Looking for a doctor?

Is he unprofessional?

Did he just leave?

There was an incredible look in the eyes of this female star.

She is a little doubtful about life. this?

She is a delicate beauty with a hot figure. Whenever she appears anywhere and there are men next to her, they will look at her twice.

What's more, before directing and acting in this scene, she deliberately pulled her skirt down a little, which made it even more tempting.

The results of it.....

This man didn't even look at her. He didn't help her up after she fell. Is this man a man? There are professional men in the world.

She didn't believe that there was such a man in the world.

Not at all lewd. unless.

This man is a eunuch


The female star let out an angry growl. She felt that she was ignored by Su Can. For her, it was a great shame and humiliation. It was so insulting and disrespectful to her. She was a beautiful woman, but she was How could it be tolerated when people were so neglected?

She could also see that Su Can was not playing hard to get, deliberately attracting her attention like this. She felt that the other party was a rich man, having reached this status.

How could he understand, you You know 433 that I have evil intentions, and I know that you are pretending to be reserved. This kind of relationship is like a layer of paper, which can be broken with just one prick!

This comes from the interest between two people.

In the end, this person left in shock.........

"Oh shit."

The female star cursed secretly and said in a low voice:"I want to see who you are to ignore me and be indifferent to a beautiful woman."

A trace of hatred arose in her heart. The other person actually did this to her, so she would take a photo of this person and show it to her father, the financial sponsor behind her.

Who knows this person?

She didn't believe it. In this world, no matter how powerful the rich are, they still have some weaknesses, and they can secretly do harm.

For example, in their entertainment industry, other capital bosses can block them.

But if they have someone behind them, they are really not afraid. Capital bosses like them, because this is a different industry.

As long as they find out the identity of this person, they can find a funder dad who can manage his industry and use some small tricks to disgust this person.

It can be regarded as She was very angry.

She knew very well that someone who could (ccaf) make so many top rich people stand up to greet him was definitely not an ordinary person. She was not so arrogant that her father, the financial backer behind her, joined forces Get up, you can defeat this person.

At most!

It's just disgusting.


For her, a moment of nausea was enough.

For a big shot like this, their industry is so big. Even if they are disgusting, causing their industry to shut down for three to five days is enough to cause them heavy losses.


The female star snorted secretly in her heart and said in a low voice:"If you despise me so much, I will definitely let you know the consequences of offending me."

After saying that, she stood up slowly. She still pretended to be seriously injured and couldn't stand up in front of Su Can just now!

It seemed like nothing was wrong at all.

At this time, Su Can Su Can walked out.

Of course he was not a man who didn't understand the charm. He just disdained such a woman. Thousands of people would taste her red lips, and her jade arms would be used as pillows.

Su Can had no shortage of such women.

Seeing such a woman, No matter how hot and flawless the figure is, to Su Can, it is like a skeleton.

Su Can is not interested at all.

What's more ?........

Su Can saw a hint of ambition, calculation, and scheming in the eyes of the female star just now.

He knew that the other party did this on purpose, so how could he be fooled and let this woman succeed.

If he wants. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention such a woman, a woman who is more famous and more beautiful than this woman has many things, and is even cleaner than her. even.

If he really likes it, many forces in the island country will arrange for him some local characteristics in order to cater to Su Can.

It's similar to the real women's body banquet. The women who have been trained since childhood can be sent to Su Can.

However, Su Can never liked this.

Nice bite.

His taste is low.

Today's Su Can, any one of his women comes out, that woman is not a top figure in the industry!

His wife Huang Manyu, the head of HSBC, is the world's top female financial CEO. In the business circle, she is ranked among the top.

It is a famous presence in the entire business district.

Then take care of Chu Yiyi........

Today, Chu Yiyi is also a business tycoon. Her Chu Group is one of the best in the industry, with several listed companies under it.

The total market value exceeds more than 300 billion.

And Zhang Man.

After Su Can founded Wanxiang Group, she has been with Su Can. Now she is also Su Can's woman, and she is also a famous business woman.

Nowadays, with personal wealth, if you want to, you can be among the top ten richest people in the world.

And the remaining Zhao Qingqing.

Among the Su Can women, she has the lowest net worth.

But he is a world-class scholar. He was once the vice-president of a top university, and he has many talents all over the world. Now Su Can has invested hundreds of billions to build a top university for him.

Any woman like this who stands up is the most top-notch woman in the world.

This is worthy of Su Can.

That female star just now, that’s nothing.

Relying on those few ounces of meat........

Just want to hold Su Can?

What a beautiful thought.

Su Can shook his head and didn't think too much. Instead, he returned to his seat and sat down. As for the female star who just told her to find someone to help her.

Su Can didn't bother to speak and let people pass.

This woman, at first glance, was a fake, so there was nothing wrong with her. Su Can estimated that this woman might have walked out on her own by now.

Just at this time.

The woman had indeed just walked out of the bathroom. As soon as she came out, she looked through the tables and looked at Su Can in the middle.

Su Can sat between Mr. Mu and Bill. The three of them were chatting happily. Seeing them toasting with a smile on their face, there was a trace of hatred in the eyes of the female star.

"kidding me!"

She saw Su Can sitting, and when she came out, no one came into the bathroom. She immediately understood what Su Can had just said to her, saying that someone would help her.

Those words were... Play around with her, play tricks on her........ and.

He was afraid that he had seen her intention, so he played tricks on her like this. She was like a clown, performing in front of the other party..

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