They are very low-key, but they can't delay it. They are rich.

From a small county, or even a small town, an ordinary person in the village can become someone with several houses in Yanjing City. Her relatives are considered to be powerful.

Of course, Zhao Qingqing is a big help inside. but!

She also has relatives who hate her.

Among them, the closest person is her aunt, whose son was the first person to come to Yanjing City to help Zhao Qingqing's younger brother.

Later, I went out on my own.

This man had little education, but great ambitions. As Zhao Qingqing's status became higher and higher, he couldn't see the situation clearly and did some illegal things.

Then, got caught.....

Zhao Qingqing's aunt approached Zhao Qingqing. Zhao Qingqing was already the vice president of Tsinghua University at that time. She wanted Zhao Qingqing's influence and the students all over the world to help her cousin get away with it.

Zhao Qingqing refused. Not only that, she also warned everyone in the family that if anyone dared to use her reputation to do such illegal things.

She will be the first to report and become the accuser from a relative.

This also made her aunt hate Zhao Qingqing extremely.

In her opinion.

We are all relatives. Why don't you help your own family when you have such a high status? So over the years, you have severed all ties with the Zhao family.

Zhao Qingqing was also very happy.

It's better to cut off the relationship.

If she didn't know that her high status was involved, she would have been doomed long ago. If she had been doomed, could the businesses of her relatives at home be saved?

This is a bit far-fetched.

Zhao Qingqing's parents are not too old, so they are helping her with the children. As for her brother's wife, they dare not say anything.

Her sister-in-law is not an ordinary person either.........

In Yanjing City, the family was almost able to join the ranks of the third-rate families in Yanjing City, and they also knew Zhao Qingqing's influence.

Who dares to say this!

Su Can stood at the window, looked at the garden, and took a deep breath of fresh air. This morning, the air in the villa was still very fresh.

He looked at it for a while and briefly washed himself.

Su Can walked downstairs

"Mr. Su, breakfast is ready. Madam tells you to get up and let me serve breakfast to you."The servant Sister Le said.

"Serve it!"

Su Can nodded slightly.

This servant was recruited here a few years ago. Although this person came from the countryside, he was quick and sensible.

Su Can and Zhao Qingqing have been working here for several years. Not changed........


Sister Le immediately walked to the kitchen and served a breakfast.

The breakfast was very simple, just a simple white porridge, plus a few refreshing side dishes and steamed buns. This style is very similar to the breakfast style in Yangcheng.

Sister Le He is from Hebei Province and cooks mostly northern dishes. Later, after he got to know the tastes of Su Can and Zhao Qingqing, he went to learn them specially.

This is why Su Can and Zhao Qingqing are very satisfied.

"Sister Le, what happened? There is a hint of sadness between your eyebrows."

Su Can picked up the spoon, looked at Sister Le, and said with a smile.

He had already seen the sad look on Sister Le's brows. It seemed that something happened at home, but Sister Le had been a nanny for them for several years..

In these years, nothing has been lost at home.

Moreover, even if they don’t come here for a few weeks and suddenly come here, as long as Sister Le doesn’t take a rest, the home will be clean.

Not only that, she also She will not take advantage of Su Can and Zhao Qingqing's absence to do anything that goes against the rules, nor will she let other friends come.

These are all information obtained by the security observation in Su Can's hands.


Even if Sister Le is quick at work but brings someone back to this villa, Su Can will not allow her to stay here as a nanny for several years.

This job is very easy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because Su Can and Zhao Qingqing don’t come here often, working as a nanny here is a very easy job, but the income is not low.

Su Can and Zhao Qingqing are not short of money either. They are given middle-to-high wages in the industry, but their work is not more than one-third of their income.

It's easy.

Also, over the past few years, Sister Le will not just ask them for help.

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I brought some of my emotions from life to work."When Sister Le heard Su Can's words, she immediately bowed and apologized.

She now encountered a problem, and this matter had a great impact on her family. If she lost her job because of these emotions.

0 Please send flowers to her home But it's really going to be difficult.

Now, in addition to having to stay here during normal working hours, the rest of the job she is doing is simply a paradise in nanny work.

The workload is much less than similar ones..........

The employer and his wife gave him a lot of money.

Where can I find such a job?

Of course she didn't want it, because the incident at home would affect her current job.

"fine! Su

Can put down the spoon and said with a smile:"You have been working as a nanny here for several years. We all see your hard work. We husband and wife also have some abilities. If you really encounter something, solve it." If not, you can tell us and I'll see if I can help."

"We also don’t want things at home to affect your work. If you change your nanny, you may not be able to find a suitable nanny."

This is true. There are many nannies, but they don't have the awareness of Sister Le.

Su Can feels that if Sister Le leaves, if she wants to find a new nanny, she may not be able to find such a suitable one. Of course.........

It's okay to smash them in front of them. He knew that the nannies hired by a few upstarts were graduate students from Qingbei, and they were also very young.

Of course, this kind of nanny is not the kind who simply washes, cooks, and cleans, but is a tutor or the like. In addition to cooking, she will also take care of the children.

The salary they give is really not low. After one year, it starts at four to five million yuan.

This money.

For many Qingbei students majoring in liberal arts, they are very motivated. In addition, these families are all rich families, with assets of at least one billion or more.

For them, if they can build a relationship, they may be able to transform from tutors to middle- and high-level executives in the company.

"Mr. Su, me!"

Sister Le's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard Su Can's words.

Mr. Su and his wife live in such a luxurious villa. It is said that the price is tens of millions higher. They must be rich, well-backed people.

If they Help, maybe........

She opened her mouth excitedly, but thought about it for a moment, but that matter was not in Yanjing City. In the end, she did not speak, but paused..

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