Lu Minze's face was gray, almost unable to stand firm.

  Lu Yichen encircled Jiajia in a twisted posture. When the boulder fell on the ground, his bones broke, making his kneeling posture weird and beyond the normal state of the human body.

Lying under him is Li Jia. Her delicate face is now mixed with tears, sweat and blood, and the dust on her face is almost washed away, her face is flushed, her dark green eyes are bright and scary. It can be seen that her spirit is a little abnormal.

  It seems to be the excitement of seeing the rescuers, mixed with anxiety and eagerness. "He's still alive! Save him! He's alive!"

  The first responders did not dare to move Lu Yichen at will, fearing that his broken bones would pierce his internal organs if he didn't pay attention.

  Waiting for the stretcher to be brought over, Li Jia worked with the doctor and tried to carry Lu Yichen up.

  Lu Yichen did not wake up, his face was pale, and his lips were not bloody. If it were not for the slight ups and downs of his chest, it was almost thought that he was carrying a corpse.

  Old Marshal Li stared at Lu Yichen, then looked at Jiajia, who was guarding the side, and did not hear clearly what the medical staff said.

  Li Jia followed the doctor, unwilling to leave Lu Yichen for half a step.

   "Mrs. Young, your arm has lost a lot of blood and needs to be bandaged."

   "Mrs. Shao, Lu Shao has our professional doctors, don’t worry, your injury should be dealt with as soon as possible..."

  Li Jia’s eyes circled with the doctors who first aided Lu Yichen, and he didn't hear anything from the doctor who was holding the disinfectant and dressing supplies next to him.

  Old Marshal Li saw this and asked others to continue to deal with follow-up matters. He walked up to Li Jia and patted her on the shoulder.

   "Jia Jia."

   "What's the matter?" Li Jia reflexively turned his head and asked. Seeing that it was Marshal Li, his expression was in a trance for a moment. "what's happenin?"

  Lao Li stared at her arm and pulled the chattering doctor to Jia Jia.

   Jiajia finally understood what was going on and stretched out her arm for the doctor to bandage.

  The doctor cut the sleeve of the wedding dress, revealing his injured arm.

  The wound was deep and it looked terrifying. Li Jia's attention was not on it. He glanced at it and ignored it.

  The doctor took care of her wound and gave a few sentences. Before finishing speaking, Li Jia carried the skirt and followed the emergency staff carrying the stretcher.

   "The clean room is ready!"

   "All the doctors needed are in place, ready to go!"

   "Push people forward!"

  After a simple scrubbing and changing into clothes, Lu Yichen entered the temporarily prepared operating room under the care of dozens of medical staff.

"How is Jiajia's situation? Is it really okay? You take a closer look!" Monica was pinched for a while. After waking up, her son had already entered the operating room. She could only wait for the operation time. Ask the doctor to check Jiajia again.

   "I only suffered a slight abrasion, and the wound on my arm has been treated." Li Jia's palm touched her upper abdomen, and continued: "I'll be outside waiting for the operation to be completed, so I can rest for a while."

  She didn’t have any major problems, probably because of her emotional ups and downs and a dull pain in her abdomen. She tried to calm her breathing and looked at the lights during the operation to let herself not worry.

  As long as people are still alive, there is hope.

   "Baby, your father will be fine." Li Jia whispered, speaking out, comforting a little bit in his heart.

  Monica sat next to her and said softly: "I will take you to take a bath and change into clean clothes. You are not good for the child, and Yichen will feel uncomfortable to see you like this."

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