Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 847: I'm hungry

  She put the other insulation box on and did not open it, and asked Jia Jiaduo to eat, and decided to go home early to play with her grandson.

  As soon as Monica left, Lu Yichen squinted at Jiajia who was eating by the bed. "There is a strange smell all over the room."

"Oh." Li Jia turned a deaf ear. The spoon scooped up a spoonful of bone soup and blew it. The white mist rose and the room was full of fragrance. Not to mention Lu Yichen, who hadn't eaten all day, and Li Jia who had had lunch felt that More hungry.

  Lu Yichen couldn't laugh or cry and decided to change the subject. "The ring is broken, when can it be repaired?"

  There is nothing above his finger.

   "It saved your fingers and died in the service." Li Jiasai said a piece of spare ribs into his mouth, vaguely. "Just like you are in the hospital, the eldest brother who was in charge of the casting plan to rebuild, and then think about it or beat and beat to restore its original shape, I hope it will not encounter the last thing in this life, otherwise it will really have to be rebuilt next time. Melt and recast."

The wedding ring of "Eternal Heart" is of great significance to her and her brother. What's more, when the stone fell this time, it was lucky to have it. Otherwise, her brother's finger might not be able to keep it. Although the phalanx was also broken, it was anyway. It can be connected well. If there is no ring cushion, I am afraid it is a comminuted fracture.

   "I won't encounter such danger again in the future." Lu Yichen said seriously. "I planned to exchange rings for a Western-style wedding, but as a result..."

"It's okay, wait for you, let's take a bunch of wedding photos together, Chinese and Western styles are all right, you don't know if you lie in bed, Varistin's wedding grabbed the headlines for several days. Recently, the old man Li met the old King Siriyat. , Is grandma's eldest brother." Li Jia rarely mentioned the news outside.

  Many people and politicians came to the wedding. Not only did the wedding arouse large-scale reports in entertainment news, but the official media also reported related reports. It was just different from the entertainment media’s search for gossip. The official media started with friendly diplomacy.

   Although grandma has passed away, but grandpa is still there, the Laird family should not be underestimated. The appearance of the wedding has given the two countries a bond that links the diplomatic relationship together. According to the old saying, it should be called a political marriage.

  Although she doesn't think this has any special promotion effect on the diplomatic relations between the two countries, at least there is a lubricant palace lady, and the two old men can talk in private.

  The political factors that are too cold are a little more special. Everyone always feels cordial when speaking. According to the media, the two leaders are still relatives.

  Lu Yichen can also think of this. Jia Jia is the granddaughter of the old man Li. This status is very high, but her work is very limited. You have to think about whether you will be crowned with a luxury and wasteful hat for a wedding.

  It made him want to give Jiajia a grand wedding in the name of Mrs. Lu Shao, but also to think about whether the wedding will have bad consequences for Jiajia’s image.

However, many important politicians and major leaders of large media were invited to hold the wedding. In this way, the major media would not slander at will. In addition, the wedding has a serious impact on the friendly relations between Laird’s country and H country. The promotion effect completely cuts off speculation by others.

   "Jia Jia." Lu Yichen stared at Jia Jia, who had a blushing face and thin lips, and couldn't help but speak. "I'm hungry."

   "Oh." Li Jia finished with no action, still holding the soup bowl to eat his own.

  Lu Yichen:...

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