Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 834: If you die, I don’t want to live either

  Zero's dark-green pupils dimmed, tilted his head and stared at Jia Jia, smiling, "I used to think so."

  He felt that he hadn't paid any affection, and he even thought she was ridiculous.

  But he just doesn't like other people touching her, and seeing those people with her is an eyesore.

  She had never loved anyone, he could tell, but then she suddenly married Lu Yichen without a hint of warning.

  "You used to not love him, why marry him? It was his brother who forced you!" Zero's eyes flashed coldly, watching Lu Yichen who was in front of Jiajia full of malice.

  Lu Yichen's eyes were half-closed, and Zero was not allowed to approach Jiajia. Jiajia was pregnant and could not withstand the slightest bump. "Jiajia, you go out."

  Zero's mentality is not sensible at all, and Jiajia can't listen to anything he says.

   "I can't walk." Li Jia sat still, with one hand blocking her flat abdomen intentionally or unintentionally. "Do you think I will run alone, and then you and Zero will die here?"

  Her expression is calm, as if basking in the sun in a small balcony courtyard in winter, she has no intention to leave.

  Lu Yichen frowned, warned that Zero was going crazy and wanted to persuade his wife to leave. "Jiajia! You are not alone, go!"

  He was enough to contain Zero. Seeing that there were only eight minutes left in the countdown, Lu Yichen felt anxious. He thought that Jiajia would die, and his spirit began to fluctuate uncontrollably.

   "If you die, I don't want to live." Li Jia got up from the white wooden chair and stood next to Lu Yichen. The long wedding dress draped on the floor and other crowns on her hair made her facial features breathtakingly magnificent. "It's better to die together."

  She held Lu Yichen's hand and passed her five fingers between his fingers. Lu Yichen's heart was shaken, and she could not speak for a long time.

   "Dead together?" Zero seemed to hear something funny and laughed uncontrollably, but his dark green eyes were bloody, staring at Li Jia closely. "Do you want to die with him? Rose, do you think I will let you die with him?"

  His voice fell to the ground, and Xiao Rou, who ran out to find someone, had already returned with Monica.

  Monica glanced at the crowd of people outside the room, knowing that she was not good, and immediately notified the security staff.

   "Jiajia! Yichen!"

"How is this going?!"

   "It's a bomb!"

  In order not to attract the attention of others at the banquet, when Li Jia discovered the problem, she led people into the innermost place of the manor where she rested.

  At this time, the three floors outside the courtyard were surrounded by security personnel. When they saw the bomb on Zero, their face changed drastically, and they were all blocked by the innermost people and were not allowed to enter the room.

  Transparent floor-to-ceiling windows fully reflect the indoor situation into the eyes of everyone present.

  Lao Li was still at the banquet. When he heard the people next to him whisper the news to him, he looked as usual and exchanged greetings with the people on the table and asked General Li and Madam Li to greet the guests. He went to the place where the accident occurred.

Through the windows with excellent sound insulation, he could not hear what Zero, Lu Yichen and Jiajia said, but the two sides confronted each other, and Zero smiled, Jiajia looked cold, and Lu Yichen's expression was complicated and difficult to distinguish, and he couldn't tell what it meant. what.

  "You said, these people outside will let Rose die?" Zero pointed to the crowd outside the window, among them there were many snipers.

  People outside have started to discuss countermeasures, how to bring people out.

"There are still seven minutes left. If we forcefully go out, do you think you can stop me?" Lu Yichen did not allow the irrational Zero to approach Jiajia. Originally, he was only 20% sure to get out of danger. At this moment, Jiajia wants to accompany him. Can't die here.

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