Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1067: Solve the misunderstanding

When she was very young, she often heard the old man in the family talk about his heroic deeds, how brave his comrades were, how many enemies he killed in the past, and she also happily took out the shiny medals for her to show off. Naive, not like an old man at all.

  Even in the past half a century, the past life has been imprinted in the bones, enough for the elderly to remember most of their lives, and it will not be bored to say a hundred times.

  "The old man always thought that the old man Li ran away alone in the past, so the two old men misunderstood a bit and let everyone see the joke." Li Jia said it lightly, but everyone present was stunned.

  The trip to Hangzhou looked at Li Jia in astonishment. "what do you mean……"

  The grievances between the two elderly people for so many years were caused by the things of the third consecutive year? ! !

They said, why the old marshal has such a bad temper towards Grandpa Lu so weird, and he clearly hates him to death, but he is different from the political opponents next to him. When the two old people fought with each other, the feeling that was unspeakable was weird, and now they understand , It turned out to be a comrade-in-arms.

The people next to him would never dare to spray each other directly with Old Marshal Li. Old Marshal Li would not surrender himself and really ran up and satirize each other, but to Mr. Shanglu, he should really use "love and kill each other." To describe.

  Usually they go to battle in person, and the fights are all wars of words.

The other soldiers on the Hangzhi trip immediately looked behind Li Jia. Li Jia sat still and continued: "The two old men have misunderstood for so many years, but both of them have stubborn tempers. They didn't explain to each other, and didn't bow their heads. It's been so many years."

  Hang Zhixing stared at the two black-faced door gods standing behind Li Jia with weird expressions.

   "Girl, who do you say behind your back is like a cow? No big or small."

   "Wow!" A baby shout followed by response.

   "Huh, who misunderstood whom?"

   "Wow!" Another baby called.

  Li Jia turned his head, smiled, stared at the black faces of the two old men, then glanced at the two little pink dumplings they were holding in their arms, and smiled: "How come you came down silently?"

The babysitter who took care of the two children stood aside and watched with horror at the two old men holding the soft young master. The posture of holding the child was too strange. It is estimated that they have not had much contact with the child. The two little guys are in their arms. He keeps chirping, with a squiggly mouth, a grievance like crying or not.

  It hurts to look at it.

  Li Jia saw the red eyes of the two little guys, and smiled and said: "They just woke up, they should be hungry, let the nanny hold them."

  The two old men were holding their children and didn't want to let go, but seeing the pitiful appearance of Little Poor, they gave it to the nanny.

  Li Jia hurried out of the living room, and followed the nanny to comfort the two little meatballs.

  When she came out again, only Elder Lu was left in the living room sitting on the sofa in a daze. Li Jia asked the maid to find out that Elder Li had gone.

  She looked at the old man in the living room and stopped talking, sat next to him, and smoothed his back. "grandfather."

  "Don't think I don't know what you misunderstood on purpose in front of us today." The old man knocked on Jiajia's forehead.

   Li Jia touched his forehead, took the old man's arm, and said with a smile: "You can't hide anything from your old man."

   "Humph." The old man snorted and sighed faintly. "I know, you have been investigating the old third company for a while, and it has been so long. I also know that things were not easy back then, but my surname Li and I are both very old..."

  They have disliked each other for decades, and now even if they know it is a misunderstanding, they still can’t hold back their old face.

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