Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 946: Rebellious Jonan

   Ji Chen helped his glasses. "Where are you going? Did you read the news? Bo Xuanrui had a car accident! I don't know who killed Qiandao who spilled dirty water on your head!"

   "I'm going to the city center hospital."

  "Central Hospital?" Ji Chen was puzzled, his cell phone rang.

   "Hello, what are you looking for?" Ji Chen was even more confused. "Shenghao's people? What are you looking for Qiao Nan for? Bo Xuanrui wasn't our Qiao Nan doing it! You chase after the wind, you have proof..."

  Qiao Nan snatched his phone and said directly: "I’m Qiao Nan, I’ll get down with Ji Chen soon, and I’ll talk about it later."

  After finishing talking, hung up the phone and threw it to Ji Chen. "Follow me and go to the city center hospital. If you don't understand, I will explain to you in the car."

   Ji Chen was confused, but moved quickly, and hurriedly followed out.

  The two came out of the company. Many people looked over. Several people greeted them. Qiao Nan hurriedly greeted them and hurried out.

   "Where is this going?"

  "Is it because of what happened just now? They all said not to pick up that third-rate movie. They have to pick it up. Check it out. Something happened, right?"

   "That's right, maybe Shenghao's people did this deliberately, just to pour dirty water on Qiao Nan, and even cause deliberate murder."

   "Look at how he ends, don't run back dingy when the time comes."

  "If he weren't the only son of Mr. Joe, could he be so arrogant? I heard that Mr. Joe did not approve of him taking "City of Despair".

  In Tianheng Entertainment, many people gloated privately. Qiao Nan was too red, and it was a smooth journey. There were too many people jealous.

  Qiao Shiming saw his son's face sinking like water, and it was dark, where did he go? I just came back from work outside, why are you going out again?

   "What are you going to do?"

  "Mr. Qiao, look at this news! Something has happened!" In the company, a man in a silver-gray suit ran towards Qiao Shiming with a notebook in his hand.

   "What happened?" Qiao Shiming glanced at the computer screen, his eyes widened immediately. "What's going on! Qiaonan! Where are you going!"

  Qiao Shiming saw him in a hurry and stopped him.

  Because it was night, it was not suitable to wear sunglasses, Qiao Nan took the cap from the assistant and put it on his head, lowered the hat, and ignored his father.

Qiao Shiming yelled that it was useless. He also learned his son’s maverick. He was in the company, but he didn’t obey the discipline at all. If he hadn’t been his son, he would have expelled an artist who didn’t put himself in this way. Heng Entertainment, instead called Qiao Nan's agent.

   "Ji Chen! Tell me clearly!"

   Ji Chen can’t help it, Qiao Nan can ignore Mr. Joe’s words, he can’t. "Mr. Qiao, Qiao Nan is going to the Central Hospital and will be back soon. Don't worry."

   "It's getting dark, why did he go to the hospital?" Qiao Shiming saw that his son's hands and feet were very good, and he didn't know what he wanted to do, so he suddenly thought of Bo Xuanrui. "You are going to see Bo Xuanrui?! What are you going to do at this time! You stop for me! I was photographed by the reporter, and you couldn't tell with ten mouths!"

  Qiao Nan didn’t listen at all. As soon as he walked out of the company, eight bodyguards in black stood outside the door, as well as four reporters and assistants of Shenghao. Seeing him coming out, he quickly greeted him.

   "Qiao Nan, it is the young lady who asked us to **** you over, and we will take care of the follow-up." An entertainment director sent by Shenghao's, he led Qiao Nan into the car.

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