Is he really that generous?


Xu Yan was full of doubts in her heart.

She shook her head, trying to refresh herself, but she couldn't figure out why Su Can did this.

Why do you do this?

What's his plot?

But if he wanted to target him, he would have already targeted him, so there was no need for him to participate.

Think about it.

Xu Yan still couldn't think clearly.

She took out her mobile phone, looked at the number, and then dialed it.

"Jingle Bell!"

Soon, the call over there was connected:"Xu Yan"

"boss Zhang!"

Xu Yan said in a respectful tone.

Opposite was Zhang Man.

He was also the person in charge of Wanxiang Group and her boss. The reason why she became the person in charge of Wanxiang Group was because of Zhang Man's recommendation.

Without Zhang Man, she would never have been able to do this. She can't sit in this position.

Zhang Man is not only her boss. After she joined Wanxiang Group, Zhang Man has been supporting her. She has been working by Zhang Man's side for more than ten years. It can be said that she is very grateful to Zhang Man.Not only that........

In fact, in her heart, she hoped that the child born to Zhang Man and Su Can would become the person in charge of Wanxiang Group, rather than Li Jianjia and Su Zeming.

Whether it is her gratitude to Zhang Man 903 or her desire to continue in this position for ten or twenty more years, this is her wish.

Because after Zhang Man left Wanxiang Group, she didn't have many close friends. Although she established a map company and a taxi-hailing software, the company's market value now exceeds 10 billion US dollars.


In a financial giant like Wanxiang Group, if you want to find someone who is qualified and trusted, the only person under Zhang Man is Xu Yan.

Xu Yan knew very well that she wanted to do this. after all!

It will take more than ten years for Zhang Man's children to take over Wanxiang Group. If it takes longer, it will take more than twenty years.

This time is enough for her to still maintain her current position.

She feels this way both in public and private matters.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang, I called you so late and disturbed your rest!"

Xu Yan apologized.

Zhang Man smiled lightly and said,"I haven't slept yet. I just finished the work at hand. You call me now. What's the matter?"

Complete the work at hand?

Xu Yan is not surprised........

Although Zhang Man left Wanxiang Group, the map company and taxi-hailing software he founded are now giants in the industry.

That taxi-hailing app has even opened its doors abroad.

It can be said!

If it can continue to occupy 60 to 70% of the world's market share, its market value will exceed one hundred billion US dollars.

The potential is endless.

Wanxiang Group invested in the first round of angel financing for Dida taxi-hailing software, and also invested in the Series A financing.

Naturally, they will not miss this emerging segmented Internet industry. as far as I can tell.

Wanxiang Group has already made money by investing in Dida taxi software.

It was originally invested in an angel round with a valuation of one billion U.S. dollars, and then invested in an A round with a valuation of five billion U.S. dollars. Now, these shares have increased several times.

If it is sold, there will definitely be investment institutions and the like who are willing to take over the sale in a minute.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the future of taxi-hailing is absolutely unlimited, even if some people follow suit and start a business.

Unfortunately, no one can fight.

The main reason is simple........

Zhang Man is not an ordinary entrepreneur. She was originally the person in charge of Wanxiang Group. She is the top-notch in terms of capital and connections.

She doesn't even need investment, she has enough capital to start a business. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Her shares in Wanxiang Group alone have a market value of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, making her one of the top 20 richest people in the world.

What achievements can ordinary entrepreneurs make by following imitation?

It's not just a beating. technology!

Zhang Man is not a technician, but she is not short of money. The technicians she has found are the best in the industry, and there is no shortage of capital.

So now (ccdc)’s domestic market share of Dida Taxi, Dida Taxi can reach between 70% and 80% of the market share.

For the rest, Dida Taxi does not want them all to be destroyed, otherwise none of these small taxi-hailing apps will be able to survive if they subsidize taxi-hailing.

Zhang Man has many things to do every day, which is normal.

Xu Yan didn’t find it strange.......

"It’s nothing, I just attended Mr. Mu’s party and saw Mr. Su again. I suddenly thought that I haven’t called you for a long time and wanted to make a phone call to chat. Xu

Yan said enthusiastically


Zhang Man said without surprise.

She didn't know.

Xu Yan's so-called long-term absence from the phone and the thought of calling her were probably just excuses.

For Xu Yan!

Zhang Man still trusted Xu Yan very much at the beginning and loved her very much. It can be said that Xu Yan, this subordinate, was promoted and led by Zhang Man.

Moreover, he personally pushed Xu Yan to the position of the person in charge of Wanxiang Group.

If Zhang Man had not taken a fancy to Xu Yan, she would definitely There was no such opportunity.

However, now Xu Yan made Zhang Man feel disappointed.

Regarding the things Xu Yan did, his man Su Can had told him some time ago, but the meaning behind it was actually very Obviously.

That is, is there any hint from her Zhang Man in this matter? After all!

This Xu Yan is her confidant, and it was she who pushed Xu Yan to that position. Without her acquiescence, Xu Yan would do this

Is this something a normal person would think of ?........

When her man came over to talk about this, he was actually asking her whether Zhang Man had done this.

It was only then that Zhang Man found out that Xu Yan had done such a thing behind her back, which made Zhang Man extremely angry.

She was so angry that she wanted to slap Xu Yan.

At first.

If she was thinking about Wanxiang Group, she would not have reached an agreement with Huang Manyu in private, and she would become one of Su Can's women.

And the condition is that after you get what you want, you must leave the Wanxiang Group.

Zhang Man agreed. then!

With Huang Manyu's help, she finally succeeded and became Su Can's woman, fulfilling Zhang Man's wish over the years.

She was satisfied.

If she, Zhang Man, was really the kind of person who cared about the Wanxiang Group, she would have asked her subordinate Xu Yan to plan this position after she withdrew from the Wanxiang Group.


Why did Zhang Man wait until today?

As long as he turned his back and refused to acknowledge the private agreement he and Huang Manyu reached at the beginning. This agreement was not written in black and white. It was just a private chat between two people. There was no record. Even if he fell out and refused to admit it, what could he do? How about it?.

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