Luhuitou private room, the door is open.

Lu Mingyuan walked in front, Huang Bei followed, and Zhong Xiang and Zeng Nianbei walked at the end. The group walked into the private room.

Entering inside, Zeng Nianbei immediately saw a group of young people here.

Among these people, there are men and women. but.....

There are only three women, which is not too many.

What's more important is that he knows those women. Although these women are not particularly high-profile people, their parents are billionaires and have a net worth of over 100 million.

Many people have exposed their identities, and countless people want to pursue them. Once they pursue them, it will save them ten lifetimes of detours!

Zeng Nianbei was not shocked when he saw them. He saw the fathers of these eldest ladies in their villa. It was reasonable for them to be here.

What really shocked Zeng Nianbei was that there were no other women among these people.

Of course, those women are not like these young ladies, but some models or starlets.

These top young men, why don't they bring some women over to have a party like this, eat and drink with them, and create an atmosphere?

You know, they are the top young men.

Not to mention those models and small female celebrities, they can also invite even those big stars and popular first-line female stars.

Now, there's none here.

Neither I nor my circle of friends would be so plain!

"Ze Ming, Uncle Su's son, doesn't like parties very much and there are some messy women here."Seemingly reading Zeng Nianbei's thoughts, Zhong Xiang whispered in his ear.

Uncle Su.......

Is it clear?

When Zeng Nianbei heard this, his eyes immediately caught sight of the young man sitting in the middle. Of course, this young man was not unfamiliar to him, but very familiar to him.

I am so familiar with this person.

Although this person is not as famous as Lu Mingyuan on the Internet, in the eyes of some caring people, this person is the real top boss.

He is Su Zeming.

At such a young age, this man has created the largest capital group in the country. This company is Capital Today, and the scale of assets it controls is as high as RMB 500 billion.

This company can be said to be number one in the country. Some foreign capital and domestic branches, such as Redwood Capital, cannot compare with today's capital.

Capital is too strong today........

Among the companies it invests in, there are Jingxi, Autohome, Weibo and Alibaba, as well as Didak Taxi and Group Buying Group.

Among them, Autohome has been listed, with a market value of nearly 100 billion yuan, and Weibo has also been listed, with a market value of over 100 billion yuan.

Jingxi is now a unicorn company with a valuation of 20 to 30 billion U.S. dollars, Dida Taxi has also reached 20 to 30 billion U.S. dollars, and group buying has also reached this scale.

It can be said that if any investor invests in such a giant group, it will be enough to make its reputation endless.

But Su Zeming has successfully invested in so many companies. besides.

Foreign companies such as Facebook and Capital Today also have investments.

It can be said!

Today's Capital is an extremely famous name in the capital circle, and Su Zeming is occasionally in the news, but this person keeps a low profile and is not included in the entertainment news.

If ordinary people don't pay attention to financial news, they won't notice this person.

This person is still among the top ten richest people under the age of thirty, but Zeng Nianbei feels that this person may be ranked number one, but he is just low-key and unwilling to reveal his strength. did not think of!

This man is actually Mr. Su's son.

Through what his cousin Zhong Xiang said just now, he immediately knew the relationship between Su Zeming and Mr. Su.

My son is so awesome........

His strength not only surpasses that of a group of top business tycoons, but how terrifying is his father?

Zeng Nianbei couldn't imagine it. this is too scary

"No wonder the richest man Lu and Zhang Qiang and Wang Er respected Mr. Su so much. Mr. Su had such a transcendent status among those people.."

At this moment, Zeng Nianbei suddenly realized something. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The son is so powerful, and the father must be even stronger.

He knows very well that Capital Today is not an old capital company that has existed for decades, but was only founded six or seven years ago.

This company is said to have been founded by Su Zeming when he was in college.

In other words, this property is not Mr. Su's property, which is inherited by his son Su Zeming, but built by his son himself. Then you can understand the horror of Mr. Su.

Zeng Nianbei looked over. In addition to Su Zeming, there was Zhang Ming next to him, the founder of Autohome. He didn't expect him to be here.

Is he also from this circle?

That's Wang Zuo........

One of the four young masters in Yanjing City!

This person is Zhang Suo, the top young man in Magic City. The headquarters of Dongfeng Logistics has moved to Magic City. It is a giant in the local area!

He's there too.

The remaining people, except for one or two, may be too low-key and he doesn't know about them, but he actually knows most of them, and everyone is a top young man.

It's terrible.

Each of these dozen young people has a strong background or strength. When these people grow up and completely take over their family's industry, then the meals of these people will be no less than those in the family. That dinner party in my own villa!

No wonder, the old man in his family said that the circle he was in was a low-end circle with nothing to show off.

At this moment in his heart, he was truly convinced.

To know........

Any of these young people sitting here, if they are in their circle, can raise their circle to several levels.

But here, they are just the most ordinary ones

"Then it becomes clear that the matter is resolved."

Lu Mingyuan walked in front, (the rich man) looked at Su Zeming, and said carelessly

"Mingyuan, what happened? Why did you guys go there and wasted a little time? I wish I had known earlier and let me go! Wang

Zuo curled his lips and smiled, saying

"Stop talking, I met Zhu Dachang’s son."

Lu Mingyuan said lightly:

Zhu Dachang?

As soon as this sentence came out, some people didn't know what Zhu Dachang was.

Zhang Chun's son Zhang Meng said:"You don't know Zhu Dachang, but I'm talking about that group. Name, you must know what it is!"

"The company is called Tengfei Group, Zhu Dachang is the head of Tengfei Group, and his son is called Zhu Xiaoyun."

Tengfei Group........

Hearing this name, everyone present knew that this was that company.

The Zhu family's company is called Ascendas Group. After all, it has tens of billions of assets. People like them have heard about it to some extent..

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