As soon as Lu Can said these words, Zhang Xiaole and several roommates looked at Zhang Xiaole with envy.

I'm really envious.

In this kind of relationship, in Qilu, it is almost a green light to do anything, except of course it is illegal and criminal, and you can do other business normally.

As long as you are reasonable, almost no one will dare to make any ideas against you. that's enough.

Just like there is a saying that is right, you have a strong background, and others will not give you a green light just because you have a strong background.

However, you will be treated fairly as a result. in this world.....

The word fairness is the most difficult.

Everyone has selfish motives.

Every day in the company, I scolded my bosses and managers for nepotism, but when I got to that position, it was not those close to me who were promoted.

"Xiaole, from now on we will rely on you for protection."

One of the roommates joked.

Zhang Xiaole smiled bitterly in his heart. He really didn't know how he and Mr. Su were related. It was a bit unbelievable.

After a while, the car arrived at the office building.

At this time , Zhang Haiyang has also arrived at the office building in the courtyard.

Along the way, he hurried towards Xiao Dafa's office

"Bang bang!"

When he came to the door of Xiao Dafa's office, Zhang Haiyang knocked hard on the door. Without waiting for Xiao Dafa inside to speak, he opened the door and rushed in.........

"Zhang Haiyang, what are you doing?"

Xiao Dafa was frightened by Zhang Haiyang's actions, and his face suddenly became angry. He glared at Xiao Dafa and scolded Xiao Dafa directly.

A small counselor was so reckless and broke into his office.

He still had him in his eyes. Is this the dean’s identity?

"Dean Xiao.

Without bothering to explain, Zhang Haiyang said in a hurry:"Something happened, something big happened.""

"What's the big deal?"

Xiao Dafa suppressed his anger and said coldly

"Zhang Xiaole’s relatives are here.."Zhang Haiyang gasped for breath and shouted intermittently.

Xiao Dafa said disdainfully:"Zhang Xiaole's relative? Isn't he just a child from a poor family? What kind of powerful relatives do he have? Didn't his father come last time?"

Zhang Xiaole's father had been here a long time ago, but he was kicked out by them. The compensation of 100,000 yuan scared them away. How could an ordinary family have the confidence to fight with them?.......

Although the person who was beaten was not his child, he was the son of Xiao Dafa's sister. His sister had been very kind to him since he was a child.

He naturally loves his nephew very much. besides.

Although his sister does not have much status, his brother-in-law is the head of a certain department in the district, and his status is higher than that of Xiao Dafa.

The two of them can do a lot of things together, let alone Qindao University, even in the district or even the city.

"No, it's not!"

Zhang Haiyang shook his head fiercely. He was so tired from running all the way that he was panting when he spoke. There was no way he could tell everything.

"The relatives Zhang Xiaole came to visit this time were not simple. Zhang

Haiyang added.

Xiao Dafa said disapprovingly:"What's not simple?" How could this not be simple? Could it be that he found the village chief of their village?"


They had already investigated Zhang Xiaole's background and knew that he was from an ordinary family in Hebei Province and had no big background.

They can easily crush such people.

Call their village chief?

"No, it's not!"

Zhang Haiyang took a deep breath, feeling a little better, and immediately said:"Lu Can came to me just now and asked me to take him to Zhang Xiaole."

"After meeting Zhang Xiaole, Lu Can had a very friendly attitude toward Zhang Xiaole and was a little bit flattering."


Hearing this, Xiao Dafa's eyes widened.

"Lu Can? Are you talking about Principal Xu’s assistant Lu Can?"Xiao Dafa was a little panicked. He stood up suddenly and said anxiously with his eyes wide open.

"Yes, yes, it’s him!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhang Haiyang nodded fiercely.......

"How is it possible? How does Lu Can know Zhang Xiaole?"Xiao Dafa was dumbfounded.

Lu Can is not an ordinary person!

This is Xu School's assistant, not a simple assistant. He has a level. Calculating, this level is about the same level as him.

If the old principal retires , , it is most likely that Xu School will become the president of Qindao University. At that time, as Xu School’s assistant, Lu Can will definitely take another step forward.

And how old is Lu Can?

He is twenty years younger than Xiao Dafa. Now His level has reached the level of Xiao Dafa. If he goes further in the future, he can reach the level of Xu School at the lowest level.

Moreover, Lu Can is not an ordinary person. The Lu family is also a big family in Qindao. His grandfather used to be a big shot in the local area.

Such a person, even a little bit flattering to Zhang Le?


How can this be?

"You read that right!"

Xiao Dafa was in disbelief. He stared at Zhang Haiyang with wide eyes and said doubtfully.

Zhang Haiyang swallowed his saliva and said,"Dean Xiao, I, I am watching with my own eyes. Can I be wrong? Moreover, Lu Can came to see Zhang Xiaole because Zhang Xiaole’s relative came to our school."

"Zhang Xiaole’s relative?"

Xiao Dafa was confused. When did Zhang Xiaole have such awesome relatives?

Zhang Haiyang explained:"That's what Lu Can said. He said that an elder of Zhang Xiaole came over today and found Xu Xiaole. He was waiting with Xu Xiaole. Take Zhang Xiaole over because his elder knew that Zhang Xiaole injured your nephew. Your nephew is claiming 200,000 yuan."


Hearing Zhang Haiyang's words, Xiao Dafa's head exploded with a bang, and he was completely confused.


He fell down heavily, his eyes dull.

"Waiting with Xu Xiao!"

Xiao Dafa murmured.

A person of his level (with good money) knows very well that the school that is responsible for the daily work of Qindao University can personally receive people and wait with them. This level will not be lower than From Xu School.

In fact, according to this kind of reception, the minimum is the same level as Xu School, and the greater possibility is that this person's status is higher than Xu School. Higher than Xu School's status?

Oh my God.!

What level is this?

It is a level that Xiao Dafa dreams of and cannot reach.

This level is too high.......

That poor guy Zhang Xiaole, where did he come from, to be such a big shot elder?

Didn't we investigate that there are no such awesome people in this little Le family?


Xiao Dafa's throat trembled, and his face turned slightly pale. He only felt that this matter had developed in an irreversible direction.

"Dean Xiao, Dean Xiao!"

Zhang Haiyang looked at Xiao Dafa in a daze and shouted anxiously.

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