Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1008: Why isn't Mrs. Young?

   "How do you know?" Winnie was surprised.

  Lu Yichen did not speak, he could know that it was because in the previous life, Betty Streep came to attend the wedding of Li Meiqi and Hang Zhixing.

What she didn't expect was that Jiajia had passed away at that time. She thought that Jiajia was still alive, and even thought that Li Meiqi was Jiajia. After returning from Europe to attend Li Meiqi's wedding, she found out that Li Meiqi was not Lily's daughter at all.

  Betty Streep mentioned Lily’s daughter, which is Jiajia, at the wedding.

The news that the Li family had a biological granddaughter was known at this time. He initially thought that the Li family knew that there was a child outside at this wedding. At that time, he didn’t even know that Jia Jia belonged to the Li family. My child, never even thought about it.

  But in fact, the old Marshal Li had noticed before that, only to learn that Jia Jia had passed away, and in his anger, he had not had time to announce, and he tried to retaliate against the creation of the world.

   "I heard the old man Li mentioned it." Lu Yichen said casually, it is impossible for Winnie to run to the old man Li to confirm this.

  Winnie nodded. "No wonder."

  Lu Yichen and Winnie talked a few words and then left the ward to look for Jiajia upstairs.

  The bodyguard followed him towards the elevator dedicated to Jiajia’s ward, but the bodyguard found that there was no digital display on the display board on the elevator. "power cut?"

   "The power system in the hospital should be fine." Another bodyguard looked around and found that the power supply was normal.

   "Maybe the elevator is broken." The bodyguard didn't pay attention either.

   "Why don't you put up a sign to remind you?" Several bodyguards chanted, leading Lu Yichen who was out to the public elevator on the other side.

  There are a lot of people in line in the public elevator, and they can’t get down. There are doctors and nurses to transport carts and medicines from time to time in the elevator that transports machinery to the hospital next to it, but no one goes there.

  Lu Yichen is strange. "what's happenin?"

  "Master, the elevator over there seems to be malfunctioning, so I can only go here." The bodyguard pointed to the malfunctioning elevator.

  Lu Yichen frowned. He checked the time and the number of the elevator again, before turning around and walking towards the stairs without hesitation. "walk the stair."

walk the stair?

  They are on the third floor, and the young lady’s ward is on the fifteenth floor. This has to climb twelve floors.

  Lu Yichen didn’t explain. He wasn’t used to squeezing the elevator with a group of people. He didn’t know how long he had to wait. He simply walked up the stairs faster. The twelfth floor was nothing to him.

  Lu Yichen's speed was very fast, and he didn't see any breathlessness after climbing twelve floors. The bodyguards behind him were of good physical quality. Five or six big men didn't feel much.

  I don’t know what’s going on. Lu Yichen only feels flustered. He doesn’t know if he climbed the stairs? He frowned, and his eyelids began to jump again.

  He hurried to the room where Li Jia was staying. He didn't know what was going on, he always felt something was wrong.

  What's wrong?

  Lu Yichen quickly followed, and when he hurried to Li Jia’s room, a bodyguard followed by him strangely said: “Why didn’t you see the other brothers guarding outside? Where did everyone go?”

  Lu Yichen was surprised.

  Yes, where did the people guarding Jiajia go?

  He rushed to Li Jia's room, before knocking on the door, he pushed in directly.

  There was only one nurse who changed the bed in the ward. Seeing Lu Yichen suddenly came in, she turned her head and looked over to recognize him, and quickly said: "Lu Shao, you are here."

  Lu Yichen frowned. "Why isn't Mrs. Young?"

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