Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 818: Bridesmaid Corps

  Don’t blame others for not being able to understand the situation. After the Han Group was acquired by Shengxing, outsiders believed that it was created secretly.

  The Han Group has disappeared from the market. Han Dongyan has been in prison for ten years. The Lu family ignored the news exposed when Mrs. Han dealt with Lu Yichen.

  Lu Yichen's condition is unstable, Jiajia is pregnant again, and he picks up Lu’s house and starts preparing for the wedding. Who has the leisure to care what others say?

Mr. Lu Shao started to make up the wedding. The news did not hide anyone from the outside world. The rumors from the outside world gradually disappeared. The people who came to the wedding banquet were not low-profile, nor were they cheating their tongues. Although he had heard of media rumors, We are all grown-ups, with mature thinking, and will not follow others, nor will entertainment news be at heart.

  Lao Li sent invitations to so many people. Even if it is kept secret, everyone should know and know that the wedding of Lu Yichen and Li Jia has been talked about for a long time, and they know the location of the wedding.

  The family of Li has all the sons, even Colonel Hang and his mother are helping out at the banquet. If the bride is someone else, how could Hang's mother help with Madam Li?

  But at this moment, listening to the voice of a bunch of brides guests, why do you feel wrong?

How did    become the orange Laird mentioned in the scandal?

  She even hugged Lu Shao’s sons and daughters and said they looked like the gossip heroine.

  Everyone is a civilized person who speaks etiquette. They are strange in their hearts, but they only whispered in their respective seats, and did not raise them in person, but Yu Guang pays attention to the Laird family tables from time to time.

   "Winnie, you've been here for so long, don't you go back?"

   "Did you have a girlfriend again? What is your first appointment? How many waves have you changed?"

   "How can it? I haven't changed a few waves."

As soon as Winnie sat down, a group of young people drew aside to speak. The old Duke and Admiral Li’s husband and wife held Lu Yichen's two children, talking, laughing, and laughing. Interact in the national language of country H.

  Many people at the table stared and could only talk to acquaintances, but the few tables not far away were the guests who were invited by Lao Li to attend the wedding banquet of his granddaughter.

  The manor is vast, with light music playing everywhere, and young people dancing on the dance floor around the fountain.

  When the music tunes around began to change, the young men and women on the dance floor slowly stopped. People chatting, watching the scenery and talking everywhere, guided by etiquette, gathered along the festive wooden manor corridor towards the wedding location.

   "Wow! What a big hand! Look over there!"

   "Lots of roses! Is this a sea of ​​flowers?"

  "Helicopters above!"

  The grand sea of ​​roses spread out in front of my eyes, stretching away, and the private machine throws red petals over the sky.

  "Is this a real petal? How many petals do I need?"

  The guests picked up the petals that fell on their shoulders and hair. The soft and bright petals exuded the faint fragrance of roses.

  There is a young child on the table, looking up, and happily spreading his hands to catch the petals.

  The old Duke and General Li have also been led to the bride and groom.

  The two children were led by Mrs. Li and walked to Jiajia’s dressing room. There were many young people inside. When they saw people coming in, they all formed a maiden army and blocked them outside.

The women’s army includes Yun Xiao, Wenrou, Wu Qianqian, and even Tian Tian and An Susu, as well as the grandchildren of several old men in the army. They are all from Lao Li’s side. What Li Jia did not expect was that when Xiao Rou came over, He and Yun Xiao stared at each other with big eyes, hugged them together, a pair of eyes that didn't expect you to be here.

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