A few days later.

Li Xueer first held a road show for Qianfen Investment Company in Shanghai, successfully attracting the attention of a lot of capital. Many capitals in China were very interested.

However, she was already in the Lion City at this time.

She only stayed in each city for one day, first going to the Magic City, then to Xiangjiang, and now to the Lion City.

However, there were countless people in Yanjing City who were moved.

At this time, Capital Today

"boss Zhang! I know, I know what you mean, our Mr. Su really doesn’t have time"

"ah! It's Mr. Li! Mr. Li wants to make an appointment with our Mr. Su? If Mr. Su can’t make an appointment, how about making an appointment with Mr. Xu?"

"Mr. Cheng, I’m really sorry."

"Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Pang!"

As Su Zeming's secretary, Guo Kai has received phone numbers from countless investors in the past two days. Many of these people are"387" clients of Capital Today.

In fact, several of them are large clients......

Their company's major financial management clients at Capital Today all have at least nine figures, and many more have as many as ten figures.

And now, the reason why they keep calling Capital Today is not for anything else, but because Li Xueer of Qianfen Investment Company launched a road show of Qianfen Investment Company in Shanghai a few days ago.

As the world's top investment company, which is about to go public, it is naturally favored by countless investors, who all want to get some of the stocks raised by Qianfen Investment Company before it goes public.

Now, the listing of Qianfen Investment Company is in China's stock distribution, and Qianfen Investment Company has been handed over to the two giants, Capital Today and CITIC.

As two companies, the distribution stocks in hand each have a quota of about one billion US dollars, which has attracted the favor of many investors.

Many investors came one after another, hoping to use their status as a major customer to obtain a certain amount of quota from Capital Today.

Don't look at the fact that Qianfen Investment Company has given a quota of two billion US dollars in China, but to the huge Chinese market, that is nothing.

It’s simply not enough for those big customers. and.

Everyone knows how good the price of this original stock is. Once it is acquired, it will skyrocket by at least 30% on the same day.

With luck, it can rise by more than half.

Who doesn’t want a business that is sure to make money without losing money?

It is precisely because of this that Guo Kai has received countless calls in the past few days, too many, too many. even.......

Many people have made connections within the company, and there are several vice presidents in the company who all hinted at inviting him to dinner.

Guo Kai felt extremely painful and happy at the same time.

"Mr. Su's background was too strong. Qianfen Investment Company only had a stock quota of 2 billion US dollars in China, and half of it was given to the company. Other investment companies with large state-owned capital did not have that share."Guo Kaixin was secretly shocked.

Although he had followed Su Zeming for many years, he didn't know much about Su Zeming's family background and many things. Su Zeming would not take him with him.

However, he knew the identities of some people around Su Zeming, those Anyone who comes out is extremely famous.

For example, his sister-in-law Wang Su is a Haolaiwu superstar!

And his sister Su Duoer is a unicorn company with a market value of more than 20 billion US dollars. , the market value is no less than that of Today's Capital. It goes without saying how powerful its family background is. You can guess it without saying anything.

And this time.

With the share given by Qianfen Investment Company in China, Today's Capital can be among so many capitals. , won half of the share, this background is not unpowerful.

Guo Kai took a deep breath, picked up a document in front of him, and stood up slowly.

After a while, he came to the president's office next door, which was Su Zeming's office

"Bang bang bang!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guo Kai knocked on the door several times.......


Then, he opened the door, and with a click, the door slowly opened inside, and he immediately saw the boss Su Zeming who was working seriously.

Looking at Su Zeming's young face, Guo Kaixin was very envious.

He was only twenty-five or six. At such a young age, he has created such a huge foundation. It is difficult not to be envied by people of the same generation or even the previous generation.

In the entertainment industry, there are countless female celebrities who want to support their bosses, but it is a pity that their bosses , never attend those messy parties.

By the way.

Now, Yan Jingcheng can even be said to be the boss of Tianxia Film and Television, the largest entertainment company in the country, and also a good friend of his boss....

In front of his boss, he has a very low attitude.

If your boss likes this, what kind of female star can you want?


My boss didn't have that idea. Later, my boss got married, and it was hard to extinguish it. There were many women who wanted to pounce on me.

After all, how many women would not be moved by a young and handsome man who is now in charge of hundreds of billions of assets?

It's a pity that the goddess has a dream, but King Xiang has no intention!

My boss Su Zeming is Prince Xiang........

"Why are you standing there at the door?"

Seeing Guo Kai slightly stunned at the door, Su Zeming stopped what he was doing, raised his head, looked at Guo Kai, and heard a calm voice.

"ah! Sorry, Mr. Su!"

Guo Kai woke up with a start and cursed himself secretly, why was he lost in thought at this juncture?

He walked quickly towards Su Zeming

"Mr. Su!"

While walking, Guo Kai had a troubled expression on his face, and soon came to Su Zeming, and immediately complained:"Since Mr. Li was in Shanghai two days ago, he held a road show for Qianfen Investment Company, and Announced that Capital Today will serve as one of the stock distributors of Qianfen Investment Company"

"In the past two days, hundreds of big customers have called the company. They all want to buy Qianfen Investment Company's stocks."

"Now 5.2, some people in our company are under a lot of pressure. These are all big customers. The least are big customers who have invested tens of millions in our company, and the many are even as high as one billion."

"Mr. Su, what should we do next?"

Guo Kai reported to Su Zeming. There is indeed too much pressure these days. Everyone is a big customer........

You can't say that customers who invest tens of millions in financial management in Today's Capital are not big customers, and they are not on the same level as those with 100 million.

It cannot be said that one with one hundred million is worse than one with one billion.

These are all big clients, and they will be treated as honored guests in any financial company. You can even meet the heads of many financial companies.

After all, the customer is God!.

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