Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 862: More dead than him

  "Forgetting everything is God's favor for him."

  Lu Yichen's eyelashes were hanging down. He remembered that he had asked Jiajia how he felt about Zero and if he had loved him.

   Jiajia said that she hoped that Zero would be happy, but she shouldn't be the one who gave him happiness. Everyone in the dark pursued light and warmth. Zero drew warmth from her, but she couldn't feel the warmth from Zero.

  She said that from the beginning to the end, she had never had **** with Zero.

  Zero has a kind of obsession with Jiajia, the same obsession as him, this kind of emotion prevents him from waiting for Zero, until Jiajia sees Zero crazy with a bomb tied to destroy everything, Jiajia does not want to leave.

  She said indifferently that he was dead and she was not alive.

  Obviously, it was a sentence in a very casual tone, fluttering like a joke, but in that environment, he knew that she was telling the truth.

  He should remember, this is not the first time Jiajia has done this for him, but he couldn't believe it for a while, and always felt that she would be bored with him sooner or later, and would leave him suddenly.

"Willing Island was razed to the ground by a large number of bombs six years ago, and then it was flooded in the ocean by a storm. The night owl people used to pick new people on Willing Island. I guess Jiajia was the place where Willing Island sank. One of the newcomers who went there in 2016.” Lu Minze only then began to talk about Willing Island.

  "Zero took her there?"

"It can be said that selecting new people is actually one of their tasks. Originally, Jiajia shouldn't be one of the candidates, but Zero let her participate in this almost mortal task for some reason." Lu Minze said There was a panic here. He didn't expect Jiajia to experience such a dangerous thing back then, he didn't know at all.

A shadow cast down Lu Yichen’s eyelashes. According to Jiajia, in the first six months she met Zero, Zero wanted to kill her. According to Zero’s extreme personality, it was very likely that Jiajia would be used as a **** at that time. Killing game.

"The night owl is tightly organized, and the leaders have been in competition with each other before. Zero was seriously injured by the seventh-ranked leader of the night owl, and he was locked into the biological laboratory on the island. He wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of him. The process of his escape Only the two of them knew what happened in the middle. When the bomb exploded in the last time, Jiajia rescued Zero and was seriously injured and unconscious. When he woke up, he only saw the corpse specially prepared by Zero..."

  Lu Minze's words made Lu Yichen's finger bones green. It's no wonder that Jiajia would say that Xiao Ling had died on Willing Island early on the wedding day.

   "There were nearly two hundred people who went to Willing Island. When they came back, Jiajia was included. There were three people. Zero was the one who went to bring people back." Lu Minze said.

  Lu Yichen's eyebrows and heartbeat, Zero is a real death, Jiajia put him into his own range, thinking that he is dead, do not know what the sadness is like, in the end found it is a scene.

  In this way, Jiajia knew what the cold and mocking words said to Zero at the wedding banquet.

  Zero was acting to deceive Jiajia’s feelings at the time, leading Jiajia to know afterwards that he had built a heavy barrier against him under the strong contrast.

  The same as his death in the previous life, more death than him.

  Lu Yichen hated Zero's behavior in his heart, and felt that he deserved it. Fortunately, Jiajia never liked him.

  "Old man Li told his father about this?" Lu Yichen had a deep look. After so many years, the parties involved are all members of the Yexiao Organization, and few other insiders are alive.

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