Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1068: Routine psychological examination

  Li Jia nodded. "Jiajia understands that Grandpa knew what was wrong with it a long time ago?"

   "Yes, almost a year ago, I told your brother about this, and your brother rushed to investigate. After that, your uncle came to me in private."

  Lord Lu thought of Li Rong’s earnest gaze, but he felt uncomfortable. "Otherwise, do you think I would really be willing to let the third child go to Li's house?"

   When Yichen first mentioned the matter of adoptiveness, he was very disapproving, and would agree later, also because he already knew the misunderstanding that year, Li Rong was afraid that he would not believe it, and specifically found the parties involved in the incident that year.

  Although there were no three in a row, there were still people who participated in the rescue team afterwards to prove it.

  Maybe what Jiajia said is correct. He and Li Jianrong are too face-conscious, too temperamental, and no one wants to bow their heads. This has evolved to where they are today.

  However, the world is unpredictable. Fortunately, by chance, the granddaughter of the old thing became her granddaughter, which is also fate.

  The old man let go a lot, and a stone fell in the bottom of his heart. Now it is not bad to have a grandson at home.

  Li Jia knows that he puts it down, and now it’s okay to openly tell him, the relationship will slowly ease.

  In fact, she was a little bit sour in her heart, which was not a taste. The two old men did not know that in the previous life, they had such a temperament that they would rather die than look back, which led to the final tragedy and the road of no return.

  In this life, finally, two former comrades-in-arms solved their knots.

   "Marshal? You are not in good spirits. Go back to the military compound to rest first?" Hang Zhihang saw that Lao Li had not spoken when he came back from Lu's house and couldn't help worrying.

  Lao Li nodded, his turbid but sharp eyes became very complicated at this time. After so many years, he did not expect to be able to wash the black pot on his back in his lifetime. He was used to carrying it, and suddenly he was uncomfortable.

  He smiled and said to Hang Zhi: “Tomorrow weekend, let Yuluo and Chenchen bring his younger brother to the military compound, and say that there will be a soldier's brother playing with them.”

  Hang Zhi Xing nodded with a smile. "Great."

Yulu and Chenchen also don’t know if they were influenced by their grandfather and mother. They like soldiers in military uniforms. They are happy to see them training and kicking. The old man bought two small things with a bunch of soldiers. .

  In the evening, when all the children came back from the company, they watched TV and laughed with the elderly and children, and the Lu family villa became lively.

  Li Jia casually leaned on the printed wall, watching the old man kiss and kiss the two big treasures with a red face, not knowing what his grandson and grandson said, making the old man leaned forward and backward with a smile.

  She smiled. Grandpa will never die suddenly and alone with bad news in his previous life. In this life, his children and grandchildren will be around his knees, and his old age will be peaceful. She believes that the family will always be happy and happy.

   "What's the matter? What are you looking at?" Lu Yichen walked to her Jiao's wife, holding her waist, taking care of others, and leaning his arm against the wall, giving Li Jia a wall.

  Li Jia raised his eyes and looked at him with a smile, fingers tucked at his chin frivolously. Unfortunately, his height was a bit short compared to Lu Yichen. "Brother, do you want my sister to give you a French kiss?"

  Lu Yichen smiled with thin lips, hugged Jiajia like a child, and lifted her high. "Hot kiss? Why don't we go to the room and do bed exercises?"

  Li Jia leaned over and bit his lip, pulled it mischievously, and smiled and held his neck. "Don't make trouble, I have to attend the celebration of Eternal Heart tonight, forget?"

  I'm afraid that she will be ashamed if she can't get up.

   "Tomorrow morning, the psychiatrist will come over for routine check-ups." Li Jia touched his hot and soft lips, and there was a touch of worry on the bottom of his eyes. "Make final confirmation."

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