When you reach Xu Jue's level, you know more than ordinary people.

Sujia Village is not an ordinary village. The old Su who is still alive in the capital is the old Su Hong from the capital, not Sujia Village.....

It is said that that one was from Sujia Village, and Mr. Su's two sons have a higher status than the other.

Now, there is another person in the Su family, Mr. Su's grandson Su Wen.

This one.

He will reach the status of Mr. Su's youngest son, and even longer. these years.

Whenever those big shots come to Qilu Province, Sujia Village is one of the places they go. This may not be because Mr. Su was born here.

It is said that people from the Su family occasionally return to Sujia Village.

Although the trip was low-key, every time I came back, it was said that when the big shots in the province got the news, they would send big shots to the"590", but they didn't appear in the news.

In front of Su Hong in Sujiacun, Xu Jue didn't dare to show off.

Instead, he respectfully called Mr. Su........

"Principal Xu, I'm here this time to cause you trouble."

Su Hong stretched out his hand and shook hands with Xu Jue, showing kindness on his face. He did not rely on himself to become the guest of a big shot even across the country, even in the provincial capital, and become aloof.

Xu Jue was excited. Said:"What kind words are Mr. Su talking about? We at Qindao University wish that Mr. Su could come to our school more and trouble us more.""

"From the 1980s to now, Sujiacun and our Qindao University have been cooperating for more than 20 years, and we are already as close as one family."

Xu Jue said happily

"Ha ha!

Su Hong laughed and said,"Then if you say that, I won't be polite today.""

"Despite Mr. Su's instructions, as long as we at Qindao University can do it, we will do our best to do it."Xu Jue said, patting his chest and making sure.

Back then, when Qindao University was in poverty, Sujiacun had already begun to rise. They approached Qindao University and collaborated on a project with Qindao University.

At that time, Sujiacun gave a One hundred thousand yuan of research funding per year.

You know.

At that time, it was only around the mid-1980s. For Qindao University at that time, one hundred thousand yuan was undoubtedly a huge sum of money!

Many departments, one year of research The funds are only so much.

Sujiacun is not a big spender.

"Then I'm welcome. Su

Hong heard Xu Jue's statement and said with a smile:"That's it. There is a child in our family who encountered some trouble at your Qindao University. I heard the news and came here specially.""


Xu Jue was shocked when he heard this.

Something happened to the children of Sujiacun at Qindao University?

How is it possible ?.......

He panicked.

Because he is the vice president of Qindao University in charge of daily work, every year when the school starts, people will pay attention to some students with special status.

Among them, students from Sujiacun are the ones he pays the most attention to.

Because everyone in Qilu knows that Sujia Village is the most united and the most defensive. As long as a person from Sujia Village is bullied outside, Sujia Village will definitely use the strength of the whole village to fight back.

This powerful force is something that few people in Qilu can withstand.

Even the most powerful people in Qilu are not willing to completely fall out with Sujiacun because Sujiacun is too special.

Even if they could win against Sujiacun, it would be a miserable victory.

Not to mention.

The old man in the capital is still alive, and that family is at its peak. Can they win miserably against Sujia Village? What about this one who stands up?

Therefore, in Qilu, people who have reached a very high level will tell their descendants not to have any conflicts with people from Sujiacun.

Of course, except for taking matters into your own hands........

Therefore, when Qindao University opens every year, Xu Jue will make people pay attention to see if any students from Sujiacun come to Qindao University.

If there is, it will definitely be focused on.

Now, Su Hong came to Qindao University in person and said that a junior encountered something in the school and he could ask Su Hong to come in person.

That junior is definitely Su Hong's direct descendant.

And what happened!

Can this be a trivial matter?

Oh shit!

Xu Jue cursed secretly in his heart. Why didn't anyone tell him that someone from Sujia Village encountered such a big thing in school?

He didn't even know that people were already knocking on his door. Was it because he was too kind in managing the school that he allowed these staff to be so obedient?

Xu Jue was angry 0..

However, facing Su Hong, he did not dare to show it.........

"Su, Mr. Su, I was negligent in my work. I don’t know what happened to the juniors in Sujiacun in school."Xu Jue swallowed his saliva and said respectfully.

"Not the descendants of our village!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Hong shook his head and said calmly

"ah! Not from Sujiacun? Is that yours?"

When Xu Jue heard this, he suddenly realized.

It turned out that he was not from Sujiacun. He thought that he had been negligent in his work, and the people under him were not telling him and digging holes for him!

Since he is not from Sujiacun?

Is that Su Hong's descendant?

Anyway, whether he is a descendant of Sujiacun or not, now that Su Hong has arrived in person, it is no small matter.

"Considered my junior."

Su Hong nodded after hearing this.

It was Su Can who called him personally. Even if this person has nothing to do with Su Can, Su Can's phone call means that he is paying attention to this matter.

And it is impossible for him to... Telling people like Xu Jue that this is Su Can's descendant.

It is related to the Su family in the capital.

If you say this, it will probably scare Xu Jue to death.........

Not only that, this was afraid that it would shock the entire Qindao, and even Qilu, so Su Hong decided to acquiesce in this 3.8-level relationship.

"Since he is Mr. Su's descendant, I wonder what happened to him?"

Xu Jue asked cautiously

"His name is Zhang Xiaole. This kid goes to school in Qindao. He went to work-study with his classmates on the weekends. Suddenly he saw a girl being bullied. His sense of justice exploded and he immediately went to help the girl out. After being hit a few times by the other party, he fought back. , and injured someone.

Su Hong said calmly:"However, the man he injured has a family background in Qindao. He called the police and asked him to pay 200,000 yuan. If he didn't pay 200,000 yuan, he would file a lawsuit immediately." he"


As he spoke, Su Hong took a deep look at Xu Jue and said,"It is said that someone in your school even approached him and said that if he did not compensate, he would not only sue him, but also expel him!"


When Xu Jue heard this, he was shocked.

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