Even if there were a lot of servants and security guards in the escape garden, Su Can wouldn't go.

Anyway, it’s not like I don’t have a house.....

In Xiangjiang.

Su Can has many houses.

The villas alone are dozens or more in size, and according to today's prices, they can be purchased casually for a few hundred million.

In the next ten or eight years, doubling or tripling will not be a problem.

The motorcade drove for more than half an hour and arrived at a villa belonging to Su Can.

It is also a mountainous area.

It belongs to a top-notch mansion. Although I don't live here permanently, it is often tidied up. Su Can got out of the car and entered the villa.

It really doesn't have that unpopular smell that no one has lived in for a long time. here.......

There are maids taking care of it every day, which is pretty good.

"Okay, I'll go back and rest for a while and get up again later in the evening."

Su Can told Zhong Mingqiang and went directly upstairs.

The room is on the second floor and is not small. It is about forty or fifty square meters in size. It is a pure apartment area and does not include public stalls, although there were public stalls in Xiangjiang before.

But Later, it was also scrapped.

Su Can didn't change his clothes, just lay on the bed and fell asleep.

At this time!

Mr. Mu's office

"Mr. Wood! The private plane you asked us to stare at successfully landed at Xiangjiang Airport more than half an hour ago."

The secretary said respectfully.

He had some doubts in his heart. There were so many people coming to the banquet this time. They were all rich people. Some of them were worth hundreds of billions.

Why didn't Mr. Mu pay attention to those people? even.......

The richest man in China, Li Chaoren, was also coming back. Why didn't he pay attention to this? Instead, he paid attention to a flight. He checked and found that there was no big shot on that flight!

Do you need to pay so much attention?

How strange.

However, the secretary did not dare to say it


After hearing the secretary's words, Mr. Mu took a deep breath and exhaled a long breath. The hanging heart in his heart finally relaxed.


He was finally relieved.

When the person finally came, he was worried that something unexpected had happened.

It didn't mean that the person wouldn't come. As far as he knew, that person was absolutely true to his word, and everything he agreed to could be done. What he is worried about is that because of weather problems or other problems that have affected that person's schedule, he will not be able to attend tonight's banquet.


This is a big accident........

He knew very well that although his status was not low, he did not have that much face to invite so many wealthy people at once.

If these rich people join together, they can shake up the world economy.

If these people unite and form an alliance or something, they will be many times more powerful than those ancient organizations.

Therefore, with such a large scale, everyone is here because of that person, if he is not there or unable to attend the banquet.

Things are big.

It is estimated that everyone will be gone soon.

What kind of banquet will be held?

Go out of business!

Now that this person has arrived, everything is ready and he no longer owes the east wind.

Mr. Mu looked through the window and looked at the weather outside. Although it was approaching dusk, the sky today was still blue.

It’s such a nice weather today! good days.......

"Go and prepare. Remember, nothing will go wrong at tonight's banquet. If anything goes wrong, I will only ask you. Mr.

Mu said coldly


The secretary said respectfully and quickly withdrew.


Mr. Mu exhaled a breath and slowly sat on the chair. He knew that after tonight, his position could continue.

This is stable. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

At this time, in the huge city of Xiangjiang, there are usually a lot of luxury cars.

All kinds of luxury cars are not uncommon in Xiangjiang.

However, today, many ordinary citizens of Xiangjiang suddenly discovered that there were suddenly more luxury cars on the road. Many luxury cars. The cars are all worth millions, or even tens of millions.


These cars are not the kind that appear alone or two, but once they appear, they form a fleet. There are very many. Many. Everyone was shocked........

"What day is it today? Why are there so many luxury cars!"

"From just now to now, I have seen several cars, all of which are worth several million dollars, and they are all the fleet type!"

"Yes, why are there so many cars?"

"These luxury cars! All are big names"

"Although there are usually a lot of cars, it is difficult to see so many luxury cars like today, and they are all for business."


"Wait a minute, have you noticed that although you usually see these business-type luxury cars, they are not too many. Most of them are sports cars, but today it is a bit strange?"

"What's so strange?"

"yes! Is there any wonder? Our city, Xiangjiang, is also an international metropolis, and its density of wealthy people ranks first in the world."

"Although our density of billionaires ranks first in the world, there are too many business luxury cars today! On the contrary, there are a lot fewer sports cars."

"Huh! It’s really like that!"

"what's up?"


Many ordinary people in Xiangjiang are extremely confused.

In normal times, what they see are many of the sports cars of young and old. These cars are popular and blow up the streets, and it is impossible for many people not to notice.

But today , these people are a little strange. Those sports cars seem to have broken down today. There are not many people on the street, driving sports cars around to pick up girls.

This is very strange.

In normal times, those young men are not so safe. People!

Could they be so quiet?

What happened.

Someone posted it on the Internet, and it immediately resonated with many people. After many people saw it, they all noticed something unusual.

It was very strange........

What's going on.

Such a post actually became one of the top ten most searched news. Many people clicked on it and were curious about what was going on.

In Xiangjiang, some rich young men like Wang Zuo, who are like national husbands, also like to show off on social media. They also have many fans on social media.

Some fans immediately commented on their latest post out of curiosity, wondering why they were so quiet today. and!

Many of them don’t post on Weibo.

This silent atmosphere attracted countless fans to ask why. at this time.

A young man whose family is a listed company in Xiangjiang saw his fans on social media asking him why he was so quiet today.

He was speechless.......

Next to him, there were five or six Xiangjiang young men whose status was not inferior to his.

At this time, they were also looking at their phones and social media. After seeing fans asking questions, they were all speechless..

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