Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 817: Let sister touch!

  The handsome man with golden and green eyes brought two little buns in festive red clothes. His features are profound and his brows are clear. He is very eye-catching among the crowd, especially when he is also holding two cute little ones.

  The two little guys have exquisite and beautiful smiles, and their big watery eyes are crystal clear.

  The men and women at the tables near the Duke of Laird gave short exclamations one after another. Several young foreign girls had come down from the table, squatting in front of Winnie, and curiously touching the heads of the two children.

"so cute."

"So cute!"

   "Little guy, what's your name?"

   "His eyes are green! Look at it!"

  Two white and tender little steamed buns, carved in pink and jade, with their small faces up, looking at the big brothers and sisters who are surrounding them, without being timid at all.

   "Wow! It's so soft! Let my sister touch it!"

  The girls couldn’t help but pinch the baby’s pink and tender face.

   "Do you guys think that Lolita and Ju are very similar?"

   "Really! It looks like! Come and kiss!"

   The two little guys blinked their big eyes, the little cheeks were kissed several times, and Winnie winked at the old prince with a smile. "Old man, do you know who they are?"

  He finally abducted two children from a group of enthusiastic big sisters.

  Old Duke Laird walked over from his seat, and the others moved away automatically, and the guests at the other tables looked over.

  Winnie touched the heads of the two babies and pointed at an old face of Duke Laird. "Hurry up and call your great-grandfather."

Admiral Li smiled and stood watching. The two children and Winnie were already familiar with each other. Since staying in H country, Winnie has kept in touch with Li Jia. He often visits the Lu family and plays with the two children. Not bad.

  He smiled and told the two little guys, and the two children looked at the old Duke Laird curiously. "Great-grandfather."

   "So good!"

  "Let me hug." The old duke hugged Yuyu, kissed the child's cheek, and stroked her hair with a smile. "Yuyu and her mother really look alike."

  Jiajia and Lily also look alike, Xiao Yulu's eyes look exactly like his grandmother.

  The old duke has many descendants. Except for Winnie’s treatment when he was a child, the other children were just like that. For the first time I saw him like a normal grandfather.

   "This child is orange? No way?"

  "Ji has only been away for half a year, how could it be possible to have such a big child?" Several young people looked at the two babies incredibly.

   "But, look, Xiao Lolita's facial features are exactly the same as Ju, Xiao Zhengtai doesn't look like Ju, will he be Ju's man? Looks like that Lu Shao?"

The voice of the young people did not converge. Although many people spoke in Swedish and Finnish, in order for the two young babies to understand, some of the words were in a somewhat sloppy Mandarin. Understand.

  But the guests who came to the banquet all around did not expect to hear the name Orange at the wedding banquet of Mrs. Lu Shao, who is the Laird family again.

What exactly is going on?

  Is Orange Laird? Or the eldest lady of the Li family?

  I can’t figure it out. If it was just Orange Laird who looked similar to the original Mrs. Lu Shao, Marshal Li would not have allowed so many backbones to come to the wedding banquet in the town.

  But if it is Mrs. Lu Shao, why do these people say Orange Laird?

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