Hearing the first few sentences, he felt relieved, because this kind of thing happened outside and had nothing to do with the inside of their school.

So, Qindao University did not have much fault.

At best, it just doesn’t provide strong support to students.

And this kind of thing can't be blamed on them......

However, now that he heard Su Hong's last words, a chill ran down his back. Someone in the school actually dared to threaten that student.

Logically speaking, such a student acts bravely, and after the school finds out, it may have to intervene forcefully and provide backstage for this student.

But now, this matter has not been brought to light, and there are still people putting pressure on this student.

What's even more abominable is.

This person suppressed the matter and asked the brave student to pay 200,000 yuan. This kind of behavior was simply too much bullying. He took advantage of his position to do illegal things.

Damn it! who is this person

"Mr. Su, I never thought that such a scum would appear in our Qindao University. I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly."

Xu Jue said angrily.

The person who suppressed this matter simply dug a big hole for him.

Who is that student?....02....

He is Su Hong's descendant.

What's more important is that this person is still reasonable. He actually dares to suppress this matter and put pressure on this student named Zhang Xiaole.

Do you think the other person has an ordinary family and can be bullied casually?

Don’t even look, who is behind Zhang Xiaole?

That was Su Hong from Sujia Village.

It is a huge beast. Offending Su Hong is equivalent to offending Sujia Village, let alone the land of Qilu.

Not to mention that person, even he is Xu Jue, or even the president of Qindao University, or even a big shot in Qindao or a big shot in the province.

Under these unreasonable circumstances, no one dared to face Su Hong like this.

Who gave him the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard?

Oh shit! damn it.

Xu Jue couldn't wait to dig this person out..........

"I know that in a place as big as Qindao University, there are always some people doing dirty things in places that you can’t see.

Su Hong nodded and said,"It depends on how you handle this matter.""

When Xu Jue heard this, he immediately expressed his position:"Mr. Su, please rest assured that our Qindao University will never tolerate anyone who supports adultery. No matter how big his background is, he will definitely pay a heavy price this time."

Damn it!

I almost killed him. This time, if he didn't kill that person, he wouldn't be called Xu Jue.


Su Hong came to Qindao University and handed over the matter to him. If Su Hong directly made trouble, In the city, or even in the province, even this matter has little to do with him. However

, as the vice principal responsible for daily work, he will definitely bear a very large responsibility.

Even if he is cut off, he will A chance to take a step forward.

You know.

Now that he is only in his forties, he still has a great chance, not to mention that the current old principal is almost reaching his age.

If he works hard, he might be able to take over The position of old principal.

Even if you can't.......

I also had the opportunity to serve as the president of another university of the same level in Qilu.

But once Su Hong brought this matter to the province, he wouldn't have that chance.

"Mr. Su."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Jue looked at Su Hong and said,"Please follow me to the office and take a rest. I'll have someone call Zhang Xiaole to find out who put pressure on him."


Su Hong nodded. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Su Hong agree, Xu Jue breathed a sigh of relief. He looked to the side, his assistant, who was a three-year-old A young man of about ten years old.

As the assistant to the vice-principal responsible for daily work, the status of this assistant is not lower than that of some deputy deans in the school.

It is even arranged for some deans in the hospital to face This assistant must also be polite.


Xu Jue ordered:"Take someone to find classmate Zhang Xiaole. By the way, also find the few classmates who went to distribute flyers with classmate Zhang Xiaole and bring them with you."

"Yes, Principal Xu!"

Zhuang Liang said respectfully.

Although Xu Jue is the vice president, in their circle, they are all called Xu Xiao. That deputy, when he likes others to call him, what has he become?

At this time, Qindao University In 5 dormitories........


A man wearing a white T-shirt said with a red face:"If it doesn't work, we will call the reporter to expose this matter."

"That's right, I don't believe it. No one cares about this kind of thing"

"Oh shit! You acted bravely. That man molested a girl, but he actually dared to beat him up and asked you to pay 200,000 yuan."

"Two hundred thousand! He actually had the nerve to say it."

This is Zhang Xiaole's dormitory, and the people who spoke excitedly are all Zhang Xiaole's classmates. Their dormitory has a six-person dormitory.

At that time, there were four people who went to distribute leaflets with them, including Zhang Xiaole.

Now, the dormitory Inside, including the classmates who did not go to distribute flyers that day, all looked aggrieved.

"Is it useful to expose it to reporters?"

Zhang Xiaole was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bitter look on his face.

If he had known that it would cost him so much to act bravely, not only would he have to pay 200,000 yuan, but he would also be expelled from the school.

He didn't know if he would have done it at that time. Take action again.

But who knows?


A classmate opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say........

"That veteran is the deputy dean of the School of Communication 030. He has a lot of network resources in the media, not to mention in the city, even in the province.

Another classmate sighed and said,"Yes!" Even if we exposed such a huge network of people, would the provincial media dare to report it?"

"I definitely wouldn’t dare! Who are we? We are just ordinary students. In the dormitory, Lu Can's home is better. We do business at home, but that is also in another province."

The classmate leaning against the wall said helplessly:"Besides this old guy, that couple are not ordinary people, and they are also quite influential in the district."

Zhang Xiaole listened, his eyes filled with despair. He didn't expect that this matter would bring him so much trouble, and it might even involve his family selling their house to solve the matter.

Two hundred thousand!

Even if, Their family can also afford 200,000, but they have to sell their house.


Why is it so difficult to be a good person?

Zhang Xiaole's heart is full of shouts for himself. He was originally an ideal student, and he felt that this The world should be full of sunshine.

However, once he acted bravely, he felt that ordinary people like him might have encountered big problems even if they acted bravely.

Moreover, his family would also be implicated..........


"Bang bang!"

At this moment, suddenly there was a knock on the dormitory door.

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