Who would believe that the world's top businesswoman would actually make such an outrageous agreement, just like a joke.

Oh no.....

This kind of agreement is beyond even a joke.

As long as Zhang Man refuses to admit his guilt, what can Huang Manyu do about this matter?


In the end, Zhang Man fulfilled the agreement. She really left the Wanxiang Group and left the Wanxiang Group without any regrets.

Because she already got what she wanted.

For Zhang Man, although the person in charge of the aloof Wanxiang Group is good and admired by countless people, what she wants more is to become Su Can's woman.

In order to become Su Can's woman, she could abandon all these things.

None of these! so what?

Huang Manyu has become very valuable over the years in Wanxiang Group, and her entire net worth has reached more than 10 billion.

This was her net worth before she left Wanxiang Group.

Ten billion net worth.......

These are the market values ​​of the stocks of many potential companies purchased, which add up to nearly 10 billion, and real estate properties are worth billions.

By now, the more than 10 billion has already doubled several times.

Just these shares.

Even without her position in Wanxiang Group, she can still live very well.

Therefore, Zhang Man doesn't care so much.

However, what she never expected was that after leaving Wanxiang Group, her man actually gave her 10% of the shares of Wanxiang Group.

According to the market valuation of Wanxiang Group, it is as high as 200 billion U.S. dollars. This shareholding has reached 20 billion U.S. dollars.

Although this seems to be just the value of the shares, it is difficult to cash out the money on the books, but that is for ordinary ordinary companies.

For Wanxiang Group, that is nothing.

If you don't believe it.......

According to the current valuation, if you raise the price of these 10% shares by 20%, there will still be countless people wanting to buy it.

You know, today's Wanxiang Group has long been ranked number one in the financial circle and industry. It is a giant-like existence.

If it is listed, the market value will double, which is not a problem. only!

My man is not short of money, and he doesn’t want to go public.

Others don't know.

This Wanxiang Group was founded by Zhang Man following Su Can's words. He didn't know where the funds in it came from!

In the beginning, when Wanxiang Group was established, all the funds were owned by the man himself. these years.

These funds have not only increased hundreds of times!

This is even more.

It can be said that among the trillions of assets managed by the Wanxiang Group, the funds belonging to his own man must be at least trillions or more.

This was Zhang Man's guess. She didn't ask Su Can, but she knew that if she asked, her man would never hide it from her.

After getting these, Zhang Man was already extremely satisfied.

She didn't need anything else. who would have thought.......

Xu Yan did such a thing behind her back. Does this show that she is greedy and wants to annex Wanxiang Group?

This is also the reason why Zhang Man is angry inside.

"Mr. Su did not meet us in advance when he came to Xiangjiang this time. But tonight, after he attended Mr. Mu’s banquet, some of the top wealthy people in Southeast Asia wanted to meet with Mr. Su, but Mr. Su did not agree to meet them. This matter It shocked many rich people."

Xu Yan tried to say.

Zhang Man smiled and said:"Whether you see him or not is Su Can's own business. So what if the rich people are shocked? They are dissatisfied, so what?"


When Xu Yan heard Zhang Man's domineering words, she didn't know how to speak for a moment.

She found that

Zhang Man's words were so right.

Those rich people really didn't dare to resent Su Can like this. Su Can, the strength gap between the two sides is too big. How dare they resent Su Can?

They don’t have the guts. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After thinking about it, Xu Yan quickly changed her words and said:"They I really don’t dare, but our Vientiane Group is an important industry under Mr. Su’s control"

"More than two months ago, Mr. Su arranged for us to start an operation against the Sassoon family."

"Don't tell me this!"

Zhang Man suddenly interrupted Xu Yan.

Xu Yan paused........

Zhang Man said in a deep voice:"Xu Yan, you should understand that I have left Wanxiang Group now, although I still hold some shares in Wanxiang Group."

"However, now I am no longer a member of the company, but an outsider. You should understand what should be said and what should not be said about confidential matters in the company, and you should not tell me."

"I am an outsider."

Zhang Man said this word by word.

She spoke very slowly, almost gritting her teeth and saying these words. Although she was extremely disappointed with Xu Yan , Xu Yan was the most powerful person under her. She has trained Xu Yan, an excellent person. Of course she doesn’t hope that Xu Yan will make such mistakes step by step. In the end, there will be no chance to save her and she will be completely finished. If this happens


Well, that's a shame.

Zhang Man's words were almost hinting to Xu Yan, telling Xu Yan to stop and stop making the same mistakes again and again.

If this continues, everyone will be dead sooner or later.

She is very aware of her man's methods. Xu Yan is just a whetstone left by her man to Ze Ming and Jian Jia.

The function of a whetstone is that after the knife is sharpened, the stone has no use value.

By the time.

Xu Yan's life and death all depend on her man's thoughts. certainly!

Among the things Xu Yan has to do, look at those things and see if there are any things that should not be done or that completely break her bottom line as a man.

If these things are too serious.

Xu Yan is really going to die.

It's just that Xu Yan doesn't know this yet.

Hearing Zhang Man's words, Xu Yan's expression remained unchanged and she didn't think much about it. Instead, she simply believed that Zhang Man's words were a sign of compliance with professional ethics.

She didn't expect that Zhang Man's words were hinting at her........

Xu Yan said with a smile:"Mr. Zhang, although you have left Wanxiang Group, you are Mr. Su's woman and gave birth to a child for Mr. Su.""

"You yourself own 10% of the shares of Wanxiang Group. Within Wanxiang Group, you are the second largest shareholder. How can you be considered an outsider?"

"This is an important figure in the Wanxiang Group. If Mr. Su is not here, Mr. Zhang, you will be the real person in charge and the decision-maker of the Wanxiang Group."

"You are so polite and humble when you say this."

She hinted at Daocai in a roundabout way...

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