Chapter 97

East Suburb of Jiangbei City

The dilapidated gate of the huge factory building has been dumped on the ground

Qin Haoran pushed the door open from the car and got out, squinting his eyes to look at her husband in the workshop while fanning the smoke from the dust.

Immediately afterwards, his coughing and the sound of palm flapping stopped.

Guan Hong looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes widened

Qin Ming stood behind Guan Hongshan, slightly open his mouth as if he didn’t know how to describe the situation in front of him.

In order to ensure that the real culprit can be confirmed before the end of the power period

The time available to them is already very tight.

But this scene before me…

It’s too horrible!

“I… my goodness!”

Qin Haoran’s exclamation voice came out-come out

His voice passed through the reverberation of the empty factory building again to Guan Hongshan and Qin Ming’s ears

And this finally awakened Guan Hongshan who was in shock

He stepped forward and walked into the factory.

What he saw…

It is a run-down and empty factory building.

And in the middle of this empty factory… it turned out to be a parking lot!

To be more precise

This is part of the parking lot, which perfectly reproduces the crime scene they have seen

It perfectly reproduces the place where Liu Yan died, from the decoration to the parking situation of the vehicle, to the light and ground traces…

All the details are exactly the same

Here is a set

Guan Hongshan looked at the scene in front of him, gritted his teeth as if he wanted to suppress the shock in his heart.

Many pictures suddenly echoed in his mind, and countless details flooded into his mind.

Lin Ci’s every move, what he once said.

“Daughter, I’m sorry.”

“Yes, I killed Liu Yan

“I will die behind the dragon’s back wall.”

These words and sentences suddenly flooded into Guan Hongshan’s mind.

He covered his cheek with his palm, felt the beating of his heart, and felt a bit hot on his forehead

At this time, Qin Ming came out with a slightly trembling voice.

“Close the team…”


Guan Hongshan gritted his teeth and did not speak

And Qin Haoran’s voice came over at this time: “This…”

“Generation…represents…I…what we saw…video…”

“is fake?”

Guan Hongshan still did not speak, he raised his wrist and glanced at the time.

There is still an hour and a half.

In this one and a half hour

He must find out who the real murderer is!

Guan Hongshan suddenly turned his head husband and looked at Qin Ming.

“When will he arrive?”

Hearing this question, Qin Ming was taken aback.

But he immediately reflected it, took a look at the time, and said, “It should be a little bit soon.

When they were saying this, the roar of the engine had clearly reached their ears

The three turned around together and looked at the husband behind them.

The person they have been waiting for, the clue figure that is not the most critical, will finally appear

Listening to the sound of the engine getting closer, Qin Ming suddenly asked:

“Close the team, what the hell is going on?”

“What is the purpose of you telling me to call him over?”

“Call us over at two o’clock in the morning…I am still at a loss.”

Qin Ming looked at the situation in front of him, although he realized something…

But there was still a fog in his mind.

Many puzzles have not been solved at all.

At this time, with the approach of the engine sound, they will soon reveal the final truth

So at this time, they, who have been busy all night, finally have time to ask what Guan Hongshan has discovered.

Facing Qin Ming’s question, Guan Hong also nodded.

He took a deep breath and spoke solemnly.

“The most critical starting point is to start with Lin Ci’s words.”

“I only understood later”

“Lin Ci’s sentence I will die behind Longbei Mountain is not a reminder to us.”


“A hint to Chen Weiwei.”

Qin Ming and Qin Haoran listened carefully to Guan Hongshan’s explanation.

At this time, after Guan Hongshan said these words, with the IQ of these two people, he naturally found the key to the problem immediately.

Qin Haoran asked in surprise: “That is to say…”

“Lin Ci is… is to commit the crime!?”

Guan Hongshan nodded and continued

“The two people, as natives of Jiangbei, know the legend of Longbei Mountain very well.”

“And what inspired me is precisely here.”

“The legend of Longbei Mountain is a legend that describes paternal love and redemption.”

“Thinking of Chen Weiwei’s actions in the court at that time can clearly explain the situation at that time.”

“So Lin Ci should not be the real murderer.

“As a suspicious point, it also means that the video that suddenly appeared on our mobile phone

“It’s also fake.”

Speaking of this, the factory building suddenly became quiet.

Even the breathing stopped.

When Qin Ming heard this result, he felt a little suffocated.

If it weren’t for looking at the fake parking lot in front of you

So even if you hear the argument that the video is fake, I am afraid that it is impossible to believe this argument, right?

Thinking back to the time when Lin Ci silently pleaded guilty and said that I would die behind the dragon’s back wall

At this time, I felt cold all over.

Lin Ci is Lin Ci…

It’s such a big picture

And Guan Hongshan’s voice continued to be heard.

“After having this idea…

“I started thinking again, where is the problem?”

“Then I started to compare the two sets of videos.”

“Although it looks exactly the same…”

“But… after all, there is still something wrong.”

Guan Hongshan frowned and called up two photos on the phone.

These two photos, one is taken from surveillance video, and the other is taken from video

On the screen are the same people-Sun Cheng

Even the location is the same, but…in the same location

In the two photos of Sun Cheng, one is landing with his left foot first, and the other is landing with his right foot first

Qin Ming and Qin Haoran looked at this simple to the extreme photo, but they felt the shock from their hearts!

Although it is not fancy, the sensory impact is not inferior to a visual blockbuster.

Guan Hongshan continued:

“Since this video is fake, then Lin Ci is naturally not the real murderer.”


“It should be Chen Weiwei, undoubtedly.”

“Lin Ci did a great job in this game…but in the end, it was us who won.”

“Just wait until he arrives and identify who made this place, then…”

“This ninth issue is over.”

As soon as Guan Hong’s voice fell, the sound of the engine outside the door had stopped

The brakes rang out across the wall of the factory building.

The sound of footsteps sounded.

A figure stood by the smashed door of the factory building

Looking at this figure, the three people were stunned at the same time.

The person who came is not the one they have been waiting for!?

Qin Haoran looked at the figure that appeared at the door and asked in surprise:


“why you?”

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