"Dean Xiao is afraid?"

Zhang Haiyang had an idea in his mind that even he himself could not imagine.

"No, it's impossible!"

He shook his head violently and shouted in his heart.

Even if he thought so, he couldn't believe it, because his last escape route now all fell on Xiao Dafa.

Once Xiao Dafa was helpless, he was powerless. Damn it, then a little guy like him is destined to follow and die without a burial place.....

Only if Xiao Dafa is safe and sound in this matter and can be transferred to another school as a deputy dean, can he have a glimmer of hope.


Xiao Dafa was awakened by Zhang Haiyang, looked at Zhang Haiyang, his eyes showed a complicated look, and said:"Did Lu Can reveal, what is the name of the person who came to Xu School to wait for Zhang Xiaole?"


Zhang Haiyang paused, his head turned rapidly. He thought carefully, then shook his head violently, with a wry smile on his face, and said:"Dean Xiao, I suspect that Lu Can did it on purpose. From the time he appeared to the time he revealed this, We were never told what that person's name was."

"Lu Can!"

Xiao Dafa's eyes turned cold 643. After living for decades, he has almost become an old fox. Can't he see the problem that Zhang Haiyang can see?

It seems that the person who came here has a high status, better than Xu Xiao's His status is still high.

Xiao Dafa thought to himself: If this person's status is not higher than that of Principal Xu, how dare Lu Can be so sure that this person can solve Zhang Xiaole's matter.

Moreover, he will also hold me accountable........

He guessed it from the fact that Lu Can didn't reveal this person's identity in front of Zhang Haiyang. Lu Can knew that Zhang Haiyang would report to him after he took Zhang Xiaole away.

This is because I want to catch myself off guard!

Oh shit!

This despicable man.

Before this incident happened, Lu Can met himself, who was also called Dean Xiao, and never called him with the word vice.

But now, there was actually a way set up for him.

Damn it, dogs look down on people.

However, there was nothing he could do about Lu Can. Lu Can's grandfather once had a status comparable to that of his old boss behind him.

He is over fifty, and his old boss has long since taken a back seat.

Moreover, he is only from that family's lineage, a subordinate (ccaj), while the one from the Lu family is Lu Can's biological grandfather, how can he compare?

What's more, there is now another person in the Lu family. Although his status is not as good as Lu Can's grandfather before, he has reached the level of Xu School.

He cannot take revenge on such a family.........

If he dares to attack the Lu family, even his old boss won’t be able to protect him

"I'll make a call to see who is coming to our school today."Xiao Dafa's eyes narrowed, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

This is the liaison office of Qindao University. Generally speaking, this department is the most aware of any big shots coming.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Lao Yang!"

Xiao Dafa's tone was slightly kind, and he said with a smile:"I heard that a big shot came to our school today. I don't know who it is! I just heard it. If you can't say it out loud, that's fine."

"Ha ha!"

A cheerful voice sounded from the opposite side, saying:"Old Xiao, what is our relationship? This kind of thing is considered a secret, not a secret."

"Is that convenient?"

Xiao Dafa said pretending to be embarrassed.

Lao Yang on the phone laughed and said:"Is it convenient? It is of course convenient to remove the handle. I will tell you privately. Today, someone suddenly contacted us in Sujia Village."

"Sujia Village?"

Xiao Dafa was stunned........

What does this have to do with Sujiacun?

Is the person behind Zhang Xiaole from Sujiacun?

No! His home is in Ji Province, which is not close to Qilu, but close to the northwest. It's thousands of miles away!

"Is it the big shot from Sujiacun?"

Xiao Dafa joked. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Su Hong and Mr. Su came to our school with a few people, but Principal Xu personally received them, and our leaders followed them."

Lao Yang said with a smile.

Su Hong, Mr. Su?"


Hearing this name, Xiao Dafa swallowed in shock and was completely frightened.

"How can it be!"

There was a turbulent wave in his heart, and he was completely frightened.

"How could it be Mr. Su?"

He was confused........

He knew more about Su Hong than Zhang Xiaole and the others. What was Su Hong's status in Qilu? There is no doubt about that!

This is the first among the people in the past few decades.

He has received countless official honors at all levels. Not only that, he has been a representative for many years and has been met by many big shots in the capital.

It can be said that even among the top ten big figures in the province, there may not be as many big figures in the capital as Mr. Su has seen. It can be said that they are as high as heaven.

Such a person is almost everywhere in Qilu.

What if it were him?


Xiao Dafa's face suddenly turned extremely pale, because he knew very well that the people in Sujia Village were very protective of their shortcomings.

And he came here for Zhang Xiaole, so this matter is definitely not a simple reconciliation relationship, but something that both Xiao Dafa and his sister will suffer.

Sujiacun is known as a place where people will be punished for their actions........

They don't cause trouble, but they are not afraid of trouble. Once trouble comes, they will fight back fiercely.

Ten years ago, a young man had a conflict with a young man from Sujia Village. It was originally a matter between young people.

However, a large number of people were called behind the young man, who was born in Sujia Village and lost one of his legs.

When Sujiacun found out about this, they were collectively furious and immediately carried out a crazy attack.

Now, the young man is still in prison, eating prison food, and his father is also accompanying him in prison. Of course, Sujiacun is not using his power to suppress others.

It was Sujiacun's crazy revenge that uncovered the illegal activities of the father and son.

Leave it to peacetime.

No one took action and everything seemed fine.

However, Sujiacun took action, and it was impossible for those big shots to pretend not to see it.

As soon as this incident came out, no one in this circle dared to offend the entire Sujia Village or deal with the people of Sujia Village without being reasonable.

"Oh shit!"

Xiao Dafa felt regretful and cursed:"If I had known earlier that this little beast Zhang Xiaole had a background in Sujia Village, why the hell would I have provoked him!"

Now, Xiao Dafa has extremely regretted it........

"Thank you, Lao Yang, I understand."

Xiao Dafa suppressed his fear, thanked Lao Yang, and then looked at Zhang Haiyang

"Dean Xiao, what should I do now?"

Zhang Haiyang looked at Xiao Dafa anxiously. He and Xiao Dafa were both prospering and losing.

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