Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 923: I love you to death!

  "Shengshi Online Games invited Bo Xuan Rui Bo as the spokesperson of our online games, he is at our scene today, welcome Bo Xuan!"

  The host’s voice fell to the ground, the sound of the music suddenly accelerated, and the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became warm.

  Dragon Wings Guild players all stood up from their seats screaming, especially the girls, jumping and screaming, waiting to rush up.

  "Boxuanrui! Boxuanrui!"

  "Bo Xuanrui! Idol!"

   "Mr. President! Come on! I love you to death!"

The members of the Dragon Wings guild all waved their arms as if they were crazy. The whole venue was very enthusiastic, but the people of the Dragon Wings guild were too scary. They were completely like a wild horse. The other players sitting next to him, one Looking at them dumbfounded.

  They are crazy, right? This is too exaggerated.

  Bo Xuanrui smiled brightly. He walked up from behind the stage and saw the members of the Dragon Wing Guild screaming and waving his arms to welcome him like crazy. He smiled and greeted them.

   "It seems that Rhino has betrayed my identity. Everyone knows who I am." He smiled and waved in the other direction.

  Li Jia looked at the members of the Dragon Wings Guild with excitement and could not help but laugh. "Brother, you made the most correct decision."

  It is conceivable that when the identity of Dragon Wing is revealed, and Bo Xuanrui takes over the endorsement of Shengshi Online Games, how many fans will rush into the district.

   "Hmph." Lu Yichen snorted coldly, and a slender and gentle palm covered Jiajia's eyes. "Is he handsome as me?"

  Li Jiale was overwhelmed, and was infected by the warm atmosphere of the scene. He hugged Lu Yichen fiercely and gave him a heavy kiss on the cheek. "I love you to death!"

  Lu Yichen touched his face and was finally satisfied.

  Dragon Wings Guild players are hi, standing and waving their arms for a long time to greet Bo Xuanrui.

Looking at the warm atmosphere, the host smiled and said: "It seems that you don’t need to deliberately announce this big secret. Everyone in the Dragon Wings Guild already knows the truth, but I’m really curious about how the rhino and you Said?"

She greeted a guild member to come up, and it was the "Little Snowflake" of the Dragon Wings Guild that came up. In reality, a girl named Xue Hua came up on stage with excitement. When the host invited her to come up, she took the microphone with an excited little face. Blushing, with a smile on his face, looking at the smiling Bo Xuanrui.

  "The president has wronged the rhinoceros. When the rhino heard that the president is you, she was shocked." Xue Hua blinked in the direction of Liu.

  Bo Xuanrui smiled at the interface and looked over. "Her identity also shocked me so much, we are even."

  Xue Hua couldn't help but laugh, she could understand.

  A few words and a few words shocked the players in the audience.

What does    mean? What president? And who is the rhino? Can you scare Bo Yingdi?

  The photographer recorded all the bewildered expressions of the players in the audience. They couldn't help but look at them. This time the event was handed over to Shenghao, waiting for the broadcast, it will definitely blow the audience!

  When the host sent the excited Xue Hua to step down, Xue Hua and Bo Xuanrui gave a big hug before jumping off the stage.

The host smiled and said a few words to Bo Xuanrui, facing the camera and all the players present, loudly said: "I tell you an amazing news, the leader of the Dragon Wings Guild, Dragon Wing, is our Bo Xuan Rui Bo actor! "

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