Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 945: I didn't do it

  At present, the most important thing is to prevent people from taking advantage of the loopholes. If there is another accident, it will not be so easy to deal with.

  Shenghao Media is originally engaged in news, and it is easy to handle such incidents, but if there are successive incidents, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to do good, after all, modern society is not your family.

  Li Jia drove away Lu Yichen who wanted to accompany her like flies. Lu Yichen helplessly rubbed her loose ball head and warned with worry. "You take a good rest at home, and I will come back after I have settled the matter."

   "I see." Li Jia didn't want him to delay the best time to deal with the incident because of himself.

  Lu Yichen took Jiajia to the door of his house, then left and went to the hospital where Bo Xuanrui lived.

  Li Jia came in. The old man Lu, who was playing with the two children, saw that she was the only one, and was about to ask, when he saw Li Jia holding the phone, talking on the phone with a serious face.

  He asked the nanny to carry the two children to the back garden to play, and stand behind Jiajia to listen to her talking on the phone.

  Li Jia is calling Qiao Nan.

  Qiaonan did not expect that she would call herself suddenly, which was never before. He was holding his cell phone and looked at the caller ID in disbelief.

  "Carrie?" He asked tentatively.

   "Do you have a computer by your side?"


  "I sent you a website address, please log in to the communication account to see."


Qiao Nan quickly opened the notebook, and it took 6 seconds to boot up. He quickly logged into the communication account he hadn’t used for a long time. He ignored all the pending messages, opened the message Jiajia sent him, clicked in according to the website, and watched When he arrived at the news that suggested that he was looking for Bo Xuanrui, his face suddenly changed.

   "This...I didn't do it." He explained immediately. "There is no role for me recently, and I still have two endorsements to be filmed. I am not in the crew for these two days."

"I know that Bo Xuanrui is currently undergoing an examination in the hospital. He is not as exaggerated as reported in the news, but only slightly injured." Li Jia said seriously: "He is at the Central Hospital. You and Ji Chen will go there together. I have already beaten him. Call Duan Xiu and ask him to send a few people from Shenghao to follow you."

   "Okay." Qiao Nan's voice was low. "I'll be there soon."

"Qiao Nan." Li Jia thought for a while, and said solemnly: "I don't know if you will have an opinion on Bo Xuanrui, but he just told me that you were excluded from the crew and hope I can help you. , I think...you may be friends."

  "Aren’t you afraid that I’m the one who harmed him? The whole crew, indeed, I am the biggest suspect, and I have sufficient motives." Qiaonan’s tone was relaxed, but his expression was invisible.

   "You have no motive." Li Jia's tone was simple.

  Others don’t know, but she knows that Qiao Nan refused to take the role in this movie from the beginning, otherwise, what else would happen?

At the beginning, Duan Xiu thought of Qiao Nan when he saw the script, but Qiao Nan refused at first, and then she thought about taking the second place and choosing other people. It was only in the middle that she came forward to let this role fall into Qiao Nan's hands again. .

  From beginning to end, Qiao Nan has no motivation, and it is impossible for him to run to grab the protagonist.

   "I'll be there right away." Qiao Nan didn't say much.

  Li Jia said a few more words, Qiao Nan listened to the hang up, and when he turned around, he saw Ji Chen rushing into the living room. "Something big! Qiao Nan! Bo Xuanrui..."

   "I see." Qiao Nan packed up his things, got up from the sofa, walked to the hallway, and was about to change shoes and leave.

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