However, his mind is still blank.

  She seems to hear her brother's voice?

  Bo Xuanrui hugged Su Lan, who was unconscious, with her back leaning against the elevator wall, and he heard the faint noise coming from outside.

"We are here!"

"anyone there!"

  Zhao Xun and Da Liu were shocked, turned their heads, and responded loudly to the outside.

   "Come on! Come on!" The two bodyguards were so scared that they were about to collapse. If there are no more people, there will be a big deal between the young lady and the two children!

   "I heard the sound! Below here!"

   "Quick! They are below!"

  People outside also heard their shouts, and they were immediately motivated.

  About three or four minutes later, there was a ding sound, the light in the dark elevator lit up, and the elevator rumbling began to rise.

  It only took a few seconds to prompt the fifth floor to arrive.

  As soon as the elevator opened, the construction workers and medical staff were shocked when they saw the scene inside, even if they had expected it.

   "Jiajia!" Lu Yichen was confused, rushed in and picked up Jiajia who was lying in a pool of blood, his voice hoarse and trembling.

  "Hurry up! The baby is about to be born!" The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department guessed what was going on as soon as he saw the situation, and quickly asked Lu Yichen to hug Jiajia onto the roller bed, and the doctors and nurses pushed people to the delivery room.

  Lu Yichen couldn't see anyone at all. When he saw Jiajia was covered with blood and his mind was blank, he followed Jiajia and left.

  Other medical staff present hurriedly helped several other people in the elevator out. When they saw Su Lan's condition in Bo Xuanrui's arms, they were shocked.

   "It's poisoning!" When the doctor checked Su Lan, she immediately felt that something was wrong with her.

The slightly older middle-aged doctor retracted the hand that opened Sulan’s eyelids, did a simple examination, and then glanced at the vomiting mess in the elevator, and said seriously: “The stomach is lavage as soon as possible. Fortunately, the vomiting will be induced quickly. It's life-threatening, except for mild heatstroke and dehydration."

  Bo Xuanrui, who had been highly nervous, heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that, and quickly hugged Sulan to go to the stomach lavage.

   "How could you be poisoned in the elevator?" The doctor next to him muttered.

   "When the patient wakes up, I will know what is going on."

Both groups of people were rescued. The bodyguards in the elevator next to them were of good health. In addition, the elevator did not fall, but suddenly stopped halfway. They stayed in the confined and hot space for nearly an hour, and they suffered from heat stroke. , The others are fine.

   Soon after Sulan's gastric lavage, she became sober. She was drinking water and looked around the ward. Only Bo Xuanrui was sitting at the side.

  She woke up suddenly. "How is Jiajia?"

  Bo Xuanrui helped her up and put a pillow behind her. "It has been sent to the delivery room, it will be fine, don't worry."

   Outside the delivery room, not only Lu Yichen, but Monica and Father Lu of the Lu family, the Li family of the Li family, and Marshal Li were all present.

Lu Yichen wandered back and forth. Madam Li and Monica looked around the delivery room anxiously. Elder Lu and Marshal Li each held a cane in their hands, sat peacefully, staring straight ahead blankly, motionless. .

  Admiral Li found a doctor and was inquiring about Li Jia in detail.

Li Jia’s situation is not so good. Because of the elevator accident, the fetus who was born at full-term was hit by an external force to rupture the amniotic fluid prematurely, resulting in an unnatural delivery. The doctor finally decided to perform a cesarean section, otherwise the two children might suffocate and die. In addition, the mother has severe dehydration and heatstroke, and she has no strength to give birth naturally.

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