"Try it? See who is faster?" Zero pointed at the button next to the bomb, and walked towards Lu Yichen step by step.

  Lu Yichen stood in front of Jiajia, circled with Zero, not letting him approach.

  The ticking sound of the timer made the people outside anxious and uneasy. When Father Lu appeared on the scene, his eyes were dark. "It's him again! His surname is Li! If Jiajia and Yichen have two shortcomings, I will fight you if I don't want this old life!"

  It's this Zero again, it's just lingering!

  Lao Li frowned and commanded a group of explosion-proof soldiers who entered neatly behind him to lie in ambush around. The secret sniper was ready. Zero's forehead and arm had several red focus points aimed at by the sniper.

  Zero’s fingertips are pressed on the button that immediately explodes the bomb. As long as the hand moves, it will explode immediately without waiting for the time to be reported. The sniper dare not act rashly.

   "Jiajia! Yichen!"

   "How could this happen?"

   "Send the communicator in!"

  The people outside were anxious, and the three people inside were still negotiating.

  Zero's movements are agile and fast. Lu Yichen will fight him again. As long as he holds Zero, at least Jiajia will not come into contact with this lunatic!

   "Hahahahaha! Lu Yichen, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of Rose's death?" He looked mad, punched Lu Yichen with a fist, and was kicked back by Lu Yichen two steps.

  Both of them were injured, Li Jia frowned and stood aside watching the two of you come and me together.

  She did not dare to step forward to dissuade her at this time, and dissuasion is useless. If she is implicated, she only needs to hit her stomach and the child will be gone.

  She did not look out the window, her green eyes stared at the bomb behind Zero's chest, only the last five minutes were left.

  She has seen this kind of bomb. When she was on Willing Island, she could not only be controlled remotely, but could also explode immediately by hand. She had been injured by the bomb before.

  The power of the bomb was not enough to blow up the entire transfer hospital, but it was more than enough to blow up the house in front of him.

  She was thinking about countermeasures, Lu Yichen and Zero retreated to the corner together, Zero leaned to the side, dark green eyes flickering faintly.

   "I can't get it, no one wants to get it." He lifted his lips, pressed his fingertips on the button, and looked at Li Jia. "If there was no Lu Yichen, Rose would stay by my side forever."

   "No." Li Jia held the hem of the phoenix tail skirt with one hand, revealing the white flat shoes at the bottom of the skirt. This combination looked a little funny, but at this moment no one could laugh.

   "Jia Jia!" Lu Yichen's expression changed when she saw her walking towards Zero, wiped off the blood stains on the corners of her lips, and stared at Jia Jia closely. "Don't go there!"

  Li Jia shook her head, she walked to Zero and said seriously: "Do you want me to die?"

  Zero stretched out a cold hand and touched her cheek, smiling innocently, as if back in the past. "You stay with me, okay? Come with Xiao Ling."

  Li Jia's eyebrows drooped slightly, casting a faint shadow. "I promised him that I would stay with him, but he died in the explosion. I thought I would never see him again, but..."

  Li Jia's slender, cold fingers touched Zero's neck, tilting his head and showing a smile. "However, I saw him standing in front of me, saying that after I passed the trial, only obedient dogs would be favored by the owner."

   "So I said that at the time."

   "Yeah, you told me so." Li Jia smiled and stroked his hair.

  Now Zero, who is an adult man with a deep face, has lost the innocence and purity of the sixteen or seventeen-year-old handsome and beautiful boy. It is a little weird to be touched by Li Jiaru's younger brother and children.

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