Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 846: Shao Lu who fixes moths

  Li Jia accompanied her brother to recuperate and raise her fetus by the way. All disturbances from the outside world were isolated by the Lu Li family.

  As for someone going on a hunger strike...

Ha ha.

  Li Jia smiled badly.

   "Yichen, you eat a little bit, and the wound hurts even more. There is a Chinese saying that people are steel? What is rice? How can you not eat because you have no appetite?" Monica muttered to her son.

   "People are iron rice or steel, so I panic if I don't eat a meal." Li Jia held the soup bowl and added.

   "Yes, Jiajia is right!" Monica agreed.

  In order for Yichen to heal her wounds, she personally cooks, boiled a lot of nutritious bone broth and was supplemented by him. Who expected her son to say that she had no appetite?

  If you have no appetite, you have to stuff it! I didn't see Jiajia eating during morning sickness like fighting, and having to eat two mouthfuls when he couldn't eat. Why did her son suddenly become hypocritical?

   "I'm not hungry." Lu Yichen stared at Jiajia...'s bowl quietly.

  In the morning, I said hungrily about a hunger strike. In the afternoon, I ate and drank with a big soup bowl. It was so shameless.

   "You have to eat if you can't eat." Monica continued to persuade.

  Li Jia took all the heat preservation boxes, put them on the table aside, and pulled the chair for herself. "Mom, leave him alone, you can eat when you are hungry."

Monica also wanted to persuade Li Jia to open the heat preservation box one by one. The soup was milky white and a fragrance diffused in the ward. Li Jia also deliberately instigated, took a sip with a large spoon, and smiled at Moni. Card said: "It's so fragrant and delicious! I can eat three more bowls of rice."

   "Really?" Monica liked Jiajia the most and said that the food she made was delicious, so she immediately stopped persuading her son, and sat next to Jiajia, smiling and giving her soup. "You have a light month and your child is still young. Eat more when you need nutrition to grow up."

   "Hmm." Li Jia nodded as if smashing garlic, exaggerating: "It's so delicious, absolutely calcium supplement, the best for bone regeneration."

"No! Your brother had several broken bones. When he was dug out, his body was distorted because of the broken bones. It looked scary, but it scared Mom to death." Monica said and stared at the ceiling. Lu Yichen gave a glance.

  Lu Yichen was temporarily unable to move by himself, nor could he get up. Except for the doctor who came to turn him over on time, Jiajia occasionally helped him press acupuncture points to activate his muscles. At other times, he could only lie down facing the ceiling.

However, speaking of massage, since Jia Jia helped him twice, she didn't dare to do it personally again, in case someone wants to |fire|burn| die before she finishes the massage. Therefore, these two days , The man who came to give him a massage every day was a forty-year-old man with a big waist and a round waist that Jiajia specifically sought.

  From then on, her brother's desire for|Fire|Fen|Body problems healed without medicine.

  Li Jia glanced at her brother, and she wanted to praise her wit.

  But she just solved something, and he tried to fix the moth again, thinking that the hunger strike would make her succumb?

Holding the soup bowl, Li Jia nibbled on the stewed crispy ribs, shook him beside Lu Yichen, and said as he ate: "I ate two bites in the morning, and didn't eat it at noon. It's going to be dark soon, really don't you eat dinner? "

   "Hmm." Lu Yichen calmly said: "Can't eat."

  Li Jia did not force him, so she sat beside him intently to eat with relish. Monica watched Jia Jia run around while eating uncharacteristically, and then looked at her son who was lying corpse resolutely not eating, and raised her eyebrows.

  The young couple now knows how to play.

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