After signing the operation, Li Jia was rushed into the operating room. Only about an hour or so, the door of the operating room opened.

  As soon as the door of the operating room opened, everyone who was waiting outside surrounded him.

   "Jiajia." Lu Yichen looked at Jiajia who was pushed out of the operating room, and quickly walked over to check her condition.

  Li Jia's face was a little pale, but she was already awake.

   "I'm fine, go see them..." Li Jia pointed to the two doctors around him. After Jiajia came out, the eyes of the two doctors all shifted to the arms of the two doctors.

  Two small wrinkled milk dumplings were taken out. Lu Yichen took a look, bowed his head and kissed Jiajia’s lips. "Are you ok?"

  Li Jia gave him a funny look. "Two little Lu Yichen, don't you go take a look?"

  Lu Yichen was stunned, and touched her thin white face with the warm palm. "Good boy, mom has worked hard."

  Monica and Mrs. Li, one by one, took the two small dumplings from the doctor's hand first, and teased them with a smile.

   "Look, Yichen, you are a father again." Monica smiled.

  "It's two boys." Madam Li smiled from ear to ear, holding the little baby in her arms to her husband. "This is the older brother, and the younger brother in Monica's arms."

  Unfortunately, the two small milk dumplings smashed their pink mouths, and they did not open their eyes.

  The old people of the two families were all smiles. They leaned over and looked at them, wanting to touch but worrying about rubbing their hands against the delicate skin of the child.

"The little thing that was just born is crumpled and looks like a black monkey." Li Jia woke up during the operation. The doctor handed the baby to her. She couldn't help but think of their sister and brother. , It was the same when she was born.

   "It doesn't matter if it's ugly now, it's even more beautiful when it's opened." Monica smiled and answered.

  Ms. Li followed with a smile and said: "This is the case for newborn children, and it will be fine after a while. Look at these eyebrows, they are exactly the same as Yichen."

   "Really? Let me see." Monica carefully looked at the two grandchildren. "Much more beautiful than when their father was a kid."

  Li Jia laughed silently, Lu Yichen touched her face and laughed at her.

   "Congratulations, for the birth of two young masters. When these two children were first born, they didn't say a word, which is also unusual." The doctor in charge of delivering the baby said with a smile.

   "Yes, seeing them not crying, we took a few shots, blinked at us with big eyes, but didn't cry."

  Another assistant doctor followed. The two children were also strange. They were worried about what was wrong with the children, but they looked sober, but they didn't cry, and fell asleep after two chops.

   uttered somehow, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Li Jia came out of the delivery room and was taken to the intensive care unit. The doctor and nurse checked the relevant equipment and left one after another. The two children were taken into the nursery room. Both families followed to see the baby. Lu Yichen stayed alone beside Jiajia’s bed. , I asked her if she was thirsty for a while, and asked her if she was in pain, and whether to add an analgesic pump...

   "I'm okay, you sit down." Li Jia is already better, except for a painful abdomen cut, everything else is fine.

  I originally wanted to have a smooth delivery, so that I can recover more quickly. I have a baby in the morning, and I won’t feel anything in the afternoon. As a result, I still inevitably suffer a knife.

  Can only sigh, people are not as good as heaven.

   "How is Su Lan? Are you awake?" She remembered that something was wrong with Su Lan when she was in the elevator.

  Lu Yichen was at a loss for a few seconds. "Su Lan?"

  No impression at all.

   Li Jia looked at the sky speechlessly. "She seems to be poisoned, and I don't know what went wrong. When riding the elevator, she suddenly had an attack."

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