Chapter 98

“why you?”

When Qin Haoran’s doubts came out, it actually represented the questions of Guan Hong and Qin Haoran at the same time.

They thought that the person present did not come, but another person came.

The slim figure standing at the entrance of the factory…

It’s not someone else, it’s Jiang Yin.

Guan Hongshan narrowed his eyes and watched Jiang Yin take the conversation and asked, “Why are you here?”

“Today is the final review.”

Guan Hongshan’s question is straight to the point and asks the most important point.

But when he asked this question, Jiang Yin didn’t answer it for the first time.

She didn’t even look at Guan Hongshan

Jiang Yin looked at the “parking lot” behind Guan Hong

There was silence in the room.

This silence lasted for a full minute, before Jiang Xinlue’s trembling voice came out.


“As expected of Lin Ci.”

She took a deep breath and eased the already stiff body.

But the shock in my mind could not dissipate for a long time.

“Why am I here?”

At this time, Jiang Yin Siping suddenly recalled the issue of Guan Hongshan before.

She gave a wry smile, and then said, “Lin Ci quit me.”

“Since I am not his lawyer, naturally there is no need to continue to appear in court.”

“It looks like now

“This result is completely different from what I expected…”

At two o’clock in the morning, the text message that Jiang Yin received…

Naturally dismiss her message

Jiang Yin recalled the information in the text message, even now, he still feels a little bit interested.

That was obviously a timed text message.

“Hello, lawyer Jiang Yin, the employment relationship between us ends here. Thank you for your help in my daughter’s case during this period of time.”

Lin Ci was sent to prison when he appeared in court for the second time on February 15.

Span at least thirteen days

However, listening to Jiang Yin’s description, Guan Hongshan was a little surprised

“Lin Ci fired Jiang Yin?”

“What does this mean?”

Suddenly the information became more and more, Guan Hongshan felt that the line in his brain that was already clear was now messed up again because of Jiang Yin’s sudden appearance.

He frowned and looked at Jiang Yin, and asked, “How did you find this place?”

Jiang Yin’s sight remained in the parking lot, and she said, “If Lin Ci doesn’t need me to continue to defend…”

“That means he wants to confess guilt very urgently.”

“My existence is a variable for him.”

“In that case, that video is naturally problematic…”

“It’s not hard to think of.”

Hearing this, Guan Hongshan squinted his eyes.

Of course, Jiang Yin’s strength is also very good.

However, Guan Hong did not speak.

He was waiting for Jiang Yin’s next narrative.

Even if you know the existence of the problem, finding this remote and abandoned factory is still not a simple matter.

But just before Jiang Yin spoke, Qin Ming’s voice suddenly came over: “Close the team.”

“Half an hour is coming soon.”

“Wu Sin there

Upon hearing this, Guan Hongshan immediately sent a text message to Wu Sin to “extend the court session.”

At this time, it is still unclear who is the real culprit, and the most critical witness has not yet arrived.

And the appearance of Jiang Yin has changed the situation here…

Of course he cannot give a clear message of sin right now.

At the same time, Jiang Yin’s voice continued to be heard: “Why did Zhigan find here?

“There are many industries under Lin Ci’s name, but if such a site can be set up, the scope of targets will of course be reduced a lot.

“I’m his lawyer…jing.”

“When I was in charge of Chen Weiwei’s case, I went through some running lists.”

“Naturally found it here.”

She stopped here for a while.

And then continue to say

“Although I thought of something, when I actually saw it,

“But still…”

When Jiang Yin said this, his voice stopped abruptly.

Although this is not finished, Guan Hongshan certainly understands Jiang Yin’s feelings

The existence of this “parking lot” is indeed sensational enough!


Jiang Yin frowned, looked at Guan Hongshan and asked, “What are you waiting for?”

“The fact that Lin Ci committed the crime for Chen Weiwei has been settled.”

“At least you have to send the evidence to your husband now.”

Jiang Yin’s voice is still so calm and determined.

But Guan Hongshan was indifferent to her suggestion.

Looking at Guan Hongshan’s silence, Jiang Yin’s brows deepened.

“The presiding judge needs to make a ruling and testimony within ten minutes


Qin Ming explained: “We have to wait for the last key witness

“Our evidence must be clear, and what stands in the court is that Lin Ci must avoid the omission of rabbits.

Hearing this, Jiang Yin narrowed his eyes.

“The last key witness?”


Qin Ming did not speak.

No one answered this question.

Jiang Yin didn’t ask any more questions.

That being the case, then next… just wait for the last piece of the puzzle to be put together

However, it was already past the agreed time. Qin Ming took out his mobile phone and dialed another call, “Why haven’t we arrived yet?”

“Time is tight! Hurry up!”

Although that’s what I said, but… time is still passing by every minute and every second.

Four people stood in this parking lot and waited for another half an hour

The footsteps sounded again.

A middle-aged fat man who looked a bit simple and honest appeared at the door of the abandoned factory.

He was wearing a suit, but his liver still bulged out.

This person walked into the factory building quickly, and said apologetically as he walked:


“Feel sorry!”

“The road out of the city is a bit blocked!”

Qin Ming nodded, watching the middle-aged fat man and Guan Hongshan introduce: “Chen Zhijiang from North City

Well-known advertising director. “” It is a cooperative relationship with Runhua Group. ”

Hearing this, Guan Hong nodded.

He looked at Chen Zhi without any hesitation, and asked in a single-handed way: “This place was shot

Who did you take the photo for?” Chen Zhi pondered for a while and said, “Close the team, I really don’t know about this.”

“I haven’t been in contact with Shangjia. If you ask me, I feel like Boss Lin, right?”

“The senior engineer had contact with the upper family before. You should ask him about this.”

Upon hearing this, Guan Hongshan and others frowned: “High?”

Chen Zhi nodded: “Yes, the boss of a decoration company, he should have installed this place.”

After Qin Ming and others looked at each other, they all saw the solemnity in each other’s eyes.

Things are getting more complicated and clearer!

“The team…the top priority must be to find this senior engineer as soon as possible!”

And almost immediately after Qin Ming’s voice fell, another footstep sounded.

The man who walked in wore a 4.3 overall suit with a little dust on his hands


Chen Zhi said, “Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is not here, it’s high.”

Guan Hongshan looked at the “Gao” who was engaged in the construction site, straight to the point, and also asked directly:

“Who did you help to repair this place?” Gao Gong was stunned. He raised his eyebrows. He was about to speak, but suddenly he was stunned.

He seemed to have just discovered Jiang Yin’s presence.

At this time, the senior engineer’s eyes were a little erratic, and he smiled sullily.

He scanned the situation between the courts and asked: “Lawyer Jiang, the team”

“Old Chen

“Which one is this?”

“Lawyer Jiang is here… do you need to ask me?”

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became cold

The faces of the other four people in the room changed their colors!

Guan Hongshan, Qin Ming, and Qin Haoran frowned at the same time…

Unanimously, I looked at Jiang Yin’s husband!

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