The status quo was maintained for a few seconds at the scene, and then there was an earth-shattering exclamation.

   "I rely on it!"

   "Are you kidding me?!"

   "Is that possible?"

  Older players were just stunned, only as if it was Shengshi Online Games who bought the Dragon Wing account and said it was Bo Xuanrui, deliberately creating momentum for the game.

  The young players exploded. When they heard such a hot news at first, it was almost like being hit by a big prize. The top star in the sky turned out to be the president of the Dragon Wing Guild! Not only the members of Dragon Wings Guild, but the players from District One were all shocked.

  The players in the first district are also like dragon wings. The dragon wing guild is a big guild in the first district. Although the personal combat strength is not as strong as the rhino, the cohesion of the people is amazing. Unlike the rhino and Weicheng, both of which are lone rangers in the district.

Dragon Wing's character in District 1 is quite good. Even people from hostile forces have a good impression of him. Several major guilds often fight in guilds and fights often happen. They are very familiar with each other. Who could have expected that, The gentle and calm character of the President of Dragon Wing turned out to be a well-known movie star, they had never dreamed of it.

  The other presidents in the district all looked incredible, as if they were listening to a fairy tale.

  Be able to stand out in a large area with tens of millions of people, leading their own guild to occupy the top five, and most of these presidents also have certain leadership skills in reality.

  The fighting power may not be the highest in the guild, but the xinxing is not comparable to that of ordinary young people. The vision is higher and the xinxing is more mature. It is impossible to digest the news at first.

   Soon, I felt like a small number of sane players. I felt that it was a deliberate hype in the game. When I played against Dragon Wing again in the game, I would know what was going on.

  Rui Guang, who had already stepped down, looked at Bo Xuanrui on the stage in amazement, and he couldn't believe it.

How can it be?

Shengshi Games has a lot of people flow, but for the quality of the game and to strengthen the communication between players, it has only opened three zones. Although the three zones are not related, there will be cross-server guild battles every month. They are all masters in the three major regions, and they have some contact in the cross-server guild battle, and they are very familiar with each other.

Rhinoceros is a member of the Dragon Wings Guild. In order to find a rhino to challenge, he will go to single-handed Rhino to find a place in every guild battle. For the overall victory of the guild, the two major guilds will contain the masters of the two sides and find someone to drag him. other side.

  Every time he looked for a rhinoceros, he was beaten by a large group of people under the command of Dragon Wing. He didn't care about the face problem. He used more deception and overwhelming skills to hit him on the head. Therefore, he was really "impressed" by Dragon Wing!

  I never dreamed that this treacherous and shameless person turned out to be Bo Xuanrui, or her sister’s idol and goal. It is said that the actor in a movie her sister currently accepts is him.

  He must tell his sister Bo Xuanrui's shameless face when he goes back!

  Bo Xuanrui’s presence ignited the atmosphere at the scene, and everyone who knew him boiled. There was only one person with a pale face and a horrified face.

   Liu Feifei's eyes were stiff, her face was red and white, and the huge sound failed to regain her sanity.

  Impossible! How could Dragon Wing be Bo Xuanrui! impossible!

  She used to like Bo Xuanrui so much and collected countless posters of him. She has watched every TV series, movie and variety show he participated in!

  Once, she was tortured with Qiao Nan’s loyal fans on the Internet for Bo Xuanrui. When she was singing, she saw someone scolding him on the barrage, and couldn’t help refuting.

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