Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1007: Time staggered

  Lu Yichen nodded. The company's affairs are on the right track. I was busy a while ago and hoped to be free in the next time.

   "Okay, Mom, I see." Lu Yichen got out of the car and went to Winnie's ward.

  Monica was a little excited, and she talked about the two young ones at home. "Xiulu and Chenchen are also at the age of kindergarten, just in time for the start of this year. My dad and I have been looking for a long time and decided to send them to the small class of St. John’s Kindergarten. Most of the children there are about the same age as the two babies, although the tuition fee It's a bit expensive, but the management is good, the qualifications of the kindergarten teacher..."

  Monica talks endlessly, and Lu Yichen is helpless and funny, nodding her head constantly. "I'm at the hospital, don't say anything, I'll talk to Grandpa when I get home at night."

  "Okay, your dad has mentioned it to the principal of St. John's, and the old man also agreed to send two little babies over." Monica finalized the matter and felt relieved.

Lu Yichen agreed. He had also seen before that St. John’s is the most expensive private kindergarten in the Imperial Capital. Most of the children in it are either rich or expensive. Although the fees are expensive, the kindergarten teachers are well trained. The food, clothing, housing and transportation are very well organized. Not bad.

   "Bang Bang." Lu Yichen knocked on the door twice.

   "Come in." Winnie's voice came, and Lu Yichen opened the door and entered.

Winnie was sitting on the hospital bed reading a book, saw Lu Yichen come in, beckoned him to sit down, and smiled: "Is it here to find Xiaoju? Unfortunately, about ten minutes ago, she, Su Lan, Bo Xuanrui and others were already there. Go upstairs."

   "How is the wound on your head recovering? You look good." Since Lu Yichen came, he left without a good greeting.

   "Fortunately, I plan to leave the hospital in a few days. When my two little nephews are born, I will return to Sweden." Vinny put down his book and pointed to the chair beside him to beckon him to sit. "I heard that Uncle Zero has also returned to Sweden, and I should leave too."

  Lu Yichen heard about Zero’s news. He just nodded lightly. In fact, Zero had left the country a long time ago and was sent back to Sweden by the old man of the Li family.

  "Do you know about Jiajia's mother?" Lu Yichen asked. He didn't know much about Jiajia's mother.

  "Aunt Lily and Xiaoju look alike. Xiaoju inherited her father's eyes before. It looks good. Since she changed a pair of green pupils, they are almost similar." Winnie said slowly.

   "I heard from my grandfather that Aunt Lily gave birth to Xiaoju during the mission. After giving birth, she asked her comrade-in-arms to take the child away, and then followed her uncle on the mission the next day."

"As a result, my aunt’s comrades met someone to stop and sacrifice on the way. Xiaoju was finally rescued by the police and delivered to Grandma Song who lives in the UK. Grandma Song is the grandmother of my aunt’s friend, and the police thought it was Grandma Song’s relative. , And gave her the child, with a letter."

  Speaking of this, Winnie paused for a moment. "The letter was written by Aunt Lili. I originally wanted to use this letter to let the organization send the child back to Li's house, but you also know that people who are on special missions are not allowed to bring out any identity information, so people who are not clear I don’t understand where it was delivered."

"Even the name of my aunt’s comrade-in-arms is kept secret. It was not until three years ago that I knew that my aunt’s comrade-in-arms did not die, but was seriously injured to recuperate. Originally, she planned to go back to Li’s house two years ago to explain this. Recognizing her with the Li family, she didn't return to China, so she was relieved. She also said that Xiaoju didn't come to attend the wedding, and she planned to return to China with a full moon wine to see her children."

   "Is your aunt's comrade-in-arms called Betty Streep?" Lu Yichen said suddenly.

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