Qiandu’s news was also exposed....

The popularity of this news is no less than that of Weibo. It can be said that it is firing on all cylinders, with Weibo and Qiandu, the two Chinese Internet giants.

Soon, a large number of beautiful and powerful media forwarded these news.

It may seem like an unintentional repost, but in fact it’s all business.

The island country's power in Meilijian is not weak. The presence of Su Can in this life prevented them from acquiring Glenbia Film Company, but it allowed them to acquire another large film company.

In terms of media, they also have a lot at their disposal. only.

Compared to China, they did not dare to be so bold in Meilijian, because they had been punished by Meilijian many times and had long since become honest.

Back then, when the island country was at its most arrogant, I felt in my heart that it could be on an equal footing with Meilijian. It was said that the real estate in Dongjin could buy the entire Meilijian.

Melician turned around and gave him the Plaza Accord, which would attack the semiconductor industry of the island country and make it difficult for the island country to recover for decades.

Now, the economy is barely growing at all.

This is why 12, they are like grandsons in front of Meili Jian.

Later, with the rise of China, some smart people in the island country wanted to cooperate with China, but they were manipulated by Meili Jianyi, and those people were finished.

Some people even died.......

Later, everyone changed.

Today, the major chaebols in the island country are all like that.

News on Weibo and Qiandu quickly became a trending topic on many local social media, and like Facebook, although Su Can is the majority shareholder.

But there was no special explanation to suppress the news.

He didn't let Brother Gu, who had just formed an alliance, suppress the news. Instead, he let people follow suit and expose the news.

Compared with Weibo and Qiandu, Penguin has much less news.

The capital of the island country is not stupid. It is not yet the opening time of the Hong Kong stock market, and there are so many scandals. They and some securities leasing stocks are shorting Penguin. They are afraid that they have rented at a high price and have not sold them yet. The price will plummet. By then They sell short and make less money.

Because now is the evening of China.

It's different in Meilijian. It's daytime here, and the U.S. stock market will open in less than an hour. Of course, they don't have to worry.

Meili Jian, Wall Street.......

A man with a goatee and a typical image of an island countryman said coldly:"How many Weibo and Qiandu stocks did you get from those securities companies?"

This man is not simple, he is from the island country. The person in charge of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu at Meilikan is young, but he is a direct descendant of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu.

That's right!

In the eyes of those public intellectuals, those with foreign capital are superior. In fact, among these real plutocrats, only direct descendants are superior.

Especially the chaebols of the island country are definitely number one in the world in this regard.

Hereditary rule is very fixed in the island country.

Even if there is no outstanding heir among the new generation of these chaebols, they will find an outstanding young man from outside and make him the family's son-in-law.

Yes, you read that right........

In developed island countries, those so-called shabby customs are still maintained among the rich.

This kind of son-in-law who comes to their door is called a son-in-law and an adopted son.

Among the major chaebols in the island country, there are several generations of leaders who are sons-in-law and adopted sons.

This young man is called Sumitomo Daemon, and he is a direct descendant of the Sumitomo family. Otherwise, he would not be in charge of such a large industry at such a young age.

You know, the Sumitomo Zaibatsu has a huge business in Merica.

Opposite the Sumitomo gate is a middle-aged man. Looking at the Sumitomo gate, his body is slightly bent. This is very common in island countries.

A lot of their work is very solid.

Moreover, for ordinary young people to be promoted from an ordinary position to a team leader, the team leader must resign or die.

Over there, many people have worked in the same position for decades. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is why.

The island nation has the highest suicide rate in the world.

Because after working in a job for a long time, people become solidified. Once they are fired, they don’t know where to go after they get out, and they end up committing suicide due to depression.

At the same time, they are also a person of absolute obedience, that is, absolute obedience to their superiors........

"Our people have obtained some Weibo and Qiandu stocks through major securities investment companies such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Morgan Stanley, and Qianfen Investment Company."

The middle-aged man said respectfully:"Among them, the stocks rented from Weibo amounted to about 10% of Weibo's shares, and Qiandu got 11%."

"Today, the market value of Weibo is US$1.6 billion, and the 10% of the stock we acquired is worth approximately US$1.6 billion."

"The market value of Qiandu is higher. This year, Qiandu’s market value has increased a bit. It is US$3 billion higher than last year’s market value of US$45 billion. Eleven percent of Qiandu’s shares are worth about fifty percent. billion US dollars"

"However, it seems that some people at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Morgan Stanley, and Qianfen Investment Company want to short these two companies, which has led them to put forward higher than usual conditions, which has increased our costs by 100%. Secondly, the interest rate is one point higher than before, and our cost is three points higher in total."

Three points!

This adds up to nearly 7 billion U.S. dollars.

Sumitomo Daimon frowned slightly. 373

This time, it was not just Weibo and Qiandu who were short, but also Penguin, a Chinese company. The market capitalization of the social giant is higher than Qiandu.

In this case, the funds they have to spend will have to add more than 6 billion U.S. dollars, which adds up to at least 13 billion U.S. dollars.

And this time, several The big chaebols unite and provide not that much capital.

This is because when short selling, you don’t need that much capital. Many of them are played with leverage, and some are the highest, reaching several times.........

"Join Leverage."

Sumitomo Daimon said coldly:"At the same time, we immediately leased Penguin's stocks. Even if the price is a few points higher than usual, we must get enough stocks as soon as possible."

"As long as we get enough stocks, under short selling, the market value of these three companies will plummet, and our return will be several times more"

"Maybe, you can earn tens of billions of dollars."

Thinking of this, his spirit suddenly shook, and he thought of another legendary investment company, that is, the Vientiane Group. The financial crisis in 2008 brought down the Leiman Brothers and became a miracle that countless capital groups dreamed of. Make it this far.


This time, his Sumitomo Gate will also become such a legend.

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