Back then, why didn’t I know how to cherish the opportunity? missed.....

After all, I still missed it.

Fortunately, a few years ago, she made up her mind, mustered up the courage, and finally succeeded. Otherwise, she would have regretted it all her life.

"Yang Yan, call someone!"

Zhao Qingqing narrowed her beautiful big eyes and looked at Yang Yan behind her.

"Su, Mr. Su!"

Yang Yan said with joy on her face and nervousness in her heart.


Su Can smiled. Although he knew Yang Yan's thoughts and had no intention of capturing Yang Yan, Su Can never thought that he would treat Yang Yan with a bad face.

This child is also a good child.........

"Now that you are here, please sit down!"

Su Can said with a smile.

"Come on, Yang Yan, sit down!"

Zhao Qingqing looked at Yang Yan and smiled slightly. She pulled Yang Yan and walked towards the dining table.

"Aunt Zhao, me, me!"

Yang Yan was pulled by Zhao Qingqing, and she followed behind with her body a little stiff. A shy smile appeared on her face, and she quickly said:"You and Mr. Su are getting together, I, I'd better wait for you outside!"

In her heart, she wished she could stay and have a meal with Mr. Su! She had never had such an opportunity. However, she knew that on such an occasion, even Mr. Zhong next to Mr. Su Mr. Su's big 660 housekeeper is not qualified to sit down. Let alone him? You know, Mr. Zhong's identity is not simple either.


After she followed Aunt Zhao, she learned that Mr. Zhong appeared to be a big housekeeper, but in fact his net worth was almost tens of billions.

He is a top tycoon, with more net worth than Zhang Dahai and Chu Feng.

"Silly boy!"

Zhao Qingqing pulled Yang Yan to sit down. She sat next to Su Can, and Yang Yan sat next to her. She sat in the middle, and said with a smile:"I asked you to come here, the purpose is to be together. It’s just a meal, what are you doing out there?"

She didn't let Yang Yan sit next to her man Su Can.


She also had that intention, but haste makes waste. Her man didn't have that intention yet! She couldn't make her man angry.


Who let me fall in love with such a man?

If any other man had seen his woman doing such a thing to him, he would have been so happy that he would have agreed in a matter of seconds.

How could he refuse like this?........

However, if he was not such a principled man with his own ideas, how could I like him so much?

Over the years, I have been addicted to it and cannot extricate myself.


When Yang Yan heard this, her face turned red, and she wanted to agree in her heart.

"It's okay, sit down! You were not like this when you were a child, you were very courageous."Su Can looked at Yang Yan who was slightly embarrassed and said with a smile.


Zhao Qingqing also nodded and said:"As a child, I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, I would grow up and become so good-looking, even better-looking than a big star, with a better figure.""

"And we are getting older."

Zhao Qingqing seemed to be sighing.


Su Can couldn't figure out the meaning behind Zhao Qingqing's words.

He coughed a few times to hide his helplessness.......

This woman! are you crazy?

In front of the child Yang Yan, Su Can couldn't tell what she meant by saying these words!

Don't treat Yang Yan as a child. She has grown up and is an adult. She is also past the legal age for marriage.

Not only that.

This family is also extremely beautiful, not inferior to those big stars.

Isn't it just a hint to myself to take Yang Yan away?

Su Can was so depressed that his blood almost spurted out.

"Third brother, Principal Zhao, I will go out first to check on the security issue."Zhong Mingqiang, who was standing behind Su Can, also heard it. He has been with Su Can for so many years. He has also known Zhao Qingqing for many years. He doesn't know what this sentence means. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

This is simply a hint to your face.


These words are matters within the third brother's family. Although Yang Yan is not the one now, anyone with a clear eye can see that Zhao Qingqing wants to push Yang Yan to the third brother.

Maybe, Yang Yan might actually become a member of the Su family next.

That is to say, this matter is the matter of the people in the Su family. How can he get involved in this kind of thing by himself!

If you can run, run away immediately

"Mingqiang, sit down and eat together!"

Su Can quickly greeted Zhong Mingqiang.

"yes! Brother Mingqiang!"

Zhao Qingqing shouted

"No, not anymore!"

How dare Zhong Mingqiang stay? At this time, even if he was given ten courages, he would not dare to stay. This is simply a large-scale Shura field!


Are you kidding ?........


After finishing speaking, Zhong Mingqiang quickly ran to the door of the private room as if escaping from the scene of a disaster. He couldn't wait to open the door and ran out. He closed the door of the private room with his backhand.

"Whoops! Zhong

Mingqiang took a few deep breaths, pressed his chest behind him, and said,"It's too dangerous. As an outsider, I don't dare to hear too much of this kind of Shura scene.""

At this time, in the private room.

Seeing Zhong Mingqiang running away, Yang Yan's eyes were slightly confused. She stood up and said softly:"Aunt Zhao, why don't I go out too!"

Who is Zhong Mingqiang?

She is a rich man with a net worth of tens of billions. She is not qualified to sit here. She is just a secretary, and she is still here?

What is this!

She panicked........

"sit down!"

Zhao Qingqing took Yang Yan's hand and said with a smile:"Yang Yan, there is no one else here. There are only me and Brother Can. You treat us as a family."

"It's nothing for this family to have a meal together. Don't bring in those messy things from school or the workplace."

Aren't we a family?

Now, you call me aunt.

But once Brother Can agrees to my idea, Aunt Zhao will be a thing of the past, and we will be sisters from now on.

But, you are the fifth Just the sixth aunt.


Zhao Qingqing did not say it out loud, but when she said a family, she deliberately pronounced it in a strong tone, making it sound like she regarded Yang Yan as a family.

This made Yang Yan listen. , there is no problem.

On the contrary, her heart is full of emotion.

Her parents died young, and she has not experienced the love of her parents since she was a child. But at this moment, when she heard Aunt Zhao's words, she felt only an instant of maternal love in her heart. Yes.

As for fatherly love.......

She glanced at Mr. Su secretly. Although Mr. Su was a bit old, she didn't dare to recognize him as her father!

If you want to recognize it, think that your husband is the one.

Yang Yan said secretly in her heart..

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