon. I heard that you are the president of a big guild in a district of Shengshi Game. I also want to join your guild. I will have free time to PK in the future."

  Bo Xuanrui had no choice but was pulled on the seat. "I'm going to be busy in a while, where can I play this?"

   "Isn't there a mobile game client? It's good to pass the time in the gap of the game." Su Lan doesn't care, he must be taught by him. "Hey, treacherous minister, how about you also transfer to a district?"

She looked at Qiao Nan, who was bending over to fish in the fountain. Qiao Nan took out a round coin from the fountain. He couldn't believe it. He looked over it over and over again, and was about to ask the staff how someone was throwing coins here. , Sulan was pulled into the game.

  Su Lan worked with Qiao Nan in "Traitor" before. Although the two did not have the scene of the scene, they also stayed in the same crew for a while.

"The treacherous minister?" Li Jia turned his head and complained after hearing the words, "I've seen you play Concubine Mei, how could you fall in love with an eunuch? What does the screenwriter think? Even if you want to arrange a love line, you have to keep up with your face. When you look at a bad old man, how can you have any thoughts of love? The key is that he is a true eunuch."

  Su Lan pulled Qiao Nan and Bo Xuanrui over to the computer desk. Hearing what Li Jia said, he ran over again and pointed to Lu Shao with a gentle face. "If he suddenly becomes a bad old man eunuch, would you still love him?"

  Lu Yichen's face went black.

  Li Jia was taken aback, then snorted. "This analogy...haha!"

  She was speechless.

  Unexpectedly, Lu Yichen stared at Jiajia who was dying smiling like magma. "Will Jiajia love the old man eunuch?"

  Li Jia stared at him. "will not!"

  Lu Yichen's scorching eyes continued to stare at her.

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