Zhu Xiaoyun was dumbfounded.

He looked at Huang Bei in shock, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Huang Bei actually listened to Lu Mingyuan's words so much, and it was he who deliberately provoked the relationship and agreed after making the stakes clear.

How can it be!

Doesn't he know that if word spreads about what he did, wouldn't it become a joke among the top wealthy families?

As a top young man, he listened to another person's words like that.

This is incredible

"Huang, Mr. Huang!"

Zhu Xiaoyun's face was extremely ugly.


Tang Xiaojie was stunned and shocked. He didn't know how to describe the shock in his heart at this time.

Leng Ye was also stunned, as if he had been frightened......


The onlookers were also shocked and gasped.

"How can it be!"

"Huang Bei actually did this!"

"Oh my God! It seems as if Huang Bei is Lu Mingyuan's follower. Lu Mingyuan just told him to do this?"

"It's incredible"

"Unbelievable 22"

"Is the relationship between the Huang family and the Lu family that good?"

"This is a strategic partnership between the two parties."

"If the relationship between the Lu family and the Huang family is so close, what a huge force they will be if they unite! shocking"

"is not that right?"

"If this news spreads, many people will probably be shocked."

When the news spread, I don't know if it shocked everyone's jaws. At this moment, Zeng Nianbei was really shocked. His mouth was wide open in shock and he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. Just now, he thought Lu Mingyuan's move was... It was a wrong move. Huang Bei was probably going to have some grudge against him because of this incident.

However, what he didn't expect was that Huang Bei was even more stunning than he thought. He actually agreed.

Oh my god.........

At this moment, Zeng Nianbei didn't know how to describe the shock in his heart. It was like a huge wave, sweeping over the sky and covering the earth.


He swallowed.

"Hello Lu Mingyuan!"

Zhu Xiaoyun did not dare to offend Huang Bei. Huang Bei really had business dealings with their family, but the relationship between Lu Mingyuan and the Lu family was not so direct. He looked at Lu Mingyuan and cursed:"You actually sow discord and took out Such despicable means to deal with our Zhu family"

"We'll see!"

He snorted coldly and dropped a harsh word.

"If you have any tricks, just drive over. Lu

Mingyuan said disdainfully

"Just wait and see!"

Zhu Xiaoyun replied, he has been completely embarrassed today. Not only that, but also caused the Zhu family to lose more than ten to two billion yuan in business every year, and the profit is a few hundred million!

This is really too much for their family. Not too small anymore........

You know, in A, even if there are many listed companies with market values ​​exceeding tens of billions, their annual turnover does not reach more than one billion!

As for the net profit, it is even less likely to reach several hundred million.

You know, in the stock market, there are not many companies with profits exceeding several hundred million.


He snorted coldly and walked towards the elevator.

Tang Xiaojie and Leng Ye immediately ran to follow them, and the few people who were following Leng Ye also ran over immediately, fearing that Zhu Xiaoyun and the others would abandon them.

If there is no more Zhu Xiaoyun and the others were blocking the powerful firepower, and with their arrogant looks just now, if they were targeted by Lu Mingyuan and the others, it would be over.

Among them, there are some people who have electrical appliances from the Lu family. If those who do business in the group are recognized by Lu Mingyuan, their goods will be cut off.

They will all be finished.........

When I got home, I probably had to be skinned by my parents.

However, they also thought too much. With their little ant roles, how could Lu Mingyuan remember them?

"Brother, are you okay?"

Lu Mingyuan watched Zhu Xiaoyun and the others walk away dejectedly, then looked at Zeng Nianbei and asked with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Thank you Mr. Lu for your help!"

When Zeng Nianbei heard Lu Mingyuan's concerned words, he felt a little proud in his heart, and quickly said:"I'm fine, they didn't even take action and my brother came."

"It's okay, if they dare to take action, we will kill them. Huang

Bei also said:

"That's right, Huang Bei's!"

Lu Mingyuan smiled, patted Zeng Nianbei's shoulder to show his closeness, and said,"You were invited to come to us by Uncle Su's name. You are one of our own. Anyone who dares to bully us is seeking death!"

"Okay, it means we have been waiting there for a long time, so let’s go back there first."

Zhong Xiang suddenly said.

He had already seen some people secretly taking out their mobile phones, taking some videos, and some quietly taking photos. Although there were not many people watching, they were not few either.

He was worried , if they continue talking, it will be easy for them to reveal Uncle Su's identity, which will cause some unnecessary trouble. What Uncle Su doesn't like the most is to appear in public.

His father Zhong Mingqiang is Uncle Su's butler, and he is Uncle Su. The security chief under my daughter certainly knows some of Uncle Su’s temper.

"Come on, let's go to the private room and talk."

Lu Mingyuan also came to his senses and nodded slightly.

Several people immediately headed towards Luhuitou's private room.........

When they walked away, the onlookers started to get excited.

"Today I saw a big scene"

"yes! The most top-notch battle between young and old, this is a 390 good show!"

"It's a pity that it's just a fight between the elders and the younger ones. The elders in their families are all big shots. They definitely won't care about this kind of thing."

"Yes, after all, these are conflicts between the younger generation"

"However, this scene is enough for today"

"I secretly took a few videos, and now some of them are blown away"

"Damn it! Send me some, I forgot to take pictures!"

"Ha ha! Then you’re in for a treat tonight!"

"No problem, that girl was pretty good last time. I’m going over there for a treat today!"

"no problem!"

As they left, many people secretly took photos of the conflict and posted some on some platforms.

And some were posted on some groups.

At the same time,

Lu Mingyuan and Zhu Xiaoyun were at Mingxuan Residence. As they spread, the conflict gradually began to spread and reached the ears of many people.

Among the rich people of the older generation, no one thought anything about it, but the conflict of the younger generation did not matter. What does it mean?

Many people among the younger generation are curious.

After all,.......

Although Zhu Xiaoyun is worse between the two parties, to many people, he is still in the top circle, and the Zhu family is also very powerful.

As for Lu Mingyuan, it goes without saying that he is a national husband and the son of the richest man.

Countless people are spreading the news..

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