Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 863: Entertainment gossip newspaper

  Lu Minze sighed for a long time, did not hide it, nodded and admitted.

"Lao Li said that he didn't know the identity of Jia Jia back then. He knew about the development of the Willing Island incident. He also heard that Jia Jia was one of the three surviving people, but he never met. Jia Jia belongs to the night owl. Under the jurisdiction of Zero, codenamed Rose."

  "Furthermore, the other two surviving members who were later organized in a group with Jiajia, listening to Lao Li, seem to have offended Zero because He Jiajia walked so close, and he used cruel methods to solve it afterwards."

Lu Minze frowned. He didn't know exactly what Zero had experienced. As a member of the Laird family, he developed such a terrifying character, and why Zero looked at the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy two years ago. Time has become a man in his thirties?

  He didn’t understand that there were too many incredible things in the world, and he didn’t need to go into it.

  However, Lu Yichen solved his doubts. "Jia Jia once regarded him as a guardian little brother. His appearance is too deceptive. Jia Jia mentioned this to me. Zero was made like this by unethical biological experiment professors."

Under the guidance of her grandfather, Jiajia used to be innocent and kind, and she would lend a helping hand when she saw the weak, but since meeting Zero, since joining Ye Xiao, her innocence and kindness have become her disguise. Under her gentle smile, she can Take people's lives without emotion.

  In his previous life, he didn’t realize this until he died. How could he know if he hadn't forcibly penetrated her life and bit by bit in this life?

  Lu Minze didn't expect this to be the case, and it's no wonder it would become so weird and extreme.

  The two were talking in the ward, but Li Jia went downstairs but did not see Monica, so she sat on a bench in the hall and bought a newspaper from the peddler walking in the crowd to pass the time.

  In the lobby of the hospital, there are many patients and their families waiting in line for registration. The plastic benches in the lobby are scattered and waiting for people. Li Jia puts up the newspaper and reads it. They are all news nowadays, with different layouts.

   When I turned to the entertainment section, I saw that the biggest coloring page contained the news that Qiao Nan’s new film was about to be released, and he also had a relationship with the heroine because of the drama, and it was suspected to be a fake.

  Li Jia turned to the picture above, Qiao Nan and an actress were sitting in a coffee shop, each ordering coffee, and sitting at the table drinking coffee.

   Originally this was a very common scene, but the two of them happened to raise their heads, with affectionate eyes, Qiao Nan raised his hand and gave the woman a spoiled head.

  The handsome men and women, the photos are softly dimmed, and the atmosphere is just right. Li Jia felt that she was stuffed with dog food when she looked at it, and she looked very comfortable.

  However, this appreciation soon disappeared because she saw the heroine in the photo.

  The heroine has a small face with a slap, a pointed and thin chin, a tall nose, big and bright eyes, and it is as pure as a deer. The entire facial features are pure and unparalleled.

   "The change is quite big." Li Jia said lightly.

  A woman who can put a knife on her face, to be honest, she admires it.

  The heroine turned out to be an acquaintance.

  No, in other words, I was an acquaintance in the previous life, and there is no intersection at all in this life.

   "Tang Mi'er, it turned out to be her."

  I always seem to subconsciously pay attention to Yu Qing and Tang Mi'er, especially Tang Poems and Tang Mi'er now.

  Perhaps the self in the previous life saw Tang Mi'er blindly believe in Yuan Juexu, and even didn’t listen to others at all. As long as he said something contrary to his own thoughts, he would completely deny it, pitiful and hateful.

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