what to do?

Su Zeming reached out and rubbed his head a few times.

This problem is really a bit of a headache.

A few days ago, Li Xueer from Thousand Points Investment Company came to Yanjing City, and then visited his father Su Can. His father Su Can called him. After he arrived, he learned that Li Xueer wanted to invest the one billion US dollars in stock quota. , handed over to Capital Today for distribution.

One billion US dollars is almost the market value of many listed companies in A.


One billion US dollars in Qianfen Investment Company is only one-twentieth of the financing amount, which is not a big share.

However, being able to obtain this amount of distribution is also a symbol of strength for Capital Today. Only CITIC has reached this level in China.

Other capital groups do not have that qualification.

Now, here comes the problem.

Although this is a recognition of the strength of Capital Today, it also brings some headaches.

Such as now.....

All the major customers are trying to get this share. Who will it be given to or not? That is also a big problem.

"How about this!

Su Zeming thought for a moment and said,"Invite all the big customers who have reached a certain level and want to buy Qianfen Investment Company's shares.""

"Mr. Su!"

Guo Kai was shocked and said hurriedly:"How big are these big customers, one or two hundred people, and all of them are called here?

Su Zeming nodded and said,"That's right, invite them all.""

"With so many people, won’t there be enough points by then?"

Guo Kai said cautiously.

One or two hundred people face one billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to more than seven billion. On average, it is about 50 million, which seems to be a lot.

However, compared with those big customers, it is really It’s nothing.

Because the largest of those big clients, the investment and financial management of today’s capital, is as high as one billion. Although they are not individuals, they are still big clients!

They also want to invest in this.

Such a large-scale There are as many as twenty or thirty customers in Capital Today.

These people alone........

This will cover all the one billion US dollars.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"It's just because you don't have enough points that you called everyone here?"


Guo Kai was stunned and asked in confusion:"Mr. Su, why is this?""

We didn't have enough points, so we called everyone here?


What do you mean!

Didn't we just call in fewer people because we didn't have enough points? Mr. Su's operation is a bit confusing. I don't know what kind of magic operation this is. Ah!

Su Zeming pursed his lips and said with a smile:"It's not a matter of equality but of scarcity. Since these shares are not enough for them, how about a fair lottery?"


Guo Kai was slightly startled.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"Call them all over and give everyone a number plate. When the time comes, after passing a certain percentage of the winning rate, only those who are drawn will be eligible to buy, and those who are not drawn will be eligible to buy. , they lose the qualification to buy. In this case, they have nothing to say."

"There will be no one who, because of Qianfen Investment Company's shares, will make some backdoor or bribe some people in our company."

If the water is clear, there will be no fish.

Su Zeming knows very well that many people in his company have been contacted privately by some big customers in the past two days.

Some people have even given some big gifts.

This kind of Su Zeming You know it without even thinking about it........

"Mr. Su, this is a great idea! Guo

Kai's eyes widened and he said excitedly:"In this way, those big customers who don't win, no matter how big they are, will have no use. They blame us for being unkind. If they don't win, then it's purely It's just that these people are not lucky enough!"

Su Zeming smiled and said nothing. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guo Kai looked at Su Zeming without speaking, and continued to think wildly, and said:"Mr. Su, the stocks of Qianfen Investment Company are so good. big sale"

"I do think that we should add a bundled sale to improve the sales performance of some of our financial management products!"

"After they win the lottery, what amount of financial management do they need to purchase from our company to be eligible to purchase shares of Qianfen Investment Company?"

"Maybe it can drive over 10 billion in financial management sales!"

This is about 1 to 1.5.

Let alone 1 to 1.5, I'm afraid it is a ratio of 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. Those big customers are willing to pay that high price to buy Qianfen Investment Company's stocks.

To know........

Everyone knows that if they buy this stock, they will make a fortune. within one year.

Not to mention doubling, as long as the economy develops steadily, this 50% increase is normal.

To know.

In this world, as long as the capital reaches tens of millions or more, and the annual growth reaches 50% profit, there are few financial managers who can do it.

Even, there are few capable people who can do it.

If you invest it, you will be a capable person.

Those who lose money can basically reach more than 70 or 80%.

Su Zeming glanced at Guo Kai indifferently. Although his eyes were as calm as an ancient well, such a glance made Guo Kai feel as if ice-cold water had been poured on his head.

Guo Kai couldn't help but shudder. this!

Mr. Su is angry........

Seeing Su Zeming's expression, he didn't know that he had said the wrong thing!

"Since you focus on the company rather than selfishness, I will treat these 270 words of yours as if you have never said them!"Su Zeming's voice sounded coldly.

"Mr. Su! sorry!"

Guo Kai immediately bowed his head and apologized.

Su Zeming said calmly:"Today's Capital needs to grow bigger and stronger, not by binding what customers want and asking customers to spend an extra penny. Only then can Today's Capital grow."

"What Capital Today wants to do is to allow customers to enjoy the growth of their assets and receive the most comfortable service, instead of being worried. If you encounter such a thing in a financial management company, ask yourself, will it happen? feel disgusting"

"When the time comes, will you still look for this company?"

These words are more of a warning than a warning.

As his secretary, it is very dangerous to think this way.

And Su Zeming does not hope that Capital Today will be like this in the future.

If so!

Then! , he would rather not, or even give up Today's Capital. For him, although Today's Capital is very important, he wants to prove it to the old man in his family.


If it goes against his original intention, then he doesn't want this company. That’s all.


He is not short of money, and even without today's capital, the loss is not big.

Once he fails, he will have to go home and inherit a fortune worth hundreds of millions of dollars. How can he care about the little gains and losses?.

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