It is now the beginning of 2012, and the development of Yazhou is not as big as it will be ten years later.

Although the place where Su Can and the others live is a villa area, there are actually some offshore villages nearby, and they have not been relocated.

Su Can didn't feel annoyed when he heard the sound of firecrackers.....

Yanjing City has not allowed firecrackers to be set off for many years, but Su Can still feels that the sound of firecrackers during festivals is the real flavor of the New Year.

However, Su Can does not agree or oppose the ban on firecrackers in the city.

The buildings in the city are too close together. It would be really dangerous if every household put them up. If a fire broke out, it would definitely not be just one or two houses during the holidays.

But it’s a patchwork, and firefighters may not be too busy.

However, it would also be a great thing if we could set off firecrackers in every area or in a park so that people could set off firecrackers during New Years and holidays.

Su Can got up and washed briefly.

Winter in Yazhou is not cold.

Today, it is only over 20 degrees and the sun is shining brightly.

Su Can went downstairs and saw only his daughter Su Duoer and no one else.

"My sister-in-law is back, and she is at the second uncle's side. My mother, brother and sister-in-law brought their nephew over there."Su Duo'er watched her father go downstairs, squinted her eyes and smiled.

Su Can nodded slightly.........

Returning to one's parents' home on the second day of the Lunar New Year is actually the same not only in Yazhou but also all over the country. However, in some places, it is the third day of the Lunar New Year.

This custom is different.

After all, China is a huge country with a vast territory, different winds and customs, which is normal.

"Why don't you go over and have fun!"

Su Can squinted his eyes and smiled.

In the huge Su family, there was only one girl in the third generation, Wang Su. It was only in the fourth generation that things got better. Su Can had daughters like Su Duo'er and Su Nian'er. Although the eldest brother Su Wen does not have one, the children of Wang Su and Wang Qiang also have a daughter each.


The girls of the fourth generation of the Su family either have not grown up or are not married, so now they return to the Su family Wang Su is the only one from my natal family

"Am I not waiting for you here?"

Su Duoer rolled her eyes........

Su Can walked over, sat on the sofa, and said with a smile:"Wait for me, I don't know what your little thoughts are. You are worried that your aunt will come back. When the time comes, let's work together to urge you to get married!""

"hey-hey! Su

Duoer moved to Su Can's side with a smile, hugged Su Can's arm, and said,"My dad still understands me and knows what I think.""

Speaking of this, she felt a little helpless in her heart. (ccdb)

Now in the Su family, among the girls who have reached the age of marriage, she and Su Nian'er are the only two. If her brother Su Zeming hadn't gotten married, everyone would have considered her The finger was pointed at the eldest brother Su Zeming.

However, now Su Zeming is not only married, but also has two children. That's right!

Two children.

The other one was born to Tang Xuan. Su Duoer didn't know that he had such a nephew. Ah! When she goes to Rongcheng, she will go to see her nephew.

The other Su family members also know it more or less.

Now that the eldest brother Su Zeming is getting married, the person who is urging the marriage falls on her, Su Duoer. Last year The rush to get married started during the Spring Festival.

This year, it is probably even more intense.........

I think she is a rich woman with a net worth of tens of billions of yuan, but at home, she has to face everything that ordinary people should face.

And she knows it too.

As a member of the Su family.

In fact, many people in the Su family, including her mother Huang Manyu, hope that she can find a well-matched person, especially someone from a big family in Yanjing City.

This kind of marriage can make the Su family stronger.

Especially her mother.

She hoped so even more.

Because her mother hopes that her brother Su Zeming can successfully inherit most of her father Su Can's properties, she needs to give her eldest brother Su Zeming more help.

The Li family where the eldest brother's daughter-in-law, Li Jianjia, lives, is one of the first-class families in Yanjing City, and it is also the family that her mother, Huang Manyu, feels is most suitable for her eldest brother.

She very much hoped that she could marry such a wealthy family.

Her mother could not be more supportive of the Su family's other ideas.

This is why.

Today, when my aunt Wang Su came back, she did not go there immediately. She knew that once she went there, such a topic would be discussed.

That's not what you want........(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for her father, Su Duoer has been the closest to her since childhood. This is not because her mother Huang Manyu takes her and her eldest brother Su Zeming away because of work.

It's because, growing up, his father, Su Can, loved him the most.

No matter what she wants, her father will try his best to satisfy her. In terms of loving herself, her father really treats her like a little cotton-padded jacket.

When it comes to marriage, his father's behavior is different from his mother's. He is not opposed to his marriage with the big families in Yanjing City.

But I hope that I can find someone I like.

Even if this person has an average status and no status, it's okay.

As long as the person is good and has no bad habits, his father will support him.

Su Duoer was very grateful and touched by her father's open-mindedness. When my aunt Wang Su and her uncle were together, I don't know how many people in the Su family objected.

One is a rich young lady, and the other is a poor boy.

Such a combination!

Not many people are optimistic about it.

I don't want this to happen either........

After all, as the only girl in the third generation of the Su family, aunt Wang Su can be said to be loved by all, and she can use everything she wants.

What's more, my aunt entered the entertainment industry and worked hard on her own. At that time, her net worth was not what it is now, but at that time, she had a net worth of more than ten to two billion.

What does that uncle have?

Coming out of the mountainous area, even though he has studied abroad and has a high degree of education, for ordinary people, he is not an ordinary person, but for a wealthy family like their Su family.

That's really no different from ordinary people.

Everyone in the Su family opposed their being together, and even the old man who loved his aunt the most was silent. Only at this time, his father stood up and supported his aunt.

Only in the end did they succeed.

And now, regarding her own matter, Su Duoer felt that although her father was very liberal, she would never let her father Su Can do such a thing when facing her mother Huang Manyu.


Thinking of this, Su Duoer's little face showed deep sorrow, and her face was as sad as if she had eaten bitter melon, and her face was hunched over.

She didn't even know how to face such a thing.

So what if I have a net worth of tens of billions?........

Faced with such things as urging marriage, I am afraid that no one in the world is any different from her. It is really a headache!


Su Can stretched out his hand, flicked his daughter's little head, and shook his head.

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