Li Jia glanced at her filthy herself. The skirts were all blackened with dust, and blood stains were everywhere. The wedding dress looked shocking.

   looked up at the closed temporary operating room, Li Jia lowered his eyebrows and nodded silently.

  It took nearly an hour to wash and change clothes. When Li Jia walked outside the operating room again, she finally recovered her usual appearance, but her face was not so good.

  Monica was afraid of her accident and sat aside to calm her emotions.

  Lu Minze and Lao Li both went out to entertain the guests. The accident site was blocked. The wedding was full of tricks and young people were dancing on the dance floor.

  Except for the temporary absence of the bride and groom, everyone else is normal.

  Because a couple of newlyweds have already come out to toast and entertain the guests, their absence at this time did not arouse too much suspicion. Someone asked, Lu Minze and Lao Li unified the calibre.

   "Jiajia is shallow and can't stand the toss. She was a little uncomfortable just now. Yichen went to accompany her and visit the doctor."

  "Young people, there are so many things, we don't care about them, we drink our own."

  The wedding lasted until the evening, and there was a one-stop entertainment in the manor, and the staff inside led everyone to play everywhere.

  Some go to hot springs, drink coconut juice in a rustic-style kiosk, enjoy the scenery and enjoy the coolness, and others follow the yacht to the small island not far away.

  At the end of the banquet, some of the busy people, after the elders of Lu and Li's family came forward to greet them, they were ordered by a special plane to send them back, and some people stayed on the island overnight to continue playing.

  Li Jia waited for the night outside the operating room when Lu Yichen was pushed out of the operating room by the doctor.

   "Doctor, how is he?" Li Jia quickly stood up when the door of the operating room opened.

  "How is my son?" Monica looked at her son who was still awake, her expression worried.

  "The operation was successful, and several broken bones have been connected, and they are currently being transferred back to the Imperial Capital." The doctor explained.

  Monica nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

  Li Jia followed his hand to push the bed to the temporary rest room, and sat quietly beside him.

  Lu Yichen's eyes closed tightly, his long eyebrows were quiet, and his thin lips were pale without a hint of blood.

  "How is the operation completed? Or return home as soon as possible, and the special plane will stop outside..."

  Some conversation sounds intermittently outside the door. Li Jia's slender hand touched the quiet Lu Yichen on the bed, and whispered in his ears.

  About ten minutes later, the door was pushed open, and the people from Lu and Li's family walked in together.

   "Jiajia, we need to return home as soon as possible."

   "Okay." Li Jia stood up. When she got up, her body shook slightly. Lu Minze was standing beside her, reaching out to stabilize her, frowning. "You temporarily rest here for one night and go back tomorrow morning."

   "I want to go back with my brother."

   "Jiajia, you are still pregnant with a child, you have to think about the child." Monica disagreed.

  "I am not at ease here, so I might as well go back together." Li Jia shook his head. "I just took a break, and I feel much better."

  Monica sighed. Elder Lu wanted to say something, but seeing Jiajia turned around and stayed by the bed, I knew that she was right.

  Yichen had such a big incident, how could Jiajia stay here alone. "I will go back tonight. On the plane, Jia Jia has a good rest."

  The plane left Varistin in the dark, Li Jia leaned on the bed and fell asleep.

  When he woke up again, he had already arrived at the hospital.

   "Are you awake?" A slightly hoarse, low magnetic voice sounded in the ear.

  Li Jia, a spirit, raised her head quickly.

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