Chapter 60

Tang Xiao’s expression is very nervous

Like everyone else present, some cold sweat on her forehead shed uncontrollably

The temples are slightly moist.

Although this scene is beautiful, it makes people even more aware of how anxious they are at this moment!

Although her fingers were tapping on the keyboard as fast as flying, the crackling keyboard sound filled the entire observation room.

But in fact, no one can tell that her fingers are trembling slightly at this time.


A soft sound, like a rest, stopped the keyboard sound.

However, Tang Xiao’s eyes became even more ugly

“what’s the situation!?”

Guan Hongshan asked nervously.

Tang Xiao paused for a moment, then said: “Close the team…”

“The opponent’s level is very high…”

“I didn’t find it.”

“But there are indeed traces of illegally reading data.”

“They must have left a back door in the network, they must find the signal transmitter!”

Guan Hongshan was silent.

Others listened to Tang Xiao’s words, but didn’t say anything again.17

The audience who watched this scene in the live broadcast room were also silent.

People opened their mouths slightly…

Although this is a show, they also know it is a show, but the current atmosphere

But it has completely exceeded their expectations!

“Oh my god, can’t this be true?”

“Even Jiang Yin has never done this kind of thing!”

“How are they going to solve it? Does this kind of thing count as Lin Ci really committing a crime?”

The scenes that appeared in the camera included the nervous and serious Guan Hongshan, and the nervous young man named Song Chen.

All give people a kind

This is by no means the feeling of being on a show!

At this moment, Guan Hong looked at the string of codes on the screen next to Tang Xiao, and at the word “failed” that popped up on that screen, he fell into deep thought.


“Lin Ci really cooperated with Chris, so the back door that Lin Ci placed here is probably the reason why Chris has always been without a trace.”

“Continue to get married like this…”

Guan Hongshan gritted his teeth, it is not just a question of the list of Jiangbei City Security Bureau.

Some confidential documents and security plans in the police system may be leaked

He must save all this as soon as possible

He thought about all this, then walked back to the interrogation room again

He sat opposite Song Chen, looking at him solemnly.

“Where did Lin Ci put that wif signal transmitter?”

Song Chen shook his head: “I don’t know where

And Guan Hongshan immediately asked: “Where did the backdoor stay? The code is not yours?”

Song Chen shook his head first, then nodded: “I don’t know where the back door is, but the code is indeed mine.”

Then Song Chen added: “It’s me… and that Angkor’s.”

Guan Hongshan gritted his teeth: “You should know that we can’t protect you without substantial progress.”

“Even if I personally want it, it won’t work in terms of formalities.”

“You are… an accomplice after all

Song Chen looked at Guan Hongchu, and then sighed: “I want to open it too, even if it is to provide protection.

“When can you hide? It’s impossible to look at me 24 hours a day, but you can’t catch Chris, can you?”

Guan Hongshan raised his eyebrows, wondering why this Song Chen suddenly became pessimistic

He continued: “The protection we provide is naturally not care in the ordinary sense.

“If you really do meritorious service, I can guarantee that you will disappear completely.”

The meaning of this disappearance, of course, is not dead.

Instead, the name “Song Chen” was completely wiped out.

Can change him

Song Chen, who had been bowing his head, suddenly raised his head, and there was a light of hope in his eyes.

“Is this serious?”

“Close the team!”

“Are you serious!?”

Guan Hongshan looked at Song Chen’s excited eyes and nodded.

Then Song Chen took a deep breath and said, “I can help you catch Chris

“But you must promise to help me solve this matter.”

“Just make me disappear.”

When Guan Hongshan heard Song Chen’s words, his mind bounced

Help catch Chris!?

They have been busy for a month, but they have made no progress, but he said he can help catch Chris!?

At this time, Guan Hongshan sneered and said, “It’s up to you?”

Song Chen suddenly became more confident: “Yes.”

“Chris this guy blows Xuanping”

“But actually his level”

“It’s nothing more than that.”

“Of course, I need a computer.”

Guan Hongshan looked at Song Chen’s expression and didn’t know what to do for a while

But since there is such an opportunity, it is natural to try.

Lin Ci’s back door has not been found at this time, and continuing to interrogate her husband has no results.


Guan Hongshan nodded.

Guan Hongshan came to the observation room again.

Seeing him coming in, Wu Xin’s voice has already been heard: “Close the team! Are you too sloppy?


“Could it be that Song is better than the technical department in our bureau?”

“It doesn’t matter if he betrayed Lin Ci! He is still Lin Ci’s person after all!” “At this time, it is easy for him to move to achieve this goal!”

“He touched the computer in one day, who knows what will happen?”

His heart is not unreasonable.

Bi Lin Ci’s deception is almost as dense as dissolving dry water

“Didn’t Tang Xiao fail to find the back door?

However, at this time, Guan Hong shook his head

“Song Chen’s 020 technology may indeed be unique

“The code was written by him and the suspect

Wu Sin wanted to say something, but Qin Haoran’s hand suddenly patted his shoulder

And just such a row of shooting, but it made Wu Sin suddenly think of something

Now, in the process of live broadcast, Lin Ci has completely lost control of his husband. Of course he may be in

Watching the live broadcast.

Not to mention Chris, the guy who has always been at large.

In other words… the team is going to use this advantage… to pit that Chris!?

So, the final point did not fall on Song Chen?

Is this just a game for Chris?

After Wu Sin thought of this, he suddenly gave a wry smile.

“I see.”

“Then try it.”

Chris is indeed watching the live broadcast

This is also a very ordinary young man, watching him live in his laptop in the coffee

The expression is very playful.

Especially when Song Chen said that his level was not good enough, the smile became even more


“You little one…” “Do you really think of yourself as a character?”

“But did Lin Ci actually leave the back door at the city bureau?” “This is…”


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