Chapter 61

After learning that Lin Ci left the back door at Jiangbei City Bureau, Chris certainly would not let this opportunity pass.

A hacker of his level, of course, also has his own arrogance

His understanding of dry networks and systems is even deeper than that of the developers of the system

He knows the existence of every vulnerability and the operating mode of every software.

So when he heard Song Chen’s words, of course he was not angry

Just decided to teach him a lesson.

“Let me see

“Where is that back door?”

Chris still has the biggest hole card that hasn’t been opened.

At this time, in the Jiangbei City Bureau, Guan Hongshan had placed the computer in front of Song Chen.

“If you can find Chris’ position.”

“Of course I caught Lin Ci.”

Guan Hongshan said, “And only in this way, we can protect you.”

The two words “protection”, Guan Hongshan especially emphasized his tone.

And at this time, Song Chen certainly understood the meaning, he nodded solemnly, and then said

Said: “I need my key.”

“The confiscated Guan Hongshan was stunned, then took out the key from the evidence bag and threw it to Song Chen.

He watched Song Chen open the keychain, and then revealed the disc interface

Guan Hongshan felt a little speechless when watching Song Chen open a disk and insert it

The brow is also raised.

What is going on with this kid?

Shouldn’t it be like Tang Man, where did you start typing code?

Song Chen seemed to have noticed Guan Hongshan’s doubts, and he explained, “After all, the queen

I wrote the door code”

“It’s more convenient to use it at this time.” This resolved Guan Hongshan’s doubts…

But at the same time, Chris on the other side is happier

As soon as I hear the backdoor

That means it’s almost exposing the position of the back door to Chiklis

Of course he would not miss such a good opportunity.

“Boy, it looks like you still need a few more classes to attend.”

“Since Lin Ci can work with me… Isn’t Lin Ci’s vision not as good as yours~?”

His fingers flew on the keyboard.

Since it is a backdoor, it naturally needs data retrieval and flow, he only needs to borrow

These data flows…

Naturally, he could break through the back door and intrude into the computer Song Chen was using. It’s like a thief who backed up the keyman theft…

However, during the live broadcast, Song Chen’s voice also came out at the same time: “This back door, Chris

It must be known. ”

“The cooperation between Brother Lin and Chris should start from here.” “This can definitely analyze his P land! Invasion”

“So, as soon as this backdoor is called, he will definitely notice

“Close the team, you must pay attention to the outside

Guan Hongshan nodded.

He glanced at the one-sided glass behind and gave a look over there.

It is not just Song Chen who is operating at this time, of course Tang Xiao is also working hard.

In order to ensure that no i data is missed

They are combing.

But at this time the number of simultaneous effects is really too large.

After all, the live broadcast is ongoing, but among the audience, there are always some people with special skills watching

After this scene, my hands will also start to itch

“How…how?” Qin Haoran asked.

Tang Xiao put a paper towel on his forehead, and said shortly, “I have a lot of addresses.


“I found the back door!”


Speaking of this, Tang Xiao paused suddenly.

Wu Sin frowned, and suddenly asked, “What’s wrong?”

Tang Xiao’s eyes changed a little again: “The back door… there are four!”

“And two of them are linking with the computers operated by Song Chen!”

“What is he doing!?”

“Do you want to terminate the operation!?”

Qin Ming immediately grabbed the walkie-talkie and said to Guan Hongshan: “The back door can last for more than a month.

Can be more!”

“Close the team! What do you say?” Such news is naturally impossible to be heard by the audience watching the live broadcast.

But Guan Hongshan just made a standby gesture without leaving a trace!

Seeing this gesture, Qin Ming was stunned.

Then bit the bullet and said: “Go on!”

Tang Xiao puzzled: “But…”

But the situation was critical at this time, she didn’t say anything more, she could only follow the instructions of her superiors.

Husband do

“So many backdoors…” “What exactly does Lin Ci want to do!?”

No one knows what Lin Ci wants to do

And the back door of Japan is not as Song Chen said, it was Chris and Lin Ci who communicated well.

The audience watched the live broadcast, but they felt that the situation was getting worse and worse

Everyone can tell that Guan Hongshan’s expression is a bit too gloomy

People became nervous with the expression on Guan Hongshan’s face

“What the hell is going on? This really started hacking? But that Chris is not

The person who set up the project team?”

“Is it true that there is someone? Song Chen doesn’t seem to realize that the show is starting?”

“My Cao! No? That means what Song Chen said just now is not the script, it’s all true?”

People felt that something was wrong, but the program group didn’t say anything. They are all speculations so far, and the reality of Japan makes these people who watch the live speculation in their hearts.

Under the topic # Lin Ci# on Weibo, many people started to guess.

“,”If this Chris is real, if Song Chen’s words are true…”

“Then Lin Ci is really committing a crime? This is not a show!? I’m getting goose bumps

“It’s just that the shooting technique is more powerful this time? It makes us feel like it’s not a show? Otherwise, this

How could it be broadcast?”

“Now that I’m talking, this may be part of Lin Ci’s perfect crime? In the previous tenth issue, it was not

Don’t you believe it?”

People don’t know what the situation is, they can only continue to see the next husband

At this time Chris has found two backdoors, and started to invade, and found the address that Song Chen was operating.

“Mac address…copy.”

“I address coverage…”

“Permission cracking…”

(Good) “Song Chen…”

“You write this code like a beginner…”

“Where did the letter come from?”

After going back to Song Chen’s ip address, the smile on the corner of Chris’ mouth was even better.

It is said that there is no way to get in touch with overseas buyers, and the security bureau and the city bureau chase after it.

The cut was too fierce, but the back door left by Lin Ci was used to counterattack Song Chen.

Isn’t it easy to come here!?


His slender fingers slapped on the enter key

And his computer screen is constantly opening and closing several dialog boxes, and another one appears

Computer desktop Chris smiled triumphantly

“But that’s it?”

“I think it’s just you.”

At this time, he had called out the camera of Song Chen’s laptop.

Say hello to Song Chen in this way. But then, Chris looked at the picture on the computer screen, but the expression on his face was rapid


From triumphant moment to panic!

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