This is what ordinary people think.

As for Su Can.

But it's different.

The female star thought that the hint of success in her eyes was well hidden, and Su Can didn't notice it at all. In fact, Su Can had already seen it.

This woman's face was full of utilitarianism, and Su Can couldn't tell.


This is the men's room, and the women's room is next door.

This kind of place.

Can the average person make a mistake?

No, this woman rushed over in a hurry. What was she thinking? Su Can knew what this woman was thinking without even thinking about it.

In that circle, there is no simple dyeing vat.

Unless there is capital support behind it.

Just like Wang Su, she was Su Can's sister. When she entered the entertainment industry, with Su Can around, all the major entertainment companies owned by Su Can were piling opportunities on her.

Anyone who dares to provoke him will have his hand cut off.

That's it!

There are also people who are greedy, but they haven't succeeded yet. As soon as they have greed, they are discovered by Su Can's people, and they are immediately destroyed.

Besides Wang Su, Tang Xuan was the only one left.

The reason why she is Tang Xuan is because she has Su Zeming.

At first, Wang Zuo, Lu Mingyuan and others thought that Tang Xuan was Su Zeming's woman. The two were close to each other, and Su Zeming had stood up for Tang Xuan several times.

That's it.......

If you said that Tang Xuan was not Su Zeming's woman, none of them would believe it!

Therefore, everyone thought that she was Su Zeming's woman. Lu Mingyuan and others gave Tang Xuan face, interacted with Tang Xuan in various ways, and signed a contract with Li Ming's Tianxia Film and Television.

Li Ming also felt that she was Su Zeming's woman. With all kinds of support, anyone in this circle who dared to unspoken rules for her would be severely punished.

Therefore, everyone felt that Tang Xuan had a strong background and that Wang Su's affairs were about money. Few people were so blind and dared to provoke Tang Xuan.

For the rest, many people worked hard to get a good role, and some even went to the investor's room to discuss the script until late at night.

It doesn’t matter whether the person living here is a man or a woman. in this circle.

It has long been known to everyone. after all.

Once the fire breaks out, this little thing doesn't matter, that's how they feel.

Su Can saw the utilitarianism of this female star. When he saw the woman falling towards him, Su Can could see that she was deliberately stumbling with her left foot and her right foot. it's too obvious........

Seeing that Su Can was about to fall on him, Su Can did not reach out to pick up the female star. Instead, he took a step sideways and avoided the direction of the female star's fall.


The female star suddenly fell to the ground and made a heavy sound.


The female star screamed in pain, with a look of disbelief in her eyes.


How is it possible!

She was about to succeed and fell towards this mysterious rich man. According to the script, , he shouldn't have taken action, a hero saves a beautiful girl!

Then, he fell into his arms.

If he deliberately showed off a few more coquettish ways and hooked up a few times, there was no one around here, maybe he could make rice here all of a sudden. The meal is ready.

He has become a wealthy man.

Those fathers who were funders in the past were too weak for him. In the future, he will not have to have so many fathers who are funders, and he will not need so many fake smiles.

After all, , who would sincerely accompany an old man who is dozens of years older than himself and the same age as his grandfather!

Who would sincerely accompany him?........

Others only saw my own glamour. When I was accompanying my father, who was the sponsor of age spots, did they see my hard work?

However, now the script did not go as she imagined. The other party actually dodged and made her fall to the ground.

Feeling the pain of falling from her body, she still couldn't believe that this was actually true.


Really not caught by that person. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Oh my God! this?


The female star swallowed her saliva, raised her little head, and in her eyes, a hint of anger and embarrassment flashed secretly, but it flashed away.

Her face was immediately covered with a painful and delicate expression, which I saw. A pitiful expression. Most men would find it pitiful when faced with such an expression.

"It hurts!"

She let out a cry of pain

"Are you OK!"

Su Can stopped and asked.........

"Sir, I, I seem to be injured after falling. I wonder if you can do me a favor and pull me up!"She showed a pitiful expression.

She had shown this expression in front of many fathers of funders. No father of funders could escape her expression. They all seemed to be captured by her.

On the surface, those people seemed to be A gentleman, but secretly, he was very playful.

She just hurt a little from the fall, nothing serious, but she wanted to give this person a chance. Maybe it was just an accident that this person avoided just now. Later, as long as he puts himself Helping her up, she no longer pretended to be in pain and couldn't walk, and she clung to him completely with her hot figure.

How many men could bear it.


Moreover, there was no one here.

She was secretly very proud in her heart.

As long as I seized the opportunity, and today I completely flew up the branches and became a phoenix. Others have no chance of that.

Sure enough, if it is yours, you have to fight for it. Otherwise, how could you have such an opportunity?........

Su Can looked at the fallen female star indifferently. Apart from anything else, the woman's posture when she fell was actually so tempting.

Is there any talent for this fall?

Su Can had a solemn look on his face and said in a deep voice:"Injured?"


The female star nodded fiercely and said excitedly.

Are you so excited when you are injured?

Su Can was happy in his heart, his eyes moved (Nuo Zhao) and said:"It looks like the injury is not serious."


The female star continued to nod fiercely.

Su Can took a deep breath and said:"Since the injury is so serious, I am not a doctor. I can't lift the person up casually to avoid causing you secondary injury. This is lifting you, which is harmful to you. That's not a good thing"

"How about this! I'll go out and ask if there is a professional doctor? Let them arrange for professional doctors to come and help you up!"

After Su Can finished speaking, he was too lazy to pay attention to this woman and walked out of the bathroom.


Seeing Su Can's back disappeared, the female star was dumbfounded. She was dumbfounded and looked at the empty eyes in shock. She had already Confused.

What did this man say?


What did he just say?

The female star was so confused that she even forgot for a moment what Su Can was talking about when he just went out..

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